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Code Library

Scripts, plugins & code snippets for your favourite game development engines

Galv’s Extra Agility Turn

By Galv,

The idea from Breath of Fire 3 where a high agility was very advantageous. High agility battlers get additional battle turns between normal ones.

Galv’s Quest Log

By Galv,

Another quest log plugin to give you guys more options (and because I wanted my own)

Galv’s Crit States

By Galv,

States caused on critical hits or misses. Not sure why it wasn't a default thing.

Galv’s Fishing Mini Game

By Galv,

This plugin adds a new fishing mini game to your project similar to that of Breath of Fire 2’s.

Galv’s Manual Level Up

By Galv,

Assign parameter points and manually level up party members instead of levelling up normally.
