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Everything posted by Marked

  1. When I get the screen where you choose your skills (like medicine, or sword-making), I can assign 2 of the 3 skill points. When I press C, it does nothing (in fact it makes the sound when you're outta skill points ie doing something you cant do). That made sense right? Have I missed something? I fiddled with it for like 2 minutes to no avail :unsure:
  2. Are these from the Tkool blog? Thanks for uploading :D
  3. I nominate ForeverZer0 for his contribution to the support forums.
  4. Nice STG! Can we see the map? Really disappointing participation but you showed great integrity to go through with it Noob Saibot. I feel rather bad your extraordinary effort to increase activity with a community event did get the attention it deserved, but I'm very grateful for your efforts :alright:
  5. Those are really good Kevin, I think you should write some tuts too :D Also just want to say, nice use of bbcode :P Hardly anyone uses our more decorative bbcode.
  6. Me too. Hahahahaha. :mellow: Anywho, thanks Kellessdee and GameFreak001 for your suggestions :) I'll be coming back over this topic when/if I decide to buy another domain name, which will mostly likely be in February coz this domain expires then
  7. *googles sassing* D: I was just stating the rules :rolleyes: You know I'm studying law and as such, when people misinterpret the rules it just bugs me. People, as do judges in law, need to look at the purpose of the rule as an aid to interpretation (in fact thats a law itself). I really don't know what I can do to get every member to understand that not every post in an old is against the rules D: By the way, arn't you taking the week off? There goes your holiday pay.
  8. Technically its a necropost in the sense its an old topic but certainly not a 'necropost' as defined in the written rules or in my opinion. Suggestions are always wanted :)
  9. Boom http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5915-domain-name-ideas/
  10. Dude i just said that via retraction of offer. And that's my nickname for ben : I sorta kinda didn't mean what i said, but felt it necessary to get my dislike of 'rmxpu is dying lol' type posts. Joey drove me nuts with them.
  11. Thanks for the morale boost. You're starting to sound like Joey. And that's a bad thing. Kiriashi is right about why those projects have the views. Therefore this is no evidence that its dying. But feel free to abandon ship before it sinks if you're so certain that it will. (no offense if I sound rude, and I also retract my statement when i said you're free to leave)
  12. The music just does not go with the video... I prefer the original dbz intro (even though thats an outro)
  13. This will most likely happen if they get no action, which they haven't thus far. But we gotta at least give it a chance. There are entire websites on these things, so I figured since its so related to what we're about that people would surely use them.
  14. younger brother and I driving to uni this morning, and he randomly says 'You know what would be a good way to kill someone and get away with it?'

    1. ShinyToyGuns
    2. Marked


      well that sentence alone was funny, but something bout buying another house down the street as your 'kill house'. A bit too much dexter for that kid :P

    3. ShinyToyGuns


      LOL...that's excellent! gotta keep that in mind when I plot to kill kir...uhhh...you saw nothing!

  15. can't make one tile fit on map... gives up project entirely

    1. Kiriashi


      What the heckles are you doing Mark?

    2. GameFreak001
    3. ShinyToyGuns


      hahaha @Polraudio: I think you were looking for the update below this...tile...map? huh?

    4. Show next comments  345 more
  16. Marked

    My Fish

    :D I had a koi once. It died. However, I still have 2 axolotls (Mexican walking fish). :)
  17. I wish I could, but I just don't have time at the moment. It used to worked in older versions of firefox. Perhaps if you try different browers then you may get lucky in one of them
  18. I used to think that fixed websites were stupid. My reasoning was, why not have it stretch the entire page so it looks the same for everyone? Then again, it was only this year I bought a laptop with a resolution greater than 1028. And got a job as a web designer. Boom.
  19. Awesome :) It's coming up a year since I started that particular design. Its a sad story. Something got in my way which made me incorrectly abandon the project. This summer though I could have enough time to finish it.
  20. Yuuus. I happy I was able to make it quicker. The integration with the website as well as the recent posts hook (which I just modified) was making it pretty slow. 4 pixels out pffft I bet you looked that up. I did that early on the week upon consent from Noob Saibot. I've still got the topics though. Also I was trying to wait for these topics to be finished, but I realized I couldnt do it in the near future. But if you replies in them, that would make it a lot quicker to finish: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7593-rpg-maker-xp-starters-guide/
  21. Hi all, There have a considerable number of changes to the forums. Most notably the prefix system has been abolished and there is now individual game making engine forums (the forums with icons). The sub-forums have not been fully decided yet.. I'm too sure how specific we will get there. Secondly there is a "Gamers Corner" category for gaming topics. Its noticeable at the moment because its empty. Against my morals, I have also created a forum for minecraft *shivers* Lastly, if your resolution is greater than 1028-ish (on the x) then you will notice a layout change. I have changed the forums from fluid (ie 100%) width to 960px wide. Looks probably worse to me but, this theme's time is limited anyway. I am also hoping the forums load faster. I have reduced the number of queries loaded on the board index and also globally on the forums, so I really hope it loads quicker. Yeah :) These changes are all pretty spontaneous... the result of procrastination at its worst. Feedback/criticism?
  22. As much integrity as I'm sure those websites have, I'm sure they sell your, and their other subscribers email addresses.
  23. Thanks for posting that Bigace, I've moved your post to the OP.
  24. I accidentally clicked on one of those once when suddenly my brother walks in, and lets just say the gender of the person in said image was questionable. Yeah that was awkward.
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