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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. Enigma


    :sweatdrop: Had me worried there man

    1. rgangsta


      lol school for me is in a month...crap...so soon

    2. madanchi


      uni for me is in a month O.o

    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      having school :(

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  3. If you spend your time learning RGSS you probably won't have that much time to spend on your game :nono4: , so I recommend that if you need a system, event it :shifty: and if you can't event it which sometimes happens then there is probably a script for it :haha: I can help you with your story, but I'd rather talk to you one on one with it so meet me in the RMXP chat :yes: , I'm usually there when I'm online. :huh: Also, if you find you can't event something, I am a Master Class Pro Eventer so I could probably help you :alright:

    1. Kiriashi


      ... Just add water.

  5. Hey,, Kiriashi, when your done with this, can you make some sort of port town, you know just for the heck of it >:)
  6. Man, I have had Opera forever.. but i never utilize all its features yah know, btw i never use the preview thing because i usually have 13 + tabs open
  7. I think you should either tune down the enemy occurrence rate on the first map or make avoidable enemies on the map because i cant walk 4 steps without getting attacked The game is really well made but Broken you need to modify the maps ,especially in ashford academy, so thats its easier to know where to go. I spent forever looking for the club room its like navigating a maze some sort of mini map or simple obstacles to block the edges of the map that dont teleport you anywhere I couldnt tell there was a path from the girls academy compared to the boys size
  8. Lol, how do you double post a topic, Lol Good to have yah back Zeriab : ) also Y choose C# isnt C++ more industry standard
  9. has just learned of the "Change Equipment" Event command -_-

  10. Azure Ocean, is going to have a ton of side quests 2 for all 21 characters and 2 more for the final bosses
  11. The Management believes that the Rmxp Unlimited Community should consider the fact that the length of the demo is not as important as whether or not it is engaging and fun. A demo(nstration) is the first glimpse of said game that a player will play. Whether or not he/she chooses to show interest in downloading the full version, or waiting for said full version to be released is dependent on the "first impression" given by the demonstration. Because there is a multitude of non-commercial RMXP projects, these demos also serve the purpose of allowing creators to receive feedback. This is the normally this is in a beta test which normally comes out before the demo but since noncommercial games don't need a beta test, a demo can be released much earlier. Basically, once stability and gameplay have been taken care of then the length of a demo can be considered. The Management would like to strongly advise you to remember that this only a suggestion and is not set in stone for all persons.
  12. The Management would like to advise you Ecowolfsteen that you accept all criticism as constructive; if at any time you feel insulted, take 1 cookie from the cookie jar and take nap. The Management would like to state that it believes the woman to be wearing a jumpsuit of some sort. However, the Management would also like to mention that the clothes of the sprite should expand 1 pixel outwards as to cover the default outline of the sprite base.
  13. The Management will be attending school in the Senior year. The Management would like to express how glad the Management is at being so close to being out of the educational system
  14. The Management predicts that this topic will be filled with useless chatter as its purpose has obviously been fulfilled. The Management would also like to use this time to strongly advise Ecowolfsteen from continuing to post images that could be deemed "Ill placed" or attempting to encourage activities that could irritate forces that he does not understand. Thank You, The Management
  15. WARNING: DO NOT PRESS THE DEPOSIT BUTTON MORE THAN ONCE WHEN MAKING A DEPOSIT especially if you are depositing the entire thing The shop does not recognize when you have 0 points on hand and will deposit nothing into the bank, while at the same time reducing your points on hand leaving you with this
  16. Personally, I think that a demo should be long enough to introduce the player to the games features, and give a brief intro to the game Demos are Demonstrations, so they demonstrate how the game will be when it is completed.
  17. Hey marked, Can you add a Freelancer/Jack of all trades class :D
  18. If you don't have a back up, Don't format unless you want to lose everything, if ur HDD isn't isnt completely jacked up u can get a sata usb adapter and use it to get your data off that hdd
  20. :mellow: There is a ( blizzard, well I think it was blizzard )script for that, when I find it I will link you to it. There is a 32% chance it is a cms Custom Menu System
  21. :sweatdrop: Lol, I just helped eco with this event is all, he posted because he believed it would be helpful to someone.
  22. Man Rm2k3, Thats memories right der, :) Anywho, Welcome To Rmxp Unlimited now Go on ahead and do somethin! ;)
  23. Well There is the backup script by Wortana which auto backs up games :) But his game data is is not completely corrupted When You install new scripts it corrupts old game saves some times try deleting all the save files and then save a new one
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUawhjxLS2I If this was a movie I would watch it Anyone planning on getting Office 2010, if you do tell me how it is
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