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Everything posted by Marked

  1. 9 hours behind in my profs course.. sigh. But made changes to games item in the main menu, and some random UI tweaks.

    1. ShinkuAura


      You should add a game update status. Like the recent status updates section. Because why not?

    2. Marked


      Because there's a Games section news forum.

  2. I know you're 14 but could you please work on using fullstops (or periods). You should also post some more in the other forums that aren't for introductions.
  3. Want to code stuff... probably shouldn't >.

    1. drago2308


      >:D what do you want to code marked XD

    2. Polraudio


      Take those JS skills and try unity :P

  4. Are you still updating this? http://www.gdunlimited.net/games/final-fantasy-7-starter-kit I plan to implement a blog system in the games pages, which I think would be perfect for you :3
  5. Marked

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for making me spend 10 minutes updating that thing that no body reads. Also for using Chrome.
  6. Marked

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for requesting links to Hentai in the chat.
  7. Marked

    Ban 2.0

    All banned for making me read 10 email notifications from bans in this thread.
  8. Just saw an RPG Maker site's slogan: "turn your fantasy into reality". Not sure if they're targeting the right people.

    1. Tigurus


      Never been much of a fan of slogans but thanks for saying that it sucks

    2. Marked


      Lol. I didn't kno you were the admin before i posted that but no need to take offense. It did make me laugh though.

    3. Tigurus


      It's you're opinion lol I had no say/did nothing for/against that slogan so lol

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  9. I don't I can beat the Steam one. I think the reason why Steam's lag is because its so popular, if it updated more often it would take up too much resources. For our group.
  10. Ah, sweet! :D Looks all working. I suspect that's coz its software. It shows my details as well as being online, so looks like it is working at the moment. Even if the sign up is broken, people can just sign up normally and link the account. I'll need to test that when I get a chance. Flat out right now :P Thanks Punk! :thumbsup:
  11. Yes I've known about the issue since it arose. It's nothing to do with browsers. The tags used a jQuery plugin that was compatible with the CSS framework Twitter Bootstrap 2.x, and broke since I upgraded it to 3.x. I need to find a plugin and get that working again. The scripts add system is pretty basic and whiped up in a day, but for the number of people who use it's probably sufficient. I'll fix it when I get a moment.
  12. Yes, I expected that. Yours relies on the profile field which is no longer in use because Punk mysteriously found a way to integrate the accounts. Once we figure out how he did that, we'll just use that instead of using the field for everyone, and people who sign up via steam will have that automatically. Actually I'm not even sure the steam sign up is working, I get an error.
  13. O.o Dude, how???? I've got the profile working, eg yours. But it says you haven't done anything on Steam the last few weeks? This means the profile field is now redundant as you can link up the accounts. But you gotta tell me how you did that first :P
  14. Good question. The reason is that I don't want to limit current users. I can integrate it so that it works with users who sign up with steam, but existing users won't be able to utilize the feature. (unless they can associate their current account with their steam account, which I'm not sure you can do...I should look that up). You guys may be using the wrong ID. I'm not too sure. There's this site to find out: http://steamidfinder.com/ I don't think its your username. I beleive it may be the unique ID you choose when setting up your profile, and is in some URLs. Eg. view profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/gamedevunlimited/
  15. Hi all, We have two new Steam integration features, inlcuding: -Steam Login; and -Steam profile data (your profile + recent games). To show your steam details in your profile, you can have either signed up via Steam, or link up account here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=managesteam Here's my profile for an example: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/user/1-marked/ It would be a massive help if some of you could try signing up with steam and see if this integration is working. To do, simply sign out and go to the registration page: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register Once there you will see a button saying sign in with steam.
  16. Yeah you're right there punky, I've been planning to do for a while, mainly coz of the games page and the custom bb code editor
  17. Sweet thanks, I'll add that and the others when I get a sec. We have a set list that's defined in an array in the website's code that's used all over the place, eg when you choose the engine in the games section.
  18. Have checked the resource gallery?
  19. Oops.... yeah the x wont work anymore coz i changed the layout for the mobile layout.
  20. Ah, I've been meaning to add more! The purpose of that little bit is to show those little banners there in the topic view. If you can chuck the logo's of the engines you want me to add in this topic I can get those done quicker for you.
  21. I haven't used rmxp since 2008 but i remember doung this. You find the syntax in rmxp s help document. If not... i might have been using the advanced message script which you can download in the scripts section.
  22. Marked

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for mistaking godzilla for a t rex.
  23. Marked

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because you have a total of 13 animated images of animals in your post, avatar and signature.
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