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event freezing?


Hi :)

I have a small problem... The fire event freezes at a certain point (see the video)




I basicaly wnat it so the player starts the fire (if they have the flint & the log) to distract the guard, and the guard then moves.


Any suggestions? if you need the game files just say && i'll upload them


Thanks :)

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The game files would be useful just to show what you've done on this event, after that I could easily talk you through this problem.

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is attached (Y"


Edit: or should have been "/ link:

My link


and also, do you know of a way to switch between battle systems?

Edited by Tenoukii

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What do you mean switch between them? If you just want to use a different system you can get a script for it. They aren't hard to use most will have a few lines of comments that will tell how to use them, most are just plug and play. If you want to have more than one battle system that will be a bit more complicated, I'm working that out now myself.

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Okay I figured out the problem.

The guard event needs to be changed to through. (This lets the guard move through the events below him)

On the second page of the fire event, edit the move event and add a Through OFF to the end. (This keeps the guard from walking through walls if you have him moving again later)

Still in the move event you need to change it to wait for moves completion. (I can work out a way that you can move if you want the character to try to hide)

Also on the second page change the Trigger to parallel process. (Auto pretty much can mess up any event, always has)

This should fix all the problems.


If you just change the guard to through he will keep walking down through the wall.




I'm not to good with scripting yet so I'm not sure of a good way to do the thing with the battle system, I'm planning to use the tactical in my game for large wars and a side view for normal fights.

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ID:010 "Fire", Page 2, your trigger is set to Auto-Run.

Auto-Run events must always be turned off with a switch.


The reason it is freezing is because this event is constantly running over and over.

If freezes up your game.

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Actually Ark I tried that and it didn't work right for me, even in parallel it would stop at a certain point where the other tree events were. Have to have the target of the move set to through to let it move through the other invisible events that really shouldn't have stopped it (wouldn't have in XP)

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