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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. I had an idea, but couldn't get all of it on paper so gave up. So I voted for black mage's Post Apocalyptic Future Dystopia story. Seemed like an interesting idea, mostly because I wasn't fond with space magic or ancient reptiles. I mean I like space games, but the ideal just didn't stick for me. My Idea was the religion vs. technology type story in the future, but I guess I'll just save the details for one of my future stories.
  2. He Marked, I was wondering if you can add a subtitle as well. ex: Title: Warriors Episode I Subtitle: The Legacy of the Prophecy Code The reason I said this was because when I put the whole name in the Game Title spot, Warriors Episode I: The Legacy of the Prophecy Code, The is apparently a character limit and the "e" at the end is cut off.
  3. Wow the phone version now looks/works 10x better Marked. Good Job

    1. Polraudio


      I usually use the site on desktop mode for my mobile. I have an option to trick the site that im using a desktop.

    2. Marked


      Does that work pol? Mine has the option but doesn't work. Because the mobile = the desktop version, but changes with the window width.

    3. Polraudio


      when i go on my ipod i use an app called "Atomic Web" its the only one i found that works so far. Safari doesnt work for me in desktop mode.

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  4. Lol I just notice you guys had this big convo, how did I miss that. :P Actually I have no campatiblity issues, but you are right performance is about the same. The reason why I use it is mostly because I can use Ruby 1.9.x instead of ruby 1.8.x. My menu system still lags because of Enterbrains lazy/cheap performance on RPG Makers engine. I support this, but the only problem we run into is wasting time studying a new engine. Which can be done, I'm about to get into Unity, how many other people would want to jump into something else when they are comfortable with RPG Maker.
  5. Good job Marked, keep up the good work. Fixed it for you bob :thumbsup:
  6. I am liking the premise to all of this. This does definitely make your site the most unique out of all the RPG maker sites, just got to everyone else to see this shit. You should be able to get a whole bunch of new members once this is all done, hopefully, especially if we can branch out to other engines as well.
  7. Ditto, although the majority of game we have are RPG based. Our general audience is just game making in general.
  8. Wow I was drunk last night; 3 shots of whisky and 3 shots of taquila/orange juice. Very strange football game

    1. Bigace360


      Nope I had a bear awhile go, but this was my first I actually drank and hopefully last because that was horrible.

    2. Marked


      Haha... did you get a hangover? I'm suprised you never really drunk it before. I used to drink a wee bit back in my early uni years but not really now. Don't really enjoy being drunk.

    3. Bigace360


      If being sleepy and extremely hungry for the whole morning up until 4 means hangover than yes. Had a headache in the morning but thats gone.

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  9. We always have this as well for RMXP: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/how-to-use-the-vx-ace-engine-in-your-xp-games Because of this we can completely forget about VX ace because the upgraded ruby was the only thing that was great about it.
  10. There really not much to say that Bob didn't say, so unless you pick a more superior engine then anything from the RPG Maker Engine genre the obvious choice is RMXP. I say RM​XP myself because I'll mostly be contributing coding to the game, because that is where I work best at. I would however prefer to use something more powerful, but that requires all of us to study it. Which I myself don't mind but others might be to lazy to.
  11. Bigace360

    Renaming an enemy

    Since it seems the question has been answered we can close this thread. If the OP wishes to reopen it, please PM a mod. :wave:
  12. File share and anything that makes team management easy.
  13. Oh well take your time, I say this a couple of months ago but thought you had already known so didn't say anything until now. I guess no one else used this feature or they would of said something.
  14. I would love for a forum project to succeed, but they always get deleted. I voted for "it seems like it will work". It would might help to make a dropbox for the project in which we can all share using the shared folder function. The one managing the game would house the dropbox and everyone helping would have a shared folder to add files towards the project.
  15. Hi and welcome to the RPG maker community. If you need any help don't hesitate to ask. :thumbsup: Don't worry I don't have anytime for them either. :ok:
  16. lol I saw this 2 weeks ago when looking for something in C++ and stumbled upon this. I was about to post it here until I notice you had already done that 4 weeks earlier. Will test out in the near future though as I'm getting bored with RPG maker, plus irritated with Enterbrain's shitty work, and plan on moving on to some more serious engines.
  17. I've said what I thought about VX-ace in another thread year ago: I personally use XP, and don't even touch VX anymore since ace was released. Pol, and Heretic86 basically said everything else. This made me lol.
  18. Well I'm back after losing my internet by pushing my computer to quickly back into the area where I keep it. By doing this I snapped the Ethernet card's antenna. This was way back on the week before Christmas and I used the gift card to get a new one. I do have a laptop, but of course 5 of the keys decided to stop working for some reason and I don't have the money to replace the keyboard. And i don't really like to use my phone to write on forums. Clicking those tiny phone buttons can get annoying, which is why it was a pain in the ass to type that reply to Moonpearl early this week. Well I'm back now, and do have some more screenshots from my menu. It's about 1/3 finished, almost time to go back to the story.
  19. I was able to sync my twitter account but when I try to do the same for my Facebook account I get this: I tried on different computers and my phone and got the same error.
  20. jesus i think finding the design for my menu is harder than programming.

    1. Bigace360


      Also I'll be more active next week as I'm waiting for a new ethanet card as I broke the antenna on my old one by accident a week before Christmas. I'll explain better then.

    2. Polraudio


      Was starting to wonder where you went.

  21. Are you talking about a pop-up type book for rpg maker? If you are never seen one of those before.
  22. Wow they removed it already, that's weird. Nope Polraudio that was the only link I have, we'll just have to Google it for the laughs.
  23. [facepalm] my bad, I was being retarded as it late and I'm kind of sick. Just reread it and now up to speed. I'll check my folder in the morning to see if I have any tilesets. However, I think I was looking for the same stuff. Though I think in xp. Note: Marked we really should get a facepalm smile.
  24. I am planning on making my own boat/vehicle system, but that won't be until the spring because I need to get this menu system done. For now I think this should work for you: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php/topic,12745.0.html This script remakes rpg maker 2000 and has a vehicle script inside that you can easily strip and play around with. Hopefully this helps, if you run into errors I'll see what I can do, but I leave no promises. Edit: Disregard this I was being retarded.
  25. I saw this while I was on chaos projects and decided to share with ya'll. Introducing C+=, the official programming language for feminists!https://bitbucket.org/FeministSoftwareFoundation/c-plus-equality
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