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Code Library

Scripts, plugins & code snippets for your favourite game development engines

Skip Message Feature Script

By black mage,

There’s a time when we game-over-ed several times on certain game. The bad thing is, when we want to return to the place where we game-over-ed, we need to go through a lot of boring lines which we already read before. Sometimes we wondered if only we could skip these,…

Level Difference Exp

By xTsukihime,

This script allows you to specify a "level difference" exp modifier. It introduces a "level difference" exp formula which takes the level difference between an actor and an enemy and determines how the exp will be adjusted.   This means that the amount of exp that an actor gains from…

Simple Audio Encryption

By xTsukihime,

This script provides very simple audio encryption. It allows you to store audio files inside the rgss3a archive.   The data is decrypted and created outside of the archive when the game wants to play an audio file.   This means that while it is possible to easily copy the…

Battle Reactions

By xTsukihime,

This script provides functionality for setting up "battle reactions", which are actions that are automatically invoked in response to certain actions. A reaction is similar to a counter-attack, except instead of responding to any attack, it only responds to specific "reaction triggers" and responds with an appropriate "reaction response".  …

Dynamic Equip Slots

By xTsukihime,

This script allows you to add or remove equip slots during the game using
script calls. You can add or remove equip slots as many times as you want
using simple script calls.

Hi all. This is a custom FFX-like battle system. It includes summons, individual battle commands and many other features.   I hope you will enjoy it, and I invite you to report bugs and give comments, suggestions…   Originally posted at

Random Encounter Events

By xTsukihime,

This script allows you to run a common event when you encounter an enemy through "random encounter".   When the common event finishes executing, the random encounter battle will begin.   In this common event, you have the opportunity to run some extra logic before the battle occurs. The enemy…

Rock Paper Sciissors (Incomplete for Unity)

By FleshRenderStudios,

Just a small amount of script that outlays a basic rock, paper, scissors game.


Needs extra work to be able to be used in Unity!! (this is the base JavaScript version)

Resource Window Tracker

By FleshRenderStudios,

Hello everyone, This is my debut script in the section. I have never scripted in any RM Engine until now so I decided to start off really simple and make a Resource Window Tracker.   This is similar to what you would find in an RTS game that track's how…

Europa Universalis IV HUD

By Tigurus,

An upgrade of my Europa Universalis III HUD script. This one allows nearly the same features and more! It looks way slicker, allows for 4 player party information instead of 2, minimap, time/date system, Party information (Gold and Party members) and a Logo. Only the Achievement Points and Script have…

2D Camera Follow Player

By Polraudio,

This is a very very simple camera script that will follow the object named "Player"

Drago’s Advanced Camera Script

By drago2308,

This is an advanced camera script that follows the selected target and also offers complete control over the camera in real time though the use of triggers.
