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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I think I just solved it. The other graphics card I was using... the DVI port wouldn't work but the VGA did. On the problematic card, there were only DVI ports. So in fact the problem was not with the card, but in fact the DVI ports. So, I basically googled the motherboard manufacturer for a bios update and now seems to be running fine. It's odd though, because when I first got it back in mid-2012 it ran just fine. Then after I stopped using it for a while this problem started occuring. So I'm not sure what changed to cause the error as it seems to be software and the bios update solving the issue. At least I think it's solved. I'll have to start it up and down a few times before I can be sure, but I'm quite sure.
  2. Interesting. Has anyone noticed Windows making a storming comeback? It's good for the world of tech and consumers (product/price-wise) to see a monopolist knocked off its perch and create a more competitive industry.
  3. Which is quite distinct from schizophrenia. I'm hoping a few of you guys are good with computers - if not I already know Pol can solve this problem. I decided to start messing around some computer parts, so I've been working on this desktop (I usually use a laptop). I had this old GeForce GTX 450 graphics card lying around, but it's got issues. Generally, it doesn't go. I'll start the computer and there will be no output to the screen. However sometimes it does. When it does, it's 100% fine and there's no problems, it works like a gem. It almost sounds like software, doesn't it.. I was reading up and someone said it could be a power thing... when the computer powers down, some thingy drains and when you go to bootup from cold, the card won't get recognized. But leave the computer on for a bit (it boots up normal just with no output to the screen), then restart and it'll go. I'm testing this theory as I type. Makes sense in theory. I have another graphics card, same brand but much much less power, and that one works 100% of the time no issues. Halp. If I get this going I can get my dual screen rig up and my GDU-productivity will shoot up :thumbsup: I've been looking to buy another graphics card, but if there is a mysterious power-thingy problem, then this would happen to another graphics card of
  4. Now that I'm viewing GDU on a much higher res screen - why didn't anyone tell me the logo is a different colour to the background???

    1. Bob423


      What are you talking about? The logo is every color and the background's color can be changed.

    2. Marked


      The background around the text... technically it's a dark .png with the logo cut out of it and an colourful image scrolling in the background.

  5. Everyone be on their best behavior, I just applied for a web dev job and used this site as a demo of my skillz

    1. FleshRenderStudios


      would it not be best to delete this comment then so your potential employer knows that your not telling everyone to be on their best behavior lest they get the wrong idea lol

  6. Ahh you must be one of the few who has a 1024x768 resolution. I used to develop things specifically for that resolution, but then I realized that only 5% of our traffic actually use those sized screens, so instead I design for a minimum of 1280x1024, and everything above will be compatible, then go back and use media queries to alter the css for smaller sized screens. Which, as you've probably guessed, I haven't done so. How did you get a windows 8 computer with a small screen?
  7. Hey guys Tabs This is a pretty big update the game section front-end. The biggest change, and one I've wanted to implement for a while, is doing away with the pages and implementing instead, tabs. Pages require the browser to move to another page and the system to load a whole new page, taking time and jumping the page to the very top. Tabs on the other hand show and hide different sections of content that is already loaded onto the page, so it requires zero loading time and is a huge boost to the usability of the games pages. To see what I mean, use the nav on Cyber Drive's game page: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games/cyberdrive-ninja Now you may be concerned that you now can't link to specific pages. Actually, you can. When you browse the nav, the URL will change without you noticing. These URLs are actually the same, and if you link to them, that specific tab will be open. For example, here's how I'd link to Cyber Drive's blog: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games/cyberdrive-ninja/blog This is the same page, just displaying the blog. Layout tweaks I've changed the sidebar design and moved the nav (for those who have pages) to be level with the sidebar. Shortly I'll introduce an option to choose whether the sidebar is on the left or right side. And I have removed the left-hand sidebar in the blog entry view to give more space to view blog entries: As always, please report bugs!
  8. I see what you mean. Simpler? Not really. I agree it looks funny, but the solution is for you to change your cover image so the text is aligned left. The system is a bit inflexible like that, but it's the best one-size-fits-all approach. The other 2 games with covers on that page look good. I could add a separate image upload just for the public listing. I try to develop things in an as-needed way for efficiency. In the past I've developed tons of features I think are really cool but in reality they don't get used too much or whatever and that time I could have spent developing something more useful is wasted. So hang tight, I'll put this on my list. I'm working on some games section updates as we speak :)
  9. That is because you don't have a cover image. Go to Layout & Design -> Cover Image to upload. In the public games listing, only the cover images are used, which you'll notice if you click into a few. Currently, if a game page is display a logo and a cover image in their cover, only the cover image will be displayed in the public listing. The logo isn't included. I hope that answers your question. I haven't properly sorted out this stuff with logos yet. In fact, I think what is happening is that there's an option to show and hide the logo on the cover, and by default this is set to hide. However, this option is hidden and so it's impossible to display the logo on the cover. The upload field at the moment is redundant. This will all make sense if you know the difference between the cover image and the logo upload. There should be sufficient error feedback if something goes wrong. Otherwise I'll need to work on that, but you gotta tell me what the error is first and how it shows up so I can replicate it. If the filesize it too large, it does say that in a popup.
  10. I think I saw your status message in passing but I don't really take notice unless it's in a topic. For these types of issues you should post in the games section support forum. You problem is actually a sloppy error on my part. I keep changing and chopping things, and not updating the rest of the system when I make changes. Previously, I was making people upload logos to be displayed in the public listing. Obviously that has now changed and we're just displaying cover images. This logo upload field used to be in the cover image settings page, but I moved it out to the publish page, but now... I am going to move it back to the cover page settings so you guys can have logos on the cover images. Is that what you were trying to acheive? This upload won't affect your public listing... you can already go find and see what it looks like. I will try and get this done today and move it back to the cover settings page and fix any upload issues.
  11. Changes gone live, as well as a bunch of updates/bug fixes/improvements. :)
  12. Hi guys I have updated the cover image system in the Games Section and removed several features. Cover images Previously you could upload any size cover image and have it either stretch, tile or remain it's original size within the cover container. I have decided to make cover images more uniform and standard, partly for your own good and simplicity of that part of the games page. By removing flexibility, developers will be forced to create a cover image and these will invariably stretch the full width, and be about 1155px by 210px. I said earlier that I would remove text titles, but this was going to be too disruptive to many games pages, so I have decided to leave this feature in. Border radius design option The border radius option has also be removed because it doesn't fit in with GDU's recent design update. Cover image optimization This really should have been made when I first coded the games section. When you upload a cover image, 2 images will be generated: A high quality 1155px by 210px jpg and a lower quality image that is identical but cropped in half. Previously, we were loading the full and original cover page images; including huge PNG files. These files were loaded in the listings and homepage/forum index in the slider and obviously slowing everything right down. The new optimized images almost look identical but now that they're optimized for the web, the games section listing is about 1/7th the size it used to be (3mb in cover images alone!). New categories We have new categories listed in the nav bar and global drop menu, and they now include full games (we've actually got quite a few), updated games, as well as the others. Don't forget you can filter by download count, view count, etc. There's probably a lot more, but I can't remember :oops: Original Topic:
  13. Marked


    I was browsing it yesterday on web archive. It's a strange feeling to think... 100k members and 400k posts, so many people and such an active place but now it's just a memory (...unless you go to web archive...). That's what I like about websites. All it takes is one click to turn a website off, but places like GDU provide a unique experience that you can only get here.
  14. Marked

    RPG online?

    ^ Someone should upload that to the scripts section, lol.
  15. I can be quite difficult and is something I haven't really focused on. My old domain rmxpunlimited.net used to have excellent backlinks. Back in the 'old says, start of 08, I was filling our then joomla website with lots of good content, scripts, tutorials etc. There weren't many non-forum stuff like that around so people would post a lot of links to the pages with already superior SEO from the website, increasing the page rank. So if a page already has a high page rank and links your page, your page gets some of that page rank. But page rank is attached to individual pages, not domains, so not any old link in a forum topic is going to make much of a difference. A good idea would be to get on other site's affiliates lists, that way a link to your site will be on their main index pages, their probably most linked-to and popular pages. You can have good content alone and do well, because this will take care itself by being in high demand; people want it, and they get it from your site (either it's unique or easier to find on your site). SEO changes very rapidly. Even in my time backlinks was huge but google suddenly cracked down on it, and started catching all the spammers. Just a few years ago they were tallking about all these link directories and sharing all this page-rank flow, but google really cracked down on things like that. Interestingly, anyone can destroy your site's standing on google but spamming links of your website all over the place. Of course, you can stop this, but I'm guessing you don't know how. :P
  16. Marked


    It's interesting how they say it wasn't active in last year of life (saw this on another site just now). It was a massive site around our own boom time. I didn't really keep track, but it's interesting to see how these huge sites can fall over so quickly.
  17. Sorry I missed your post. Definitely paypal, as for the others, I'm not sure. I haven't really looked into, and the 20% cut thing was a joke, although I think that's probably a better deal than other similar services would offer. The background changer is up... after only 3 weeks since I coded it :oops:
  18. The ironic thing is that islam is a religion of peace and all these extremists go against islam when they do this shit.

    1. zahraa


      Yeah, Actually it's really sad to hear these things :(

  19. That akward moment when you forget to renew the domain name...

    1. ShinkuAura


      Oh shit. Well bye guys!


    2. Marked


      Lol. It's registered now. Before there was a big delay in processing my payment through paypal, but these days they clear it automatically which is good. GDU ought to be up at least until 11 Jan '16.

    3. rgangsta
    4. Show next comments  78 more
  20. Yes of course. Its supposed to be 100% automatic but there's an error in the code. Once i fix that it will report correctly
  21. If you guys want that, I can implement it. I actually want to integrate wordpress into this site, as a quirky extra, and that would allow me to install some really cool software that will handle virtual downloads. Of course, payment would be 20% to GDU and 80% to the developers, to cover costs :shifty:
  22. Former moderator and super awesome guy kellessdee did make the mistake of uploading to rapidshare, however this is damn old topic (before the scripts section which provides local uploads, I may mention), but he's not a fool. Please do not spam + necropost. Seriously, that didn't need to be said. This is an old forum with a lot of old topics. I would have loved to move all of these to the scripts section, http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts but I don't have the time, and XP is dying anyway. Topic locked.
  23. Member of the Year 2014 This year we're going to be doing things a bit differently by phasing out the nominating and voting of members for MOTY and MOMT. Now that we've implemented a points tracking system, we can see the top contributors over any time period. Of course it only started tracking from September 2014, so this year's winners may not have been the actual top contributors, but it's nonetheless far less arbitrary than voting for a member of the year when our memories don't recall the whole year. I'm proud to announce this years winners! 1st Place: GermanyXItlay1000 (227 points) 2nd Place: David Johnston with (165) 3rd Place: black mage (160 points) 2nd and 3rd place was really close! I will be awarding 300, 200 and 100 points respectively to the winners :) Congratulations to our winners, and the games begin for 2015! Those earned over 100 points deserve a special mention as well, including drago2308 (158 points), Polraudio (150 points), Omar510 (143 points), zahraa (124 points), Moonpearl (116 points), Bob423 (103 points).
  24. Welcome to GDU :thumbsup: Indeed, the RPG Makers have inspired some great communities. I have some very fond memories of the some of the many, many RPG Maker sites, most of which have since died.
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