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Everything posted by FranklinX

  1. Hi everybody! I made my second Yugi-Tube video! Please tell me what do you think about the video! How can make my next video better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgxoxobWFZw&feature=plcp
  2. I haven't been working on the game lately. Here is a preview picture of whats to come!
  3. This is a sad story. I blame the parents. The father knew the kid had a problem. The father should had taken the proper steps to get help for his son.
  4. Rape isn't about sex. Rape is normally about abusing and controlling another person.
  5. My Globalization course had a discussion about sex crimes. Rape is one of the worst crimes that a person can do. The United States can be a very sexist country. Police departments like the LA PD(watch the video above) do not care rape seriously enough. The process to make a rape kite is just as bad as being raped. The victim is not allowed to wash her body. The process takes six hours. I think the process is very degrading. My class and me were very upset at one student. He said if a woman is dressed very sexy then she is asking for it. A woman is not asking for it if she likes to dress sexy. You never hear a man is asking for it when he is wearing a muscle tee. How do you feel about American police departments ignoring this serious issue?
  6. Does this mean that I must remove my game from other sites. I'm not sure about removing my game from other sites. My youtube ad sense is progressing.
  7. I just casted my vote! Good luck everyone.
  8. This contest was over before it began! LOL! Maybe we can have a more difficult contest?
  9. I think it lacks a good battle system. Thankfully there are kind people who make scripts and more importantly some are free commerical scripts. Enterbrain really should reconsider going to back to the side battle system.
  10. Welcome to the forums. What's your favorite food?
  11. It's been a while since I last updated the topic! I haven't made any recent posts for Dark Chaos. However, I have made new posts related to trading card games! New Yugioh! Opening http://franklingaming.blogspot.com/2012/10/legendary-collection-3-yugis-world.html Introducing Cardfight Vanguard! http://franklingaming.blogspot.com/2012/09/cardfight-vanguard.html
  12. I just voted. You already know my positions. I would love for members to be able to make their own game profile pages.
  13. Welcome to the boards! What's your favorite food?
  14. I did not make them with the ACE Character Generator. I made them two years ago before ACE was released.
  15. Since I won't be around that much I thought about giving everyone a gift. These are some edited resources I made. Enjoy! These are most of my resources from my blog. Capeless ACE Heroine Angel Heroine Black Pirate Stoned Knight More Black People
  16. Thanks for the support everyone! I'll try to drop by every now and then.
  17. I am so proud of you Marked. GDunlimited is finally live! The site is amazing. I am sad to say that I must be leave for now. I am very busy with school. This is my last year so I need to be focused on my grades. I will try to update my blog with new resources and game announcements.
  18. Welcome to the forums! I feel odd welcoming a long time member! LOL! What's your favorite food? I bet you're expecting this question!
  19. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here!
  20. You better PM me or I'll kick your ass! I'm sorry don't ban me!
  21. Nice update! I see can you're making progress. The new chat looks very nice. Keep it up!
  22. It's not with the RTP. You don't need to download the RTP twice. If you already have it then you can play the game.
  23. I have a quick update! A new demo is available. Please try it out! Downsizing
  24. GDU will offer great features. Opening it to all game developers is the key to its potential success. Your refusal to let go of the past may be GDU's down fall. I rarely join any forums with little activity unless it is a brand new forum. Many people feel this way. When they see GDU filled with inactive threads and members then they will be reculanted to join. You don't have to delete the forum's history. You could make an achieve. I also look down at the list of forums. If you plan to get more active members then the post list won't be as useful. There will be new posts pushed down the post list.
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