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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. O_o the code is cracked!

    1. rgangsta
    2. Polraudio


      The one i cracked. Check his sig.

  2. I'll help, as an eventer and story developer How developed is the game currently
  3. The Storyline of Limit will Implode your mind

  4. :biggrin_002: 6-9-18-19-20 15-6-6 9 14-5-5-4 20-15 19-1-25 20-8-1-20 13-25 15-21-18 20-8-15-21-7-8-20-19 1-14-4 16-18-1-25-5-18-19 7-15 15-21-20 20-15 19-5-22-5-18-1-12 6-15-12-11-19 20-8-9-19 23-5-5-11 20-15-4-1-25 23-5 8-1-22-5 8-1-4 19-15-13-5 6-1-13-9-12-25 13-5-13-2-5-18-19 15-6 15-21-18 2-18-15-20-8-5-18-19 16-1-19-19 20-8-9-19 23-5-5-11 19-20 12-20 18-9-4-4-12-5 6-18-15-13 4-15-23-14 1-20 20-8-5 4-5-21-3-5 12-15-19-20 8-9-19 2-18-15-20-8-5-18 20-8-9-19 16-1-19-20 23-5-5-11 9 8-1-22-5-14 20 19-16-15-11-5 23-9-20-8 2-18-9-1-14 19-9-14-3-5 8-9-19 16-1-19-19-9-14-7 2-21-20 8-15-16-5 8-5 11-14-15-23-19 8-5 8-1-19 2-5-5-14 9-14 13-25 20-8-15-21-7-8-20-19 2-18-9-1-14 1-14-4 9 1-18-5 15-12-4 15-12-4 6-18-9-5-14-4-19 7-15-9-14-7 2-1-3-11 1-19 6-1-18 1-19 18-15-1-14-15-11-5 5-13-19 16-18-5 16-18-5 13-5-18-7-5-18 4-1-25-19 9-6 25-15-21 14-5-5-4 1-14-25-20-8-9-14-7 1-20 1-12-12 2-18-9-1-14 4-15-14 20 8-5-19-9-20-1-20-5 20-15 3-1-12-12 25-15-21 11-14-15-23 9 12-12 2-5 20-8-5-18-5 15-14-5 20-9-13-5 2 19-8-9-6-20 13-5-12-18-15-19-5 13-9-19-6-9-20 1-14-4 20-8-5-14 3-1-16-20-1-9-14 15-6 1 19-8-9-6-20 8-9-16-16-9-5 8-15-20-5-12 8-5-18-5 19-20-1-20-9-15-14 20-15 14-15-23 1 19-8-9-6-20 2-1-20-20-1-12-9-15-14 3-8-9-5-6 10-1-13-5-19 6-9-18-5-2-1-21-7-8 12-15-19-20 8-9-19 6-1-20-8-5-18 20-8-9-19 23-5-5-11 10-1-13-5-19 9-19 1-12-19-15 1 12-15-14-7 20-9-13-5 16-5-18-19-15-14-1-12 1-14-4 6-1-13-9-12-25 6-18-9-5-14-4 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 12-9-11-5 13-25-19-5-12-6 10-1-13-5-19 6-1-18-13-19 1-14-4 18-21-14-19 1-14 5-24-3-1-22-1-20-9-14-7 3-15-13-16-1-14-25 15-14 8-9-19 4-1-25-19 15-6-6 9 19-1-25 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 12-9-11-5 13-25-19-5-12-6 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 10-1-13-5-19 18-21-14-19 1 16-18-5-20-20-25 19-21-3-3-5-19-19-6-21-12 6-1-18-13 13-9-14-5 19-5-5-13-19 20-15 2-5 13-15-18-5 12-9-11-5 8-9-19 5-24-3-1-22-1-20-9-14-7 3-15-13-16-1-14-25 4-9-7-7-9-14-7 1 8-15-12-5 10-1-13-5-19 19-9-19-20-5-18 8-5-18 8-21-19-2-1-14-4 1-14-4 3-8-9-12-4-18-5-14 12-9-22-5 1-3-18-15-19-19 20-8-5 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7-1-18-4-5-14 8-15-19-5 20-8-5-18-5 25-1 7-15 12-9-22-9-14-7 16-18-15-15-6 20-8-1-20 19 13-25 12-9-20-20-12-5 16-5-5 23-5-5 15-21-20 20-8-5-18-5 4-15-9-14-7 9-20 8-5 1-14-4 3-15-15-14 1-18-18-9-22-5-4 6-9-18-19-20 15-14 20-8-5 7-21-20 23-1-7-15-14 1-14-4 12-9-20-20-12-5 16-5-5 23-5-5 23-5-14-20 20-15 23-15-18-11 3-15-15-14 9-19 15-21-20 15-6 20-8-5 6-18-1-13-5 20-8-1-20 19 16-8-15-20-15-7-18-1-16-8-25 20-1-12-11 1-9-14-20 9-20 19-3-8-13-15-5 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 8-5 19 5-19-20-1-2-12-9-19-8-9-14-7 3-15-13-13-1-14-4 1-14-4 6-15-18-13-21-12-1-20-9-14-7 8-9-19 19-20-18-1-20-5-7-25 20-15 7-5-20 20-15 20-8-5 8-5-1-4 2-18-21-19-8 6-9-18-5 20-1-12-11 6-15-18 1-12-12 25-15-21 14-15-14 3-15-21-14-20-25 15-18 18-5-16-15-18-20 15-14 3-15-14-4-9-20-9-15-14-19 20-25-16-5-19 10-21-19-20 12-15-15-11 1-20 8-9-13 16-5-5 23-5-5 14-15-20-9-3-5 8-15-23 8-5 16-15-19-9-20-9-15-14-5-4 8-9-19 2-15-4-25 2-5-20-23-5-5-14 20-8-5 18-1-7-9-14-7 13-21-12-3-8 6-9-18-5 1-14-4 1 3-9-22-9-12-9-1-14 21-14-19-5-12-6-9-19-8 19-1-3-18-9-6-9-3-5 4-15-9-14-7 9-20 1-12-12 1-12-15-14-5 1-14-4 23-9-20-8 14-15-20-8-9-14-7 2-21-20 1 7-1-18-4-5-14 8-15-19-5 20-8-1-20 19 13-25 2-15-25 12-15-12 19-15 23-5 8-1-4 20-8-1-20 9-14-6-5-18-14-15 20-8-5-14 8-1-21-12-5-4 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 12-21-13-2-5-18 25-5-1 8-1-21-12-5-4 12-21-13-2-5-18 23-8-1-20 5-12-19-5 23-15-21-12-4 23-5 21-19-5 20-8-1-20 1-12-13-15-19-20 1 12-1-4-4-5-18 12-15-15-11-9-14-7 20-8-9-14-7-25 1-20-15-16 15-21-18 5-14-7-9-14-5 6-15-18 25-15-21 19-5-5 15-21-20 8-5-18-5 9-14 14-5-22-5-18 14-5-22-5-18 12-1-14-4 23-5 18-5 12-9-11-5 19-20-5-16 3-8-9-12-4-18-5-14 15-18 20-8-5 25-15-21-14-7-5-18 2-18-15-20-8-5-18 23-5 7-5-20 1-12-12 20-8-5 8-1-14-4 13-5 4-15-23-14-19 1-14-4 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 20-8-5-25 19-8-21-20 4-15-23-14 19-20-1-20-9-15-14-19 1-14-4 23-5 23-5-18-5 12-21-3-11-25 5-14-15-21-7-8 20-15 7-5-20 15-14-5 15-6 20-8-5-9-18 19-20-15-18-1-7-5 19-8-5-4-19 14-15-23 1 19-8-9-6-20 15-14 20-8-5 4-1-25 18-8-5-20-20 23-1-19 15-6-6 20-15 2-12-15-7 3-1-13-16 1-14-4 9 16-21-12-12-5-4 20-8-5 20-15-21-18 16-18-5-16-16-5-4 20-8-5 19-9-20-5 12-1-14-4-19-3-1-16-5 20-9-13-2-5-18-19 19-20-1-11-5-4 20-15 20-8-5 7-18-15-21-14-4 6-1-2-18-9-3 1-14-4 8-1-14-4 19-16-18-5-1-4 7-18-1-22-5-12 2 19-8-9-6-20 8-5-12-16-5-4 19-5-20 20-8-5 2-21-9-12-4-9-14-7 1-14-4 7-5-20 8-5-18 12-5-22-5-12-5-4 21-16 1-14-4 20-15-4-1-25 23-5 3 19-8-9-6-20 7-15-20 20-8-5 13-1-20-5-18-9-1-12 1-14-4 2-21-9-12-20 1 14-5-23 18-1-13-16 6-15-18 8-5-18 8-5-18-5 1-18-5 20-8-5 2-15-25-19 1-20 23-15-18-11 23-15-15-4 2-21-20-3-8-5-18-19 14-15-20-9-3-5 3-15-15-14 9-14 3-15-13-13-1-14-4 1-7-1-9-14 12-15-12 23-5 8-1-4 20-15 2-21-9-12-4 1 14-5-23 18-1-13-16 2-5-3-1-21-19-5 20-8-5 15-14-5 20-8-1-20 3-1-13-5 23-9-20-8 20-8-5 2-21-9-12-4-9-14-7 8-1-4 1 9-14-3-8 12-9-16 9-6 15-21-18 18-9-4-9-14-7 12-1-23-14 13-15-23-5-18 23-15-18-11-5-4 20-8-5-18-5-19 14-15 23-1-25 23-5 3-15-21-12-4 8-1-22-5 4-18-15-22-5 9-20 21-16 15-14-20-15 20-8-5 18-1-13-16 1-14-4 9-14-20-15 20-8-5 2-21-9-12-4-9-14-7 14-15-23 9 11-14-15-23 23-8-1-20 25-15-21 18-5 20-8-9-14-11-9-14-7 2-21-20 4-15-14-20 16-1-14-9-3 16-1-18-20 15-6 2-5-9-14-7 1 7-18-5-5-14 19-20-1-20-9-15-14 13-5-1-14-19 20-8-1-20 23-5 1-12-19-15 18-5-3-25-3-12-5 19-15 25-5-19 9 8-1-22-5 1 16-12-1-14 1-14-4 14-15 20-8-5 15-12-4 18-1-13-16 23-9-12-12 14-15-20 2-5 23-1-19-20-5-4 9 8-1-22-5 7-9-22-5-14 20-8-5 2-15-25-19 1 19-20-18-9-3-20 4-9-18-5-3-20 15-18-4-5-18 20-15 19-20-15-16 16-12-1-3-9-14-7 15-21-18 7-1-12-12-15-14 13-9-12-11 10-21-7-19 9-14 20-8-5 18-5-3-25-3-12-5 3-15-14-20-1-9-14-5-18 23-5 23-9-12-12 11-5-5-16 20-8-5-13 1-19-9-4-5 1-14-4 19-5-16-1-18-1-20-5 20-8-5-14 16-12-1-3-5 20-8-5-13 21-14-4-5-18 20-8-5 15-12-4 18-1-13-16 20-15 2-5 21-19-5-4 1-19 6-12-15-20-1-20-9-15-14 4-5-22-9-3-5-19 23-5 23-9-12-12 20-8-5-14 13-15-22-5 20-8-5 21-14-9-20 15-21-20 20-15 15-21-18 18-5-20-5-14-20-9-15-14 16-15-14-4 1-11-1 13-15-19-17-21-9-20-15 2-18-15-20-8-5-12 1-14-4 21-19-5 9-20 1-19 1 6-12-15-1-20-9-14-7 4-15-3-11 2-18-9-12-12-9-1-14-20 12-13-1-15 23-5 12-12 2-5 6-9-19-8-9-14-7 1-14-4 20-1-14-14-9-14-7 2-25 14-5-24-20 3-25-3-12-5 1-12-12 11-9-4-4-9-14-7 1-19-9-4-5 1-12-12 19-8-9-6-20-19 8-1-22-5 23-15-18-11-5-4 8-1-18-4 20-15 7-5-20 20-8-5 13-21-3-8 14-5-5-4-5-4 2-21-9-12-4-9-14-7 9-14 8-5-18-5 1-14-4 9-20 4-15-5-19 13-1-11-5 1 14-9-3-5 1-4-4-9-20-9-15-14 2-1-3-11 20-15 12-1-19-20 4-1-25 6-15-18 1 13-15-13-5-14-20 23-5 8-1-4 19-5-22-5-18-1-12 22-9-19-9-20-15-18-19 2-21-20 15-14-5 23-5 9 8-1-22-5-14 20 19-5-5-14 9-14 1 23-8-9-12-5 18-5-20-9-18-5-4 2-1-20-20-1-12-9-15-14 20-8-5 3-1-12-12-5-4 4-9-19-20-18-9-3-20 3-8-9-5-6 10-1-13-5-19 16-1-20-20-15-14 19-20-15-16-16-5-4 9-14 9 8-1-4 20-8-5 8-15-14-15-18 1-14-4 16-18-9-22-9-12-5-7-5 20-15 4-18-9-22-5 3-8-9-5-6 16-1-20-20-15-14 6-15-18 13-1-14-25 25-5-1-18-19 1-19 1 16-18-9-22-1-20-5 1-20 19-20-1-20-9-15-14 1 20-8-5 19-20-1-20-9-15-14 1-19-19-9-7-14-13-5-14-20 9-20-19-5-12-6 3-15-14-19-9-4-5-18-9-14-7 20-8-5 3-18-5-23 23-1-19 19-15-13-5 15-6 13-25 13-15-19-20 13-5-13-15-18-1-2-12-5 25-5-1-18-19 2-21-20 23-9-20-8-15-21-20 1 4-15-21-2-20 4-18-9-22-9-14-7 16-1-20-20-15-14 23-1-19 15-14-5 15-6 20-8-5 8-9-7-8-12-9-7-8-20-19 15-6 13-25 3-1-18-5-5-18 23-5 18-1-14 1 12-15-20 15-6 6-9-18-5 20-15-7-5-20-8-5-18 2-15-20-8 19-9-4-5-19 15-6 20-8-5 20-18-1-3-11 9-13-19 23-1-19 14-15-20 21-19-5-4 1-19 9-20 9-19 20-15-4-1-25 19-15 23-8-5-14-5-22-5-18 23-5 7-15-20 15-14 19-3-5-14-5 9-14-19-20-5-1-4 15-6 14-5-5-4-9-14-7 13-25 8-5-12-16 23-9-20-8 18-21-14-14-9-14-7 1 3-15-13-13-1-14-4 2-15-1-18-4 5-20-3 8-5 4 10-21-19-20 19-1-25 20-15 13-5 7-5-20 9-14 20-8-5-18-5 1-14-4 16-21-20 20-8-5 4-1-13-14 20-8-9-14-7 15-21-20 25-5-1 25-5-1 20-15-4-1-25 23-5 4 3-1-12-12 9-20 6-18-5-5 12-1-14-3-9-14-7 2-21-20 20-8-1-20 19 10-21-19-20 8-15-23 9-20 23-1-19 4-15-14-5 2-1-3-11 20-8-5-14 18-9-7-8-20 15-18 23-18-15-14-7 9 23-9-12-12 19-1-25 20-8-1-20 2-25 18-21-14-14-9-14-7 1-12-12 20-8-15-19-5 6-9-18-5-19 1-14-4 7-5-20-20-9-14-7 9-14 23-9-20-8 10-21-19-20 1-2-15-21-20 5-22-5-18-25 3-15-13-16-1-14-25 15-6-6-9-3-5-18 15-14 20-8-5 19-8-9-6-20 9 12-5-1-18-14-5-4 1 20-15-14 9 7-15-20 13-25 6-9-18-19-20 7-18-1-2 23-9-20-8 3-8-9-5-6 16-1-20-20-15-14 23-5 23-5-18-5 6-9-18-19-20 9-14 15-14 20-8-5 3-15-13-13-1-14-4 3-1-18 23-9-20-8 18-5-16-15-18-20-19 6-15-18 1 13-1-14 20-18-1-16-16-5-4 9-14 20-8-5 2-1-19-5-13-5-14-20 9 23-1-19 1-2-12-5 20-15 7-5-20 9-14 6-9-14-4 8-9-13 1-14-4 7-5-20 8-9-13 2-1-3-11 20-15 20-8-5 4-15-15-18 20-8-5-18-5 23-9-20-8-15-21-20 1 3-15-1-20 15-18 13-1-19-11 20-8-5 3-8-9-5-6 3-1-13-5 9-14 20-15 8-5-12-16 13-5 7-5-20 20-8-5 22-9-3-20-9-13 15-21-20 9-14-20-15 20-8-5 25-1-18-4 8-5 16-1-19-19-5-4 1-23-1-25 20-8-5 6-15-12-12-15-23-9-14-7 4-1-25 21-16 1-20 21-22-1 2-21-18-14 3-5-14-20-5-18 2-21-20 25-15-21 14-5-22-5-18 6-15-18-7-5-20 5-13 1-14-25-23-1-25 3-8-9-5-6 19-20-1-25-5-4 1 23-8-9-12-5 19-16-21-14 1 6-5-23 15-12-4 20-1-12-5-19 1-14-4 18-5-1-12-12-25 19-5-5-13-5-4 20-15 5-14-10-15-25 20-8-5 22-9-19-9-20 9 13-9-19-19 8-9-13 1-14-4 20-8-15-19-5 4-1-25-19 19-20-9-12-12 8-5-18-5 23-5 1-18-5 10-21-13-16-9-14-7 2-1-3-11 20-15 20-15-4-1-25 1-14-4 15-21-18 12-21-13-2-5-18 8-1-21-12-9-14-7 23-8-9-12-5 15-21-20 19-8-15-16-16-9-14-7 23-5 18-1-14 9-14-20-15 19-5-22-5-18-1-12 15-6 15-21-18 2-18-15-20-8-5-18-19 9 16-15-19-20-5-4 20-8-5 15-20-8-5-18 4-1-25 1-2-15-21-20 12-1-4-4-5-18 1-14-4 20-8-5-9-18 14-5-23 12-5-20-20-5-18-9-14-7 23-1-18 16-9-16-5 9 13-5-14-20-9-15-14-5-4 20-8-1-20 20-8-5 5-14-7-9-14-5 8-1-4 23-1-18 23-1-7-15-14 20-8-5 14-1-13-5 9 22-5 3-1-12-12-5-4 8-5-18 19-9-14-3-5 15-21-18 4-1-25-19 2-1-3-11 1-20 1-19 13-5-12-18-15-19-5 13-9-19-6-9-20-19 2-21-20 4-9-4-14 20 16-15-19-20 1 16-9-3 23-5-12-12 20-15-4-1-25 9 7-15-20 20-8-5 19-8-15-20 8-5-18-5 19 15-14-5 15-6 20-8-5 23-1-18 23-1-7-15-14 14-15-23 5 1-14-4 1-14-15-20-8-5-18 15-6 20-15-4-4 2-15-15-20-19 8-1-18-18-9-19 7-9-22-9-14-7 21-19 20-8-5 23-8-1-20 6-15-18 6-18-15-13 12-21-3-11-25 15-11 9 13 7-15-14-14-1 20-18-25 20-15 23-9-14-4 9-20 4-15-23-14 8-5-18-5 1-14-4 19-1-22-5 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 6-15-18 14-5-24-20 4-1-25 9 14-5-5-4 20-15 20-18-25 1-14-4 7-5-20 1 12-9-20-20-12-5 18-5-19-20 20-15-14-9-7-8-20 2-5-6-15-18-5 1-14-15-20-8-5-18 12-15-14-7 4-1-25 9-14 20-8-5 6-9-5-12-4-19 20-15-13-15-18-18-15-23 1-14-4 19-16-5-1-11-9-14-7 15-6 20-8-5 6-1-18-13 25-5-19 9 1-13 7-5-20-20-9-14-7 20-8-5 3-15-13-13-5-14-20-19 15-14 20-8-5 6-1-18-13 8-1-14-4-19 1-14-4 14-15 9 13 14-15-20 7-15-14-14-1 16-15-19-20 5-13 12-15-12 9 22-5 1-12-18-5-1-4-25 20-15-12-4 25-1 20-8-1-20 25-15-21 18-5 1-12-12 19-9-3-11 9 13 1-16-16-1-21-12-5-4 1-20 23-8-1-20 19-15-13-5 15-6 25-15-21 8-1-22-5 19-1-9-4 9-13-16-12-9-5-4 9 23-9-12-12 19-1-25 20-8-1-20 9 22-5 6-15-21-14-4 19-15-13-5-23-8-1-20 15-6 1-14-15-20-8-5-18 1-4-22-1-14-20-1-7-5 20-15 8-1-22-9-14-7 20-8-5 7-1-12-19 15-14 20-8-5 3-18-5-23 14-15-23 5-22-5-18-25 20-15-13 4-9-3-11 1-14-4 8-1-18-25 22-15-12-21-14-20-5-5-18 20-15 23-15-18-11 6-15-18 13-5 20-8-1-20 19 20-8-5 7-15-15-4 14-5-23-19 20-8-5 2-1-4 14-5-23-19 9-19 20-8-1-20 20-8-5-25 1-18-5 14-15-23-8-5-18-5 14-5-1-18 1-19 5-1-19-25 20-15 12-15-15-11 1-20 3-8-5-3-11 15-21-20 20-8-5-19-5 20-23-15 2-21-13-19 20-8-1-20 3-1-13-5 15-21-20 15-14 6-18-9-4-1-25 19-5-5 1-12-12 20-8-5-25 1-19-11-5-4 1-12-12 13-15-18-14-9-14-7 9-19 23-8-5-14 1-18-5 20-8-5 6-1-18-13 8-1-14-4-19 7-5-20-20-9-14-7 8-5-18-5 12-15-12 6-15-18 20-8-15-19-5 23-8-15 4-15-14 20 6-15-12-12-15-23 18-5-7-21-12-1-18 15-18 11-14-15-23 20-8-15-19-5 20-23-15 10-1-3-11 12-5-7-19 1-18-5 15-16-9-5 1-14-4 2-18-1-14-4-15-14 19-8-5-16-16-1-18-4 6-18-15-13 18-15-1-14-15-11-5 3-15-21-14-20-25 1-12-12 11-9-4-4-9-14-7 1-19-9-4-5 20-8-5-19-5 20-23-15 1-18-5 20-15-16 14-15-20-3-8 8-1-14-4-19 15-14 20-8-5 6-1-18-13 20-8-5-25 3-1-14 8-1-14-4-12-5 1-14-25 15-6 1-14-4 1-12-12 20-8-5 5-17-21-9-16-13-5-14-20 18-5-7-1-21-18-4-12-5-19-19 15-6 20-8-5 1-20-20-1-3-8-13-5-14-20 1-14-4 9 4-15-14 20 8-1-22-5 20-15 23-15-18-18-25 1-2-15-21-20 5-13 14-5-9-20-8-5-18 8-1-19 2-21-19-20-5-4 1 23-9-14-4-15-23 25-5-20 11-14-15-3-11 15-14 23-15-15-4 20-8-1-14-11-19 6-15-18 20-8-5 8-5-12-16 7-21-25-19 25-15-21 23-5-18-5 12-9-6-5 19-1-22-5-18-19 15-11 20-8-1-20 19 5-14-15-21-7-8 1-14-4 23-1-25 20-15-15 13-21-3-8 6-15-18 20-15-14-9-7-8-20 23-5 1-18-5 2-1-3-11 15-14 23-5-4-14-5-19-4-1-25 21-14-20-9-12 20-8-5-14 19-20-1-25 19-1-6-5 1-14-4 9-14 8-15-21-19-5 9 8-15-16-5 23-5 4-15 3-1-16-20-1-9-14 23-9-14-5-19
  5. D: 'mon now good sprites take planning and patience the fast sprite i ever did took me a whole day, with a bit of finishing touches the next day
  6. Yup, i am having that problem now, my desktop can't connect to my laptop which is the server host, can you help me set it up in a way that my computer wont be completly jeapordized, maybe over teamviewer
  7. Finnaly got RMX-OS up and running, Im going to need need lots of help spriters, eventers, databasers, chracter creator, story creaters, scripters, etc.

    1. nanou-gr


      well good luck! if i can be of any help, just name it. i'm mostly a mapper, writter, but i can help:)

    2. laansolo


      I can get you a ton of scripts, but I'm not sure how well they would work with RMX-OS. BTW, sounds cool.

  8. Welcome to the Forums 23-5-12-3-15-13-5 20-15 18-13-24-16 21-14-12-9-13-9-20-5-4
  9. Alright, I am now running a succesful RMX-OS Server and Client with Blizz Abs installed... :biggrin_002: first in navicat right click local host and select open connection find where it says password and enter the password you used when configuring MySQL on your computer then go back to navicat and select "execute SQL file" where there is an empty bar with a button with three dots in it, click that and open RMX-OS SQL Database.sql which is located in the database folder in the rmx-os server folder then in the rmx-os server folder, making sure you have already installed ruby, open up rmx-os and it should run fine and stay open saying "RMX-OS server has succesfully started
  10. 23-5-12-3-15-13-5 20-15 18-13-24-16 21-14-12-9-13-9-20-5-4 I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head! -Alex Mason Welcome to....The forums
  11. If Ice Cream can get Pie and Cake to work together, well...It would rip the very fabric of ones tastebuds into shreds of bliss
  12. Haaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyy THANKS GIVING!!!! :biggrin_002: :alright:
  13. I should be working on my game, But Im playing Black Ops

  14. Enigma

    event making?

    Note: The "Show Picture" event command simply shows a picture you specified(choose) on screen.
  15. Ummm, Normally you can only set the move route for Players and Event Are you using any other script that puts party members on screen ie Caterpillar script? If you simply want to show the party members, you can show them as events and control the events, but this is a temporary solution EDIT: Unless of course you didn't mean to post this at all...
  16. Blizz is alot easier, but ever Since Blizz quit, I can't get any real support from him. I.E the stuff I want to do in Blizz, I can't specifically boss AI Blizz has really good monster AI, but to program a good BOSS AI its very complicated XAS is much better for boss battles Btw: I am a spriter now :D
  17. I can help with spriting, all though I prefer to take requests rather than make resources the only other sprites I make are specifically for my games so those dont get uploaded
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQwViGmy8Ao&feature=related :alright: I don't know if you guys know about this, but Moghunter's Released a new XAS, that is really sweet. I mean really sweet. Its more than just an Abs. I tried using XAS before but I switched to Blizz, but now the new features are just to good. Plus, since Blizzard has quit scripting XAS has becoming light years ahead of it. I'm planning on switching Limit to XAS :clap: . Don't get me wrong, Blizz is good to, but its not capable of handling what XAS can do. Blizz-ABS is probably not going to be updated anytime soon. Check out the website for more information. http://xasabs.wordpress.com/
  19. "So wait if that mewtwo was a trojan then What about my charmander." Pulls out Avast spyware detector O.o "OH Sh*** " Drops poke ball and runs "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE< ITS GONNA BLOW!!!
  20. "Hey, If I find a Charmander, I'm keeping it" :P I said running off into the remains of the P.M office
  21. Colleges Ive Applied to: University of Chicago Trinity University (San Antonio) Duke University (Trinity College of Arts and Sciences) University of Rochester Princeton University Boston University Remaining Applications: Stanford University Tufts University Rice University(Because I have to :angry: )
  22. it varies based on the day and the task I spend about 1 day to 1 week on spriting a single character ( still haven't figure how to do abs sprites yet) It takes me a long while to map, because I can't think of anything to map Story's are definetly my strong suit as I can spend little time on them get alot of it Events take a day to plan and a day to trouble shoot and I mainly work on games on wednesday(early dismissal) or the weekends unless im doing graphics
  23. the best things in life are free, especially two free tacos from Jack in the Box

  24. The side views are fine For back view make the yellow and red edits the same as the one for the front, but not the green ones now ima go to sleep cause i got school in teh mornin cya Crimson :alright:
  25. Yah The pic I posted was already modified, the red dots where the ones i removed from your original, the green dots maker more curved at the hips but also make her look skinner and might mess up her figure, so its up for u to decide what looks better keeping the green or not having it there by curves i mean instead of having straight lines go down the side of her pants, around the knee area remove some pixels on the outer side
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