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Everything posted by Marked

  1. have u considered doing something productive/creative?

  2. :D

    I'm studying for exams wbu?

  3. Like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAEhRrsS7gU http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4014
  4. its pretty sad when someone posts a project and no one bothers to reply. I think even im losing faith in this site

    1. Marked


      Yeah Joey we're doing that, but im too busy for a while. Sorry for making this status lol not one for the admin to make, but it was pretty disappointing to see.

    2. Joey


      ....Yeah. I kinda saw it coming, lol. Hopefilly the new site makeover will happen soon. It might change things.

    3. Marked


      you know you've got a good site when you (Joey) are satisfied with it lol

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  5. yeah this version is pretty old at the moment but we won't be upgrading for some time coz I have absolutely no time these days. Maybe over summer. But...when is my summer? :dragoninsane:
  6. Marked

    Troy Davis

    Haha yeah. I think a large amount of sentences reflect what your situation will be when you free. For example, if a criminal goes away and doesn't get out until he's 60-70, the 'good' part of his life is effectively over and I guess they take that into consideration. So parole is mandatory? I remember a recent australian case where the judge 'recommended' never allowing parole. Not sure what the rules are here in NZ.
  7. It's something on his side... For some reason everything is double submitting. I have deleted all your duplicates anyway. IPB should have a system which disallows rows to be added with the same ID so even where there is a double submit, it has has no effect.
  8. 100 signatures in the petition!

    1. Bob423



      LVL UP!



      its still not that many lol

    2. Marked


      its 100 more signatures than your petition :)

  9. It's slow times at the moment. I have to nominate Chief and Bigace for activity.
  10. Marked

    Troy Davis

    Actually on the news it said witnesses were threatened, and the fact they recanted their statements. Parole thing? Yes most judicial systems have a parole system, but my point is that 10 years is not long enough for murder.
  11. Marked

    Troy Davis

    Yeah supposedly the cops had threatened witnesses. The witnesses (though we don't know their circumstances) and those cops are responsible for a life. Those cops are scum, and this is a really bad look for Georgia. Personally I am for the death penalty, though we don't have it here. I'm currently studying homicide at university, and I think that, when intention can be proven far beyond a reasonable doubt (I stricter test than standard reasonable doubt), then an eye for an eye is fair. I think that it should exist but almost never ever be used, only the rarest case where the evidence is irrefutable and perhaps even the requirement of a confession (although who would confess if they know it would cause them death). Murders here get life, but they get parole after 10 years. That is so unjust. I life is worth of 10 years. The system relies on a conviction meaning the person is culpable of taking that life, therefore they should all be locked up for a long long time.
  12. Marked

    Troy Davis

    I'm not american but this case kinda intrigued me today and got a bit of publicity in NZ. Here's an extract of an article i read: Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/5665974/Troy-Davis-executed-after-appeal-fails This is what I found the most disturbing I almost get the feeling that the state found it was cheaper to execute this guy than send him back through the court system. Hopefully you guys heard about this. Was Troy Davis innocent? Should he have had the chance of a retrial, or at least allowed to take the polograph test? Is the Death penalty morally acceptable and just? (think about this in the context of the possibility (ie doubt) of this guy being innocent)
  13. 7 scientists taken to court for failing to predcit an earthquake. The italian prosecution is a pack of bloody imbeciles

    1. kellessdee


      They should counter sue for not being provided accurate seismometers *BOOOM*

    2. Marked


      lol kell, pretty sure those just measure the energy release of a quake. Nothing and no one can predict them at the moment. I've been trying to lol based this http://www.christchurchquakemap.co.nz/dailyEnergy

    3. kellessdee


      lol yea true...But i think with seismometers you can make a really rough prediction (like OH CRAP EARTHQUAKE IS COMING IN 5 seconds!!)...but I could be QUITE WRONG i dunno. Not my expertise.

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  14. Rgangsta, you must do this. http://v7.tinypic.com/player.swf?file=bflwy8&s=7 Actually, technically if we were to cut that we've already got one :D
  15. Looks awesome :D But I'm wondering if it would look better if the world map overlay would look better under, as a background. This is why you're not a web designer :P Opera is a lesser browser D: I thought it was pretty decent. Seems to render my CSS fine.
  16. Haha well thats fair enough I guess. In a website I made recently I had multiple backgrounds and to make it work in all version of IE I had to have a separate css file for IE7 and IE8, and I literally had to change the method completely to get it looking similar in all browsers. In my opinion, IE is trash (>9) and its a travesty how many people use it. I think netscape took microsoft to court for being anti-competitive with browsers by having theirs installed on every copy of the OS. The world would have been a much more productive place (because everything has a website these days) had they been successful.
  17. IE 9 is actually very good. Its reputation is diminished being IE, it renders things properly including CSS3 and HTML5. What you're supposed to do is design your site in a standards compliant browser then go and hack IE to make it work properly. Either way, good web designers do make IE work, because most people still use it. Check out my recent topic for IE hackz. I already talked to chief about the design on msn :P
  18. Yeah sure he could have done that, but just saying that useful necro-posting isn't against the rules. Its irrelevant to say this but its much easier for people to reply to topics than start their own, so it does offer an incentive to post useful content. But that's not really why the rule exists. So many members have made posts like yours though. Also Nisage isn't long gone. He's got over 1k posts. He'll be back. They all come back...
  19. Thats not necro-posting because people who find the topic and are looking for the same now have a solution. It's useful content, so its welcomed despite being a necropost.
  20. studying financial derivatives... then have to design a website by midnight. fml

  21. How do you feel about reviving the community Youtube Channel? Voted I love the idea. Its a great way to promote the site and increase our following through subscriptions. Would you submit videos? Voted Maybe. Depends if I have time. Maybe dev videos in the future. Should videos have to be voted on to be uploaded? Voted No. It should be at the discretion of the people in charge of this project to uphold a quality standard we want to convey. Should all videos be required to have the community intro? Voted yes. Establishes a sense of brand and professionalism. Not to mention positive reinforcement :dragoninsane:
  22. gf's 21st in 2 weeks... I need gift advice!

    1. Joko
    2. Joko


      but, but, there's no fun in asking :[

    3. madanchi


      simplest way, or if me I'd ask what she wanted OR if wanted me to surprise her - and not in that way *shiftyeyes.jpg*

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  23. aw ok lol its probably the only time our countries will play each other in anything, so ill tell you the score anyways :P

  24. I love minecraft!

    1. Joko


      Im not a zombie and i like it :{


    2. Bob423


      neither am i :( im just going through one of my minecraft phases. soon i'll get bored, and eventually move on to something else, like zelda, FF, mega man, etc.

    3. Joko


      the only reason i play is for the redstone :D

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