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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Tell your friends :thumbsup: You guys are too kind :3 Although I cannot take all the credit for this design, I did heavily borrow inspiration from an existing purchasable design. I have pretty much completed the customizer, but it started getting too messy with the colour schemes. The background changer is simple, but to change the blue to different colours was a bit more complex and started taking way too much time. Could probably go live with it now, but I don't think I will. The website and forums are different software so it can get trickey and messy quite quick. Perhaps I'll release the background changer only. Yeah, this place is fueled by my sentimentally... it's also my disease. I was hoping that the community would attract people who would fuel growth and I could sit in the background and do nothing, lol. This place has been around so long, I'm starting to get old D: I have less and less time these days and I don't think I'll be developing any more sections for the site, but I think I'll try my hand at a marketing approach; I want to implement following systems all over the site, and a really cool email system and design, and maybe, an unlikely maybe, I will try and get social media more active. But I'll prolly need a volunteer for that. I was thinking Omar, if we can exorcise the troll from him.
  2. I hope my own flight to Singapore on Saturday goes better... on malaysia airlines...

    1. zahraa


      I was so worried about you when I heard the news. I didn't know if u were on that airplane or not. Glad you are...alive.

    2. ShinkuAura


      No sweat man, you'll come back safe and sound.

    3. Marked


      Thanks zahraa :3 Didn't know you guys knew I was in that area. I just heard also that there's going to be a typhoon heading this way at the time of my flight. And on Saturday, I'll be crossing the same straight where the plane went down :S

  3. Excellent job. For future reference, we have support forums for the rpg makers and I've moved this topic to the rmxp one.
  4. i miss when the internet was intelligent. now all large groups of people consist mainly of idiots who spread their infectious idiocy

    1. Marked


      No I'm not talking about people being assholes. I'm talking about stupidity.

    2. Moonpearl


      Marked didn't say intellectual, he said intelligent.

    3. GermanyXItaly1000


      I agree. My existence is proof enough... my idiocy alone is enough to substitute a whole group of idiots. (Although what shocks me is how the newer generation is being raised surrounded by technology. My 4-years-old cousin is already chatting with strangers on the internet. Feels like they're growing up taking it for granted, or just not knowing how to utilise it.)

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  5. I have most of the customizer coded, just waiting for a few spare hours to finish it off before I upload it. Actually the colour scheme options are a bit of a pain to implement lol but should be k. I'm doing a pink version for our female members too. The one's that like pink. Hot pink.
  6. :D Just has to be 1600px wide. That's the standard. If it's fixed, eg the current background, try to make it around 1000px high. However the height doesn't matter if the image fades to a solid color. It pretty much can be anything, but for any dimension that doesn't repeat or fade to solid, then 1600w/1000h.
  7. I'm surprised you don't remember this from the old chatroom. It's just that the site has exhausted a host-defined limit on MySQL queries to the database. Every time a page loads, various data is pulled from the DB, eg your account. Also thanks for posting, that error message spilt a whole bunch of stuff that I'd really prefer to keep secret from the world :dizzy: :annoyed: I'll run now and disable error printing. Can you lemme know if you see it again, coz this shouldn't show up from now on. Instead there should just be nothing. I can't actually fix this on our current setup, but the limit restarts quite quickly so it's k.
  8. I am in the process of coding up a customizer where I'll let you guys mix and match backgrounds, fonts and colour schemes. Give me some cool backgrounds that you guys think will look good and I may add them to the customizer. You can use firebug to test out images live on the website to see how they'll actually look, if you can figure out how to do so :)
  9. I'm thinking about having a customization setting that stores a few vars in cookies; so everyone can really quickly swap the background colour/image, font, and colour scheme. Coz cookies means even regular guests can change the look and it will stay that way until cookies expire.
  10. Hi guys I have been slowly working away on an update to the site for a while now, and I only just got time to spend a bit more time on it and finally upload it last night. I know that most of you only visit the forums and topics, but there have been changes and updates across the entire site. There's also a few bugs that occurred here on the live version that didn't on the local version, so I will be fixing those up soon. The new look is what I consider phase 1 of approximately 3 phases. The phases are Redesign (90% complete) New layout-related features Clean-up and bug fixing For example, under phase 2 I will create a proper footer with dynamic content, round off the homepage with more content, etc. I also plan to round off the content sections (scripts and tutorials). I have already added pagination to them. For example, if you call the "All RPG Maker VX Ace Scripts" category, all 62 scripts were listed on that page. Compare with this http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-vx-ace I plan to round the pages off by adding such things as related scripts/tutorials, and a specialized search bar that doesn't use google search, and is built into the layout as opposed to having to use the main search bar function (which would also work). And also things like follow, and ratings. Two other related things that I have been really wanting to develop are what I call a "My GDU" section in the forum index (you may recall I made a topic about this concept a while back) and our own GDU mailing system which will send nice HTML emails to the GDU content you follow (note that here I am distinguishing between forum content and content that is custom coded by me, ie games, scripts, tuts). This email system will ensure you're always informed about your content and the content you're interested in. For example, when one of the many members who ask about Lizzie's mission script in the scripts section, Lizzie will sent/spammed with emails that detail that comment. Just like a topic post, but the email will be way cooler and not boring and plain text. The My GDU concept will be a bar on the forum index that you can click to open (so it remains unobtrusive unless you want to use it), and it will contain a neat summary of your content. This will help you keep track of your games, tutorials and scripts, as well as forum content including topics, file uploads, gallery uploads, etc. It will be the thing that links you to all your content that lives here at GDU, so that it is not lost to you once it is submitted. I also plan to add more content-related features to make it easier to see all of GDU's content. Right now I think people very heavily rely on the recent activity module, unless of course they're looking for something specific on GDU. But this topic is getting a bit long so I'll save that for another day.
  11. Moved to RPG Maker VX Ace support. Please read the forum descriptions.
  12. Moved to RPG Maker XP support. Please read the forum descriptions.
  13. Hi guys (and guests) In light of our most recent bot attack, I have disabled local forum registrations until I have time to plug the security breach. I'm a bit busy right now and can't monitor things, but when I get time I will look for a permanent solution. In the meantime, registration is still possible via facebook and twitter.
  14. Hi guys I am currently considering removing the option of having the game pages display all content on a single-page, and force all pages to have tabbed-style "pages" instead: now when game pages are split into pages the page will load and take you to another page; I will be updating this so the content is delivered via ajax and no reloading is necessary, so it's much faster. I am thinking of removing some options and making the game pages more standardized. My initial goal was to create something really flexible. But I think it's getting too complicated and it's not really what people want. Instead I want to make it more standardized and focus on making what options are available better. I still want to have a range of design options, but less layout and engine-room type settings. I want to focus a bit more on social features such as following, ratings, better comments and feedback features, etc. Please give me feedback on this...or I'll just do what I feel like.
  15. Woot back at my home base in SE Asia, no more being a tourist. I can finally continue work on that update to the site that I've been trying to finish..

  16. Wining & dining in KL

  17. I don't think we'll run it this weekend, i haven't had a chance to organize it... im currently on holiday near the equator. We need a time thay suits as many ppl as possible. How does next week friday to sun suit??
  18. Depending on what you're building, you wouldn't start from scratch. It may be an engine or a framework (base code that may or may not require its own methodology) that you start with. You may think websites are simple, but no web project, especially not big custom apps, are built from scratch. You start with a whole bunch of back end and front end frameworks as a base. Then you extend them in the same language and just build.
  19. Taking my second malaysia airlines flight of the day... :S

    1. Marked


      Survived just so u ppl know

    2. drago2308
    3. Marked


      Yeah. Their pilots are pretty shit at landing.

  20. 3 days into my 36 day holiday :D The last 3 days been quite luxurious :3

  21. So close to the end... i can taste it. Mmmmmm.

  22. There's few better series' storylines better than homeland right now.

  23. I will try to make the official rules. Right now I'm super busy. Got assessments all this week then off overseas this Saturday.. but I'll try etc when i get a sec. At least by this friday. U ppl may plan but no starting early! I'll know :no: (no u dittent)
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