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Everything posted by Marked

  1. What is the purpose of the core script? Is it like a framework for future Izzy scripts? As this is your first script, I'll post this here for your learning http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/2645-f12-pause-with-image-script/ I don't know much about RGSS except for the scripts I wrote in my youth (it is 10 years old+ these days), but the author was a masterful scripter and his script is considerably shorter than yours.
  2. Going overseas in about 4 weeks. I plan to release some cool stuff in one big update for GDU.

    1. Polraudio


      Awesome cant wait.

  3. Sorry for the downtime... these things always happen are that worse times.

  4. We have a section for parts of sprites I'm not sure how to make it any easier to find with resources right there on the main menu. http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources/cat/general/templates-parts There's also a category for objects.
  5. Who are to blame; the people vandalising the Mosque or the media for their bias fear-mongering reporting?

    1. Bigace360


      Both, only thing the media does is fuel the fire.

    2. Marked


      Depends on what media... some are worse than others but they generally all fear monger with respect to terrorism esp. While US is droning like crazy.

    3. Marked


      This was mainly in relation to the canada shooting. He was "influenced" by the alleged ISIS thus he's a terrorist. Therefore its not the act but the state of mind that means he's a terrorist. What a load of shit that is. If you shoot a few a school mates you're not a terrorist.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  6. Moonpearl! Contribution&helpfulnessness.
  7. Kia e ahau tipua, me te haurangi, engari i te iti rawa e kore ahau au i te troll. Can you figure out what language that is?
  8. Coolies. Downloaded it, played it. I want to mess around with apps for phones but just don't have the time. :( How to you rate MITs app inventor? You should post your code.
  9. Yeah, did you forget about this? http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts Looks like a brilliant script though D:
  10. We keep breaking online-at-once record. Srsly who r u ppl. Register, post, make games kthx.

  11. Been insanely busy :

  12. True. Although it's not strictly for WIPs. Over the years it's become quite clear that people want a lot of attention on their stuff, more than we as a website can give them. So as the theory goes, a forum is easier to post in than the scripts section and there's a perception that it'll lead to more attention (though it prob won't). I duno if in reality that'll happen... its hard to test theories when you don't have many human resources. I don't really want to decrease the automation but if it would help...
  13. Good to see the conversation here starting to favour game development... for once :P

  14. It's "meh"? So you're not saying it works, but you've got some unidentified problem with it? Also you wouldn't use global search for this (even though that works perfectly well), you'd use the dropdown and search in the scripts: I also wasn't even meaning to use search. The scripts are nicely categorized for find what you're looking for, and it's sitting right there on the main menu.
  15. :> I will try and get the grouping done asap, but the indenting is going to be quite tricky. The comments system I made is plug and play, and supposed to the same around the whole site, so customizing it may be a bit of a challenge.
  16. Please make a new topic for each new problem. I'm not picking on you, that's just the best way to do things and pretty much a universal rule of forums. Topic closed. Don't forgot to re-post your problem in a new topic to get help :thumbsup: .
  17. You're never going to get anyone to sprite for you with a one-liner like that. Please put more effort into it, especially if plan to entice help to help. I recommend firstly detailing a couple of sprites that you need with all applicable references (eg the battler image, or what it should look like) first of all, so anyone who is going to create (or find) sprites for you knows what you're after. You need to mention the style (presumably XP RTP). Mostly importantly you need to have details of your game, preferably here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games If anyone's going to help you, they need to know you're serious, have a serious project and aren't wasting their time.
  18. http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-xp/custom-message-systems You should really learn your away the site, these things are so easy to find here :P
  19. Hi all, I am looking for your thoughts on the following concept. The Problem The current comments just like a forum topic discussion: they're in sequential order and each is a reply to either the OP or the reply above. This does not fit in with the games section. There is less discussion and each topic is more aimed toward the content. However the comments are about the content at the time. But game pages are constantly changing: new content, new demo's released etc. So when you update your game page and new comer comes along, they are presented with the top comments which may be completely outdated. The solution Comments are to be descending according to date: the latest comment is at the top of the page, thus removing a "discussion context" (each comment is a repy to the comment above). However discussions are still possible, of course, due to indented comments. Indented comments are replies, just like on youtube, eg; That's simple enough and nothing special. However here's where it gets smart. After a certain time has elapsed, say 3 weeks, comments will be grouped away and you have to click to open to view those comments: Because they are grouped based on the formula: last comment + three weeks, the system effectively groups them based on the discussion at the time or the peak in activity. So the comments listing is compeltely as it as now, except if there's nothing for 3 weeks, those comments are grouped and to view them you just click on the heading as shown (roughly above). So if there was a comment every day for a year, those comments would be expanded and out in the open until the activity period, where they'd then be grouped and labelled, and waiting for the next phase of activity. Thoughts?
  20. I think you may be missing the point. Finished high quality tutorials will be published in the tutorials section and removed from the forum.
  21. Hi all, I have updated the layout of the public games listing. In my previous games section announcement, I released this layout: Small modules with 4 in each row, displaying only the logo. This had now changed to a full-width view, using identical covers and bringing back the game's blurb/short description: I have also unfeatured most of the games I featured in an attempt to increase the quality of the front-page of the games section. There's now only 5 featured games, and in the future I plan to make the front page include only playable games. Check out the new layout here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games
  22. I know it's not necessarily the fact that we have custom scripts + tutorials systems. Particularly the tutorial submission system is unique and takes at least 1 submission to get used to. But perhaps this idea will increase submissions in these areas. The idea is to create WIP forums for various tutorials and scripts, and when they're ready, have them published in the scripts/tut sections. The idea that this will increase submissions is based on the fact that members want attention for their content and forum topics are designed for discussion, and secondly it's much simpler to submit. Thoughts?
  23. I duno why, but dropbox just have me 1TB of space :D That's 400GB more than my laptop >.>

  24. Marked

    Need Music!

    Try here: http://www.sakari-infinity.net/ I actually couldn't remember this site name but its been around forever. I had to go and look up our old website in the wayback machine which had a link directory. http://web.archive.org/web/20120614053000/http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_linkdirectory&view=default&Itemid=180
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