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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Welcome to RMXPU :alright: Don't like the chatroom? Yes that's the only one. There's technically another, but that's where you'll find all our members. There's usually members in it actually, but not at this time of day coz they're alseep :P
  2. Awesome :D I bet people will assume my accent is the same as yours :P Btw tomo if you don't have a youtube channel, you're more than welcome to use youtube.com/rmxpunlimited
  3. Our tutorials http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/165-rmxp-tutorials/ Beginners guide: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/1898-the-rmxp-beginners-guide/ Though I found screwing around with it for a days more helpful than reading tutorials myself.
  4. I think you may have Kiriashi on your side there. However, this is the standard fixed-width for websites, and I'm sure you've run into ALOT of them. So unless you're just not used to the change on this site, you may make a topic in the feedback forum and make a poll, and if you members want the fluid width back then I'll change it back. But seriously this width is so common that I find it strange you can't stand it. *stares at you 5 minutes* Banned.
  5. I meant a 3D forum as in a forum on this forum, like under our 'engines' category. Also, I REALLY don't want to start an argument with you, www.am-gamestudio.tk appears to have built by a point and click site maker It also doesn't use a proper style sheet and uses Also I didn't say I wouldn't team up with you, but in terms of RMXP Unlimited, isaacsol helps us out with hosting, and I sorta know the direction I want to take the site in the future (if I get the opportunity), and I prefer to code for RMXPU myself :)
  6. Random module concept (see above). Thoughts?

    1. Kevin.ds
    2. isaacsol
    3. Kiriashi


      I changed the colors for a few to make the text easier to read.

    4. Show next comments  342 more
  7. This makes me think of making a 3D Engines forum.. but I'm not sure if there would be any demand for it on an intentionally 2D specific forum. Though there may be benefit in offering support for simpler 3D engines for a transition to more complex game making.
  8. Is it a coincidence you used 'seen' as opposed to 'played'? I thought you were going to say that the new generation is more interested in playing games than making them. Coz as you said once this generation (though of us who are in our 20's) gets older we're either doing more career-orientated activities as opposed to the high school students who could make up the majority of game makers with RPG Maker.
  9. Still looks like pixel art to me lol. So you did this with a tablet? Also, looks good of course :alright:
  10. Also I'm gonna move this to Projects & Teams.
  11. I also got an error, but with the auto-install font (using windows 7 is thats relevant) but I just copied the fonts from the Fonts directory and installed them manually and the game loaded up fine.
  12. I think the start is well done, there's a nice tutorial integrated into the game to show you what to do - saving, equipping etc. The mapping is quite nice too. When I got to the point were you "eavesdrop", I only realized you had to step out once the argument started looping. I would say you achieved that, but I found the arguments (when the player walks out) a little bit too long and slightly repetitive. And the eventing was pretty well done too. I especially thought the save sequence was quite clever :)
  13. Perhaps.. I mean its hard to tell. There was blood, but (obviously) they would only deserve it if they were aware she was that badly injured. The first guy to walk past might actually have witness it, and he casually does a semi-circle to walk around her. That's just horrible. Also in some jurisdictions (who would know about China) its not illegal to fail to help someone who might die otherwise, unless you had a duty to act (ie you're her father/mother). If you were in France, its the law that you have to help if you reasonably can.
  14. country with lots of oil has its administration overthrown (with the help of nato no less) and Hilary Clinton shows up for support. Sounds legit.

    1. Bigace360


      Never happen, b/c people are to greedy

    2. Bigace360


      Never happen, b/c people are to greedy

    3. Marked


      she is an 'elected' official, meaning she was voted in. Though the ones with good policies tend to get assassinated

    4. Show next comments  342 more
  15. My girlfriend showed me this.. she was really upset about it, especially when she found out that girl had died after being admitted to hospital. China has the death penalty, at least 2 drivers from this video deserve it.
  16. I either found a loop whole or mastered the demo :P I only used about 3 potions to get to the boss, and did not need any items to defeat him. The amount of items i finished on shows how much i dominated it. And I ended up on level 7. Also Lizzie, I think I have found a bug. Whenever my inventory got too full, it would open up when I get a new item and the new item is in the 2nd inventory. So, I have just filled up the first, and now items are going into second. However, once the window automatically opens, it will not close. The only way to close it is to get rid of an item so that you only have one inventory again.
  17. I have so much study to catch up on after the hours I spent playing this :P I probably haven't come across an RPG Maker XP that has compelled me to play it again like this one, let alone over and over
  18. I think Kiriashi has some mapping tutorials in the RMXP Training center you could take a look at. Wonder why he didn't mention that.
  19. No the library (protocol) is loaded locally, as are the rest of the javascript. Which browser are you using? I'll take a look for myself. I've never experienced such a problem. Also, the javascript on the forums is completely unmodified from its default state, so this error is unexpected. EDIT: Oh that's right, I recently changed the scripts to load from google to increase performance. I changed it, any luck?
  20. it's late.. go to bed

  21. But can a minecraft server BE awesome?
  22. Hope you're doing well Ravenclaw :D

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