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Official Member Yu-Gi-Oh Card Topic

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So, the thought hit me a while ago, when people started making their own cards. But, I decided to make this official as of now. For anyone who comes to this topic, you may apply to have a card made of yourself. You need only give me a picture that is at least 200x200 in size, and I will make up a card of you. Here's how it works:




1. Your RMXP Unlimited Screenname (you'll see mine is EmilyAnnCoons)

2. Your Attribute, which will be determined by your picture

3. The Pips of your account. I have 7, thus, I have 7 stars

4. The image of your choice. Nothing above PG-13 please ^^" It should also represent you the best (This is a self portrait of myself)

5. Your RMXP Unlimited Member Number. I'm member 2 on the forum, thus I am number 2 in the card.

6. Your type, also determined by your picture

7. Your effect which is determined by the number of pips you have. The higher your level, the more powerful the effect

8. Your attack and defense (ATK and DEF) which is also determined by the number of pips you have. The higher your level, the higher your ATK and DEF


So, here's the ones I've made up ^^





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Eh, why not? I'll give you a couple pics to choose from:





Please, choose a good one of the three that would look best.


For those who wish to know my choice of the phoenix: it has nothing to dow ith my return to rmxpu. It has to do with my personal life and brush with death. If anyone is curious, just post another thread about it, but don't post here.

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I don't really know what kinda picture I want in a card representing me, but would you make one for me anyway? :P You can put a golden retriever in it or something.

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yay! Added cards for Kiriashi, Leon, and polraudio. They're also in the spoiler in the first post. Also, now would be the best time to get a card from me, cause I'll be making the cards determined by your post count, and the settings that I imagine are set up for the pip count, as the pip count currently seems to be down. So, your card may be higher level then your pip count actually is :P


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That would be a sweet one Formelesstree


Love my card see.....

Well Kiriashi you better not go into defensive mode or you will lose 1000 life points. Wahahaha!

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I wanna be in a card, but I have no pics yet....I wanna see if someone could make an anime version of myself first and base it off of my RPG. :P

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Unfortunately, your image wasn't really one I could work with for a monster, so I made it a Spell Card. If you get me something else, I might be able to work with it better, though.



Your image was called "Syaoran Prince" so I figured a more "princely" effect would work. With such a low level, though, it was kinda hard to make an effect that fit a prince, but could still be low level.


@ Joey: Well, whenever you get me an image, I'll make you one :P I can make more then one card per member if you want your card updated at any point.


Now if only someone would reply to my Pokemon topic :P

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The pokemon topic is right here in this forum :P Also, I'll get to the new cards as soon as I can. The image you sent me, formlesstree, isn't working either. Can you download it and upload it to photobucket/imageshack or something?

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ROFL, formless, that is my desktop background. :P




@Emmy: I love my card! What does it do? lol



And whats all this about pip points and post counts?

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Unfortunately, your image wasn't really one I could work with for a monster, so I made it a Spell Card. If you get me something else, I might be able to work with it better, though.



Your image was called "Syaoran Prince" so I figured a more "princely" effect would work. With such a low level, though, it was kinda hard to make an effect that fit a prince, but could still be low level.


@ Joey: Well, whenever you get me an image, I'll make you one :P I can make more then one card per member if you want your card updated at any point.


Now if only someone would reply to my Pokemon topic :P


lol thats really cool

(hes not a prince though i dont know why the picture is called that :mellow: )

anyways ill try to get my posting up and stuff so i can make him better :P

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*pokes Emily with a stick*

Is she still alive?...

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Sorry, been busy as of late and haven't had time to work on the requested cards. I'll see if I can get them done today, though ^^ Also, about Ghor...I know nothing about Ghor...and I really don't know what to search for for him (I couldn't find anything good enough via the google search) can you give me a little info (like...game and so on?) so I can perform a more detailed search? (I could probably find a good shot, but I need to know some info about him)


EDIT: Got formlesstree and Gary the Duck done


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*whimpers* Me next! lol

EDIT: What's the site again anyway? I might do it myself, lol.

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Well, you also haven't given me anything to work with, Joey :P I need to know more about the character you wanted as your picture (although, I might just make one with Eureka for now and then get you another one when you get me a picture for it)



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Nevermind, someone else posted it in a thread. XD

As for my pic, go here and look up Helios. He's pretty interesting...:P


EDIT: Ok, it doesn't do very well to describe him...lol.

Anyways at the start of the battle he calls in tons of these tiny little bat-like robots called Swarmbots to surround him and act as a shield. Then he uses them to take on other forms like a ball or a giant humanoid stick figure thing...


Hey look, a video. XD



Hah! I made it myself! XD


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Hmm, I honestly would have figured something with Eureka would be more personal to you then a machine monster from a video game :P Remember, these cards are supposed to represent you.

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