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Stuff about the game trilogy I'm working on

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The Legend of Arcatis

So I was thinking the other day... Something that happened 2000 years ago is going to be remembered differently today. That's just how our minds work. None of us have perfect memories. And since I already have a partially true legend for the city of Arcatis, and there are 3 different countries in my game, why not make 2 other versions of the legend? Well I did, and all 3 versions of the legend have some truth to them. The truth is not, however, just a mix between all 3. There is a part to the




The Main Sidequests

Arcatis II will have a bunch of little sidequests, and 7 bigger ones. The 7 bigger ones are the only way to unlock the 7 Ultimate weapons, which can only be used by the main character of each quest. Each quest will deal with the character's past and/or their family. They can each be started at different times and places depending on the character, but they can only be finished after finishing the main story and defeating the last boss. Although their pasts are mostly already explained in the




Character Back Stories

I've already basically planned out the lives of almost every main character up until their death and/or the end of Arcatis II   In the first game, the three main characters clearly have nothing super special or secretive about their back stories. Well maybe Cathy's a little...and the part with Joe's gun, but other than that, nothing. Don't open spoilers unless you've played the first game.   Bob: Born in Silverwood Village. Joe is his childhood friend. The two are practically inseparable. H




Arcatis II Battle system is done!

Yea, this image has nothing to do with battle, but it's still related to the fact that the LUK stat is finished, which means the battle system is finished, thanks to Metaclaw.   Well...more or less... The point is, I can finally get started on a demo! I'll need to have it beta tested of course, something I've never done completely and correctly before out of laziness.   But not this time! I've said this before, but this game will be awesome...at least when compared to it's prequel...   Th




Arcatis II Demo

I plan to do a more traditional demo with this game. It will start by giving the player 3 options: -The first main quest This will let you play through the first main quest, "The Beginning" of course.   -Demo dungeon This will let you play through a demo dungeon featuring a couple different kinds of puzzles that will be in the full game.   -Item synthesis and stat maxing This will make you lvl 99, and take you to a place where you can fight enemies to get items for creating stat boostin




The Elves

The first new town in Arcatis II (New as in, it wasn't in the first game) Is an Elven village called Melodale. They live a bit like Hobbits, and have never gotten along well with humans.   I plan to explain more about their history, and the main villain's past in the third game, which might be called "Arcatis III: The War of Arcatis" See a pattern in the names yet?   When the player first visits the town, no one there likes them. Some so far undecided event happens which requires the player




The First Sidequest

So I was remaking Harry's house and thought about the locked door in there. Because of events in the first game that I can't say because spoilers, I made a sidequest out of it. In the quest log, I'll probably have sidequests separated into sections, like the main quest, and numbered. (i.g. if the quest was called the missing apple, the sections will be called the missing apple 1, 2, 3, etc.) The main quest is separated into quests that will take longer to complete than most of the side quest se




8/29/2013 - Intro, Update, and stuff

First of all, The Hidden City of Arcatis is finished if you didn't know. Here's the topic http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/6758-rmxp-the-hidden-city-of-arcatis/ If you find ANY bugs, please read this list       And if your bug isn't mentioned, let me know via PM, a comment here, or a comment on the topic. If you're willing to review the game for me, please do, I would love to know what people think of it.   As for Arcatis II, I have many great ideas for the story, but the things



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