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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Lol ok. Thanks for letting me know, but its the name we're going with.
  2. Yeah but its gona be way better..And btw, no data is going to be lost: I guess the plan is to get the staff using only GDU when the forums are more stable to use (which is just a few bugs) and then we have to make the decision when the right time is to make the switch. There are large number of components that make up the concept of GDU which have not been coded and will take some time to be developed. So while we can make the switch very soon, it may be have an undesired anti-climax effect.
  3. Yes I am aware. I had to stop development so I disabled login altogether and made a secret login url for staff instead.
  4. Hi all, Today is the day. Well not really, the day is in the unforeseeable future, but today is a big step in the release of the new site. By this stage its pretty much set in stone that its going to be called Game Dev Unlimited. My main objective is to get some traffic flowing to this page. So this topic is open for all GDU discussion, so long as you click this link: http://www.gdunlimited.net/
  5. fuck you parking warden. I was visiting my brother in hopsital. Seriously, fuck you

    1. Marked
    2. RageMage


      Parking Warden? I always heard them called 'People I punch in the head'.

      Hope you're brother is doing better.

    3. Bigace360


      Other then your comment being roflol worthy, I'm sorry about your brother and hope he gets better.

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  6. The warn status is a little meter that moderators can adjust when a member breaks the rules. It allows mods to keep track and give formal warnings. For example, if a member tripple-posts. Just kidding, but remember to edit your posts instead of posting again. :) Oh, and welcome to the site :alright:
  7. The threaten to commit suicide coz they're practically slaves? Sure they're getting paid, but it could be a few cents an hour. The suicide is because they're slaves, not coz they have 'deep issues'.
  8. So... you have no problem that the corporation uses slave labor? I mean they get paid, and I don't know all the specific details, but if 14 of your workers jump off your building and hundreds more are threatening as a bargain technique, i think its safe to infer its slave labor. And when i say 'issue', i mean anything as little as just thinking 'well that's bad'. Its horribly optimistic to think it affects anyone purchasing decisions, I just want to know if anyone gives a damn.. Lol yeah perhaps your right, but lets 'try' to pretend thats not an excuse
  9. If you're on this forum then you probably like video games. Do the ethics of companies who develop your gaming consoles affect you at all? Be it an acknowledgement of wrongdoing by the company to affecting your purchasing decisions. How about this headline Xbox workers threaten mass suicide And do you buy this: Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/6240515/Xbox-workers-threaten-mass-suicide
  10. If I download something 'illegally' that I wouldnt buy anyway (ie, everything illegal i download anyways), then I'm not hurting anyone. I'm not making the world a worse place. There's nothing morally wrong. Breaking laws is only morally wrong if those laws properly reflect what is moral. What is 'criminal' has to do with morals and society's values. Think of the marijuana vs alcohol debate. One is legal, and one isnt. One cause a lot more injuries and problems than the other, and yet its legal. Just saying, just because its currently a law does not mean breaking that law is immoral. Its ironic I used that example since I support marijuana being illegal. Therefore there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  11. Oh ok. Yeah no, i posted it that many times lol so thats not really an error. Its complicated. You see the theme is actually stored in the database, and I did this transfer so I could hook up the new site from my harddrive to this live database. So I am the only member on the forum using the new site's theme (so the new site works properly), and that caused the status error. I deleted the extra statuses but was unaware you could actually get notifications regarding statuses you have replied to.
  12. You could probably get a script to allow you to use both 4 frame and 3 frame sprites. They made them for VX when it come out so people could use XP sprites. Here's the one for VX, maybe someone could translate it for XP: http://www.rmxpunlim...?category_id=13
  13. The reason the forums were offline (for about 20 hours, and 10 hours the previous night) was because we were transferring databases. It was necessary to shut down the forum so no one could post anything, otherwise those posts would be deleted because they are not in the original backup that was being uploaded. It was a very time consuming process, but it appears to be a success. I tried to do it with most members would be asleep, but after 9 hours (at 5am) I gave up and went to sleep. And it took a further 4 hours to complete after I got up. So sorry about the inconvenience, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the long run :) If anyone experiences any database errors anywhere on the site, please report them to me via PM or in this topic.
  14. apparently there's a 25km fault located 3km from my house yaaay

    1. Marked


      lol ok bob. And aww you remember

    2. Calvinchun


      LOL XD... Happy new year!!

    3. Calvinchun


      LOL XD... Happy new year!!

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  15. Icons: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/gallery/album/135-icons-graphicsicons/
  16. Hi all, Since the last major upgrade the blogs have been broken. The error was mainly the fault of the software provider who finally had released a stable version and so our blogs system is back and operating. If you haven't already created a blog, you can do so here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/blogs/ The link to the blog is in the top-menu (you'd be suprised how many long-term members have never seen all of the menu items :P)
  17. Express Game Maker is pretty similar to what this community already uses. It is obviously my decision (although the staff have made recommendations of different engines) and I've never heard of stencyl. All my free time goes to developing the new website, I don't have time to play around and research potential engines. And that is a major problem.. Its clear that there's a lot wrong with this website at the moment. It wasn't too long ago that I was thinking about letting the domain expire and just calling it quits. I guess I appear lazy and just drop things. I'm trying to avoid any major modifications to this current site because they are just going to be deleted. I have identified all these issues, errors and bugs. But its more than just a useless forum or a lack of a forum, the entire website right down to its concept is flawed. Thats why I decided to create a entirely new website, and this one was some time ago.... I started this site in November 2010, and here's the evidence: My plans for it were so big that I decided to keep screenies of what it started out like, how it progressed etc. And the good news is, you will be seeing it sooner than you think (just wrote the following a few hours ago) So, I am working on it... just give me time. Its not easy doing this with a full time job, and studying for a completely unrelated double degree for 8 months of the year. Time is just way too limited (see what I did there?)
  18. It is a work in progress and should have been made invisible. Sorry for the confusion. I want to get a started guide going and provide support for AGM, but personally I'm way too busy and have more important priorities to do with the site. :/
  19. I remember our old admin posting such a script all the way back in '07. I uploaded it a while ago to the downloads manager: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=264
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