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Everything posted by Tosharu

  1. I am going to continue my presence in this community.. god it's been a while. ^_^

  2. hey good news. I'm active again >.> was sick and then crap happened...and

  3. So your saying that even if I learn C and C++ I wouldn't be able to do direct image command stuff without using something like visual basic or something. damn.. Figures. the command line thing makes sense though, earlier on languages weren't exactly pretty to code in..
  4. no idea :S *hugs you* Try one image at a time and see if those load first.
  5. Thanks everyone. Btw, if anyone ever needs any help with events or whatever from me just let me know I'd be happy to help ^^;

  6. Okay I don't like icky syntaxes. And I find things like C, and Java to be ...well icky. Most of the programming "languages" I'm used to are third party based. The reason is because most of them allow me to do something like this myimage=loadnewfximage("myimage.jpg") ; this automatically loads that image into memory for me and I can use the tag 'myimage' to refer to it. ;it automatically sizes the image in virtual memory for me as well. imagemaskcolour myimage, rgb(255, 255, 255) ;this lets me set the transparent color, in this case it's white. x=300 y=300 drawimage myimage, x, y, 1 ;this draws 'myimage' at coordinates x and y, and sets the drawing type to transparent ON. sync ;copies the backbuffer to the front buffer waitkey and it's THAT simple. In every other programming language I've used there are NO direct load image commands and direct drawimage commands that function this way. So why do all the other "main stream" languages have to be so complicated? Why can't there be commands that just let you load an image or a 3d model at x, y, z, using "drawing mode" whatever?
  7. This is the Map_Count class I created. It checks to see up to which map# exists so that I don't get a file can not load error later on. It also tells my other script using variable[01] how many maps are in the game. class Map_Count def initialize for i in 1..999 @map_id=i if @map_id <10 @map_id="00#{i}" end @exist=FileTest.exist?("Data/Map#{@map_id}.rxdata") if @exist $game_variables[1]=i end end end end This is my class for retrieving the name of the map and storing it into an actor name. class Getmapnames attr_accessor :map_id attr_accessor :map_name attr_accessor :map_number def initialize(map_number) @map_id=map_number @map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", @map_id)) map_name=@map.data.name @map_name=map_name return @map_name end end And this is my common event which is triggered when the switch "Init" is turned on. Now the problem I'm having is that it seems like you can only use $game_map.name as a call to the map the player is currently on. Even if I try to load a DIFFERENT map file... and get the name for it, it doesn't work. What I want to do is get the name of a map file before a player transfer event. So here's my question. How do I load a map, and get it's name, put the name in a variable and then close the map file, without changing the map the player is currently on?? The only thing I can think of is to do a sequenced transfer player, and store the map name of the current map into an array index with the same value as the loop number. :/ But that means I'd have to do that for EVERY map in the game and that would make the entire game slow at startup.
  8. You owe me a pokemon battle via nintendo wifi !!!! rawr

  9. [Tosharu stops and stares into the distance. The room feels empty. ] [Tosharu sighs bored. ]
  10. Givesorz me your friend code then. I don't mind. we are talking about pokemon for the ds right? cause.. I don't have a wii
  11. What happened to Joey? :unsure:
  12. @Kiriashi: No we don't but I like turqoise and blue ^_^ @Joey: PICK ME PICK ME!! I'll give you my friend code and we can have a wifi battle. Btw, I suck. :(
  13. I love eventing in rmxp. With a few changes I could make it so that the dust doesn't show if the player IS stopped. And @Gary: All you have to do is hold the action button AND the directional key. If you let go of the action button and keep holding the directional key you will slow down over time. A tip to other eventers: If you want to change the parameters for this just change some of the waits in these events. And if you REALLY don't want the dust to show up if the player is stopped. Go into the dust event, and change the variable conditions on the page to "Subway Speed" and make it "Is greater than 1" That'll make it so that if the subway speed is reduced already the dust doesn't show at all. =p I'd post a screeny but I'm too lazy right now, it's pretty straightforward. And @Kiriashi: Do remember that events are just a short cut to the "Interpreter" engine, you can throw values around, and conditions for values just like regular syntax in a programming language. That's how I see it anyways. I do know some simple ruby commands cause I had to learn for a few things. Additional ideas for eventers: If you really want something cool. you could make some paralell process events that refer themselves to a "Coordinates" list. And make a switch for each of these "Coordinates" Then, once every loop the event checks those specific variables to see if the player's mapx and mapy match the location of the "powerup" or "powerdown" so to say. If it does, you give the player that "Powerup" or "powerdown" by reffering to an index number. Instead of giving the player the powerup directly through that event you can make a switch called "Power_Up", make it true. Then make the conditions for all the other events in a conditional branch for that switch to be off so they don't get "multiple" powerups, but only recieve one of them upon a collision. and.. if you really want to get nifty with it.. you could erm... create a queu system using a script array and use the .push script command, in a loop ie #add to powerup queu powerup=$game_variables[010: Queu count] ind=$powerups[powerup] for i in 1..ind or something like that.. too lazy to type out a full example... you wouldn't need script to do it. you'd just have to set aside a group of variables and use a batch variable/switch command. using an array might actually slow down processing time as it has to loop for each instance of itself... but anyways.. keeping it simple. You could just.. uh. for i in $game_variables[10]..$game_variables[11] if $game_variables[i]=1 #powerup condition for powerup type 1 end if $game_variables[i]=2 #powerup condition for powerup type 2 end if $game_variables[i]=3 #powerup condition for powerup type 3 end end Basically my way around scripting, is I'll use a variable if I don't know how to do something in a script. Then, I'll use one of those variables to trigger another event with a hybrid of script, and event commands. it works. But yeah.. say you have a common event with that code you could just refer to it through a player touch event. and make one of the variables in the queu equal to a power up index.
  14. Why not Kiriashi? I find them SUPER fun.
  15. *bored* welcome to the rmxpunlimited forums!

  16. I'm bored and under stimulated. SO LETS TALK!! Okay random topics. Anyone here ever play or beat donkey kong country (1, 2, or 3) for snes? If you HAVE what is your favourite level in (any one) of those series?
  17. I haven't been tested for dyslexia, no. I've never had issues reading or interpreting written word. I just sometimes have issues formatting words using my voice. It would be easy to write it down. But the minute I'm talking face to face with somone words don't come out the same and I find it hard to think. Not always does this happen to me but on occasion if I haven't had time to sit down and listen to music and drown out all the un wanted stimuli.
  18. Answers to questions: 1-Yes Gary The duck: it is possible to do an event like that. I replied to your thread. Take a look :rolleyes: 2-I program in any language I can get my hands on, and understand or comprehend. I've tried perl out, java, c. though I don't like Java OR C. I program in extended BASIC languages and compilers. Right now my main stays are the RGSS (trying to pick it up) and PlayBasic. PlayBasic is a basic extended compiler language that builds itself on it's own library and runs from an interpreter. Meaning no standalone binaries (As far as I'm aware) Oh yeah.. and I tried starting programming for the Gba, but that requires C and I wouldn't do it for the Ds because I get no entertainment out of testing code in an emulator. So until I get a DS Flash card or something C won't be something I invest time into. I have an Xboo (multi boot) cable I made myself that hooks up to my pc paralell port so I can do hardware testing on anything I create. I really wish there was an easier way though. >.> Anyhow.. I've also toyed with Game Maker, and while it has a good system it's not something I enjoy using. Much.. 3-Were there anymore questions? 4-In reply to wyzrd : I was not bragging. I am just good at eventing ^^
  19. Here is the demo I promised. =p I hope it works for you. The technique I used is a little linear and primitive but it does the job. Oh yeah, and if you want the dust to work for the player going down as well in this example you can create the high lighted event code in this screenshot, and paste it into the events named "Dust" right above the part in each one where it says: "Set Event Location: This event" @>Conditional Branch: Player is facing down @>Control Variables: [005: Y]-=8 @> : Else @> : Branch End Paste that ABOVE the Set Event Location Command. And the dust will work for the player facing down as well. Do it in each "Dust" event. They are all in a row you can't miss them. Still confused? Happy eventing! Subway Demo.zip
  20. Let's see. It depends on how specific you want the speed mods to be. If you send me the game file or go into more detail about how you want your engine to work I could help you. I don't do simple things with events, I go all out =p A good example would be...if I were to make a demo I'll post one this evening.
  21. Drawing skills ARE important, but if you can't draw it well, you can always try to find somone else who can your you can practice at it till you get it! I will say this though. Drawing skills aren't the MOST important thing. I say, that even with really GOOD graphics, and art, if the gameplay, and the storyline, and the general idea of a game isn't entertaining... it won't matter what kind of a label, or image you cut and paste onto the world map. the game itself, if the gameplay sucks, will reduce the quality of the game. Look at text based games, and games of the earlier generations. HECK I was playing super mario brothers 3 on my nes the other day and I noticed that the back ground tiles in the Castle of the second world were GIBBERISH!!! Literally, a repeating texture of gibberish color!! So. no you don't need GOOD drawing skill. But having it doesn't do you any harm.
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