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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I tried to learning ruby when i was learning to script in RMXP, but I didn't really like it and couldnt get into it. Maybe I'm not much of a programmer, but I learnt PHP by messing with this site. Maybe I didn't catch onto OOP well, which is necessity in ruby (right?) but not PHP. So PHP for me, but thats only language I really know aside from the other minor languages you need to know when making a website.
  2. Marked

    Where were you?

    This time last year, I was working 6 days a week so time off for me was rare. Of course the new years is a public holiday so I got 4 days off work to just relax in the sun all day, it was great Its Summer here in New Zealand at this time. My plans for 2011 mainly involved study related things, which were badly interrupted when a quake (on just the 2nd day of uni for the year) made our campus inaccessible and despite getting an A+ that semester, my grades were down on last year. In fact overnight we had a 5.1 and 5.5 aftershock which is plenty to wake you up. I also had plans to release a new website at gdunlimited.net to replace this one which I started at the end of 2010. For several reasons the project stopped and started development. Largely through lack of motivation, and partly through the difficulty of code required to achieve the level of forum integration I wanted. I have a lot of goals for this year, mostly personal, but it would be awesome to release that new site live in 2012 having started it in 2010. Oh, and it being a success should probably be on the list too :P
  3. Also, if you plan something and go a head and make it quickly, efficiently, etc. Well that is great if you're getting paid, but there is little learning value from that. If you try to make something you have never made before, then its certain you're going to make better the 2nd time you try. I have done very few PHP (or any other language) tutorials, and I'm attempting to write an entire website from scratch (including forum integration). The problem with when I started doing web design for money is that it doesn't leave much room for learning. Sure there is some, but you have deadlines and if you don't get it right sooner rather than later, you're in a bit trouble. So its much harder to learn new things as fast as when you messing around with your own projects.
  4. I don't generally plan things. When I do something its to achieve one purpose, eg a scripts archive. I start writing some php, its probably crappy at the start, but its like a snow ball effect. I keep going, adding more functionality, rewriting, etc. Eventualky I end up with my original goal. Perhaps its not as fast if I planned it, but i don't mind starting over just to install a sink.
    1. kellessdee


      :O AMAZING :D <3

      Unfortunately I have nothing constructive to say, just that I LOVE IT.

    2. Polraudio
  5. Hi all, Following my last blog entry, I fixed up the integration issues minus a javascript error. Aside from that, its functioning pretty well, using the exact same database and software as this forum. I have started to skin the forums, because I want to do the necessities first in case I need to rush it going live. It's a big challenge though, because I am trying to do it with as little HTML edits as possible. The reason is that the HTML is always is changing when IPB update their software, meaning any changes will be overwritten. Therefore my goal is to have the default HTML on the forums, with only custom CSS. However, this is extremely difficult when you want an entirely custom design. The theme integration actually disables IPB's CSS, and I run my own when the forums are loaded: Anyway, check out the topic view design: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/1244/gdutopicviewp.png Thoughts?
  6. work on GDU, or spend time with gf who leaves in a week.... decisions, why u so hard

    1. madanchi


      spend time with gf obviously, she leave sin a week and then you can work on gdu when shes gone

    2. Marked


      She's asleep on my arm as I work on the topic view design for GDU Lol

    3. madanchi
    4. Show next comments  327 more
  7. Its locked for a reason http://www.rmxpunlim...ace-discussion/ Why don't you look properly before you start insulting mods? Topic solved, so locked.
  8. Didn't take me too long to fix these bugs :D Although It was an intimidating challenge at first. The theme issue was really strange, the regex wasn't working when I logged in, which is really odd. I changed it and it works just fine. As for the member integration, I was particularly pleased to get this error fixed. When I first had the memeber integration working, I was using the latest beta of IPB, so when i upgraded to the stable version it wasn't work because when I initizled IPB from the website's index file, it was actually loading IPB's output along with an error. So I worked backwards from that point and found a few lines of code that run an error of the FURL structure is unrecognized. So yeah... all fixed.
  9. Yup lol even though dial up connections are rare, websites should still be trying to shave off as many KBs as possible. There will things that harder that you cant compress or that are larger even after compression. The latest JQuery for example is 94kb compressed. I made a cool system for GDU using the above, but with the ability to add CSS files depending on what section you are viewing. For example, if you are viewing the forums, that CSS file will be included and you've got all the CSS you need from a single http request, all minified..
  10. So you've just finished your design and you're ready for your website to go live. It may be a reasonably large project, and it may have been necessary to use multiple CSS files to make the design process more manageable. Your are now faced with larger-than-necessary files and multiple HTTP requests, both of which are slowing down your websites load time. Step 1: Create the file to call the CSS Create a file named master.css.php in your CSS directory Step 2: Include it in the document head Include the file like it was a CSS file. Despite it being a PHP file, we send out the headers for a CSS document. No screenie necessary, but here you go: Step 3: The contents of master.css.php Here's the main code. I've commented it a wee bit and all you really need to be mindful of is that you include the correct the CSS files. Its super easy to edit, even if you don't know PHP. <?php //this will load ALL your CSS into a single variable, $css ob_start(); //include all your CSS files here. Make sure you get the order you want include('skeleton.css'); include('typography.css'); include('layout.css'); include('menus.css'); include('styles.css'); include('ipb_overrides.css'); //this stores all the above into $css $css = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //Regular Expression to compress the CSS, ie remove comments, whitespace, etc. $css = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $css); $css = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $css); //Now we're going to compress it with GZIP ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate"); $offset = 60 * 60; $ExpStr = "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT"; header($ExpStr); //simply echoing the $css variable will allow us to send it to //the already compressed CSS to the browser, gzip encoded echo $css; if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { ob_end_flush(); } ?> What are the effects? I'm glad you asked. Take a look at the following image, and the CSS row: The original size is in fact 34.4kb. The compression (removing whitespace, comments, etc) takes it down to 22.6kb, and finally the gzip takes it all the way down to 5.1kb. Thats nearly a decrease of a massive 674%. You will notice that the Gzip is the biggest decrease in size. With GZip alone the file will be 7.0kb, so by compressing you are saving nearly another 2 kb. Every KB you can shave off the size the better :) Sources (all i did was combine the 2 examples). http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/3-ways-to-compress-css-files-using-php
  11. Haha, well here's the link http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_projectcards&view=projectcards
  12. 5.8 foreshock followed by a 6.0 quake. No fatalities, it will take more than that xmas grinch.

    1. kellessdee


      :O Thank goodness everything's okay! Let's hope the grinch will leave you alone now.

    2. madanchi


      oh wow, thats bad :( glad the grinch didnt affect you ;D

  13. Congratulations Kell, you deserve it.
  14. It wouldnt. Because I believe in loyalty to your blood, but only to immediate family, I'm not sure what my opinion would be on an Aunt because I don't have contact with any family outside my immediate family. But I think I would still not call the Police on an Aunt, even if I didn't like her and she was doing something that was illegal and that I did not like, purely because of the fact she is family. Or hurting yourself, or a risk of hurting others. I learned some of the reasoning behind criminal laws, but totally dont remember. I have magical cramming abilities.
  15. If it were me, I wouldn't turn them in. You don't turn your family in for something like that. I'd move out if my adult familiy members were doing it. I dont think highly of pot smokers (no offense to those of you who do). Plenty of my extended family do, but I don't care much for them anyway.
  16. Today, good news, I was finally able to get data from an old(ish) database backup working on the GDU database. This was mainly necessary to create components that will utilize the forums database, and also to write up the CSS and design the forums layout. I want to do something unique for the topic view, rewrite the profile view, and make a decent looking board index. However, I seem to have run into a problem. There appears to be cracks in what I thought was a perfect template integration system. For some reason, when I uploaded all of the forums, the IPB HTML wasn't generating through the system. It's rather odd because when all of the forums were there (but I couldnt see them due to the permissions not being set) it worked fine, but when I set my permission to view all of the forums, suddenly no HTML output. I'm not sure what it is at this stage and at 3:16pm I'm giving up and going to bed :P Its a setback but I don't think it will be too difficult to figure and fix. Once I find out why this odd error is happening, its onto the new forum layout, bringing it that much closer to being ready to go live.
  17. I could give the winner some points. Also, I don't think Kevin.ds is going to compete since he left us for another site.
  18. One of the main reasons I am reluctant to attempt to fix it is that its written using Joomla's framework, and we will be leaving Joomla soon. That and the fact that it needs to be rewritten entirely because (spoiler alert here) the code is poor. I write things like this to practice. So I will remove the links to it until a new version is up.
  19. Since Kevin has left, I'll close the topic.
  20. Kellessdee for activity and contribution.
  21. I see I see, that changes things. Back in my RM days I never got attached to the other battle systems, the default was always my favorite If you can do it better than the thieves, then they're just complimenting you :)
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