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Everything posted by totalsticks

  1. http://youtu.be/_zeBji5vuSY Title: The Chosen Ones Artist: Dream Evil
  2. Why not? 1. A. Fuzzy B. Hyper C. Loyal 2. A. Calm B. Happy C. Royal 3. A. Scary B. Soft C. Lonely 4. A. Wet B. Persistent C. Nurturing
  3. I'm working on my project currently, and I find myself in need of my lead actor, the driving force behind the story. Problem is, I suck at spriting and nothing I can find out there will remotely help me frankenstein it. So basically here's what I need. Standard 32x64 character sheet for RMXP, trying to stick close to RTP theme. Male character with shoulder length dark green hair, left bangs hang, right bangs drawn back and clasped into place. Has comfortable brown eyes. Wears plate armor on right side, also a half-plate on chest (just basic iron/steel colors), dark blue clothing with black boots. I hope all that helps. And I would really appreciate if someone would be kind enough to do this for me. I have nothing to give except my undying gratitude.
  4. I agree with Polraudio (again? yeesh). But I would like to add further that everyone is always going to point the finger at something else than what the truth is. And this time, they chose vampires. Pop culture influence? No way, I'll put it short and simply. Crazy will find any outlet it can. If it wasn't vampires, it would have been something else, and they would have placed blame there. Grand Theft Auto repeat, anyone?
  5. I would have to agree with Pol here. Well said, Sir! :alright:
  6. Pretty much about 50-75% of the time, so I never log off.. makes it that much easier. (Until I forget my password of course!)
  7. Is it possible in some shape or fashion to have a dynamic (going up or down) standings (reputation) system that is influenced by enemies killed? Say I kill monster A, reputation with monster B goes up, but monster A's reputation goes down. Also, when reputation reaches a certain point, monsters of A or B either stop fighting me altogether or fight with more frequency, depending on their reputation being good or bad respectively. Just curious if it's possible with eventing/variables etc, or would that be something I would need a script for? Edit: Anyone, comments, questions? Ideas?
  8. Alright, lets do this.. havent done one in ages! Name: Josh Aliases: Joker, Pat, Total Sticks Sex: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Birthdate: May 21, 1985 Height: 66" Weight: 180 Shoe Size: 9 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Favorite Color: Green or Blue, depending on mood. Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: Two tattoos, a skull and an armband. Dating/Marital Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Straight Religion: I have yet to find a religion that matches what I believe. Family: 3 Brothers, 1 Sister, from 15-22 Pets: A spotted gecko named "Dax" Occupation: Procrastinator Favorite Movie: Enter The Dragon Favorite Music Genre: Classic Rock Favorite Video Game: Shining Force Favorite Book: Ender's Game (ftw) Favorite Food: I love it all! Favorite Beverage: Mountain Dew Favorite Cartoon: Tenchi Muyo Favorite Other Members: Aside from myself, I dont have any favorites. :) Preferred RPG Maker: RMXP Preferred Web Browser: Firefox Preferred Email Service: Yahoo Website?: It's gone now.. ::sadface:: Vegetarian?: I am NOT a rabbit. Where you've traveled: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Nevada, Iraq, Germany, Ireland. Dislikes: Fake People, Cellphone People, and Leet People, ohh almost forgot Twitter, Facebook, Sheeple (sheep-like people), and Google. Likes: Anything to do with technology. Useless Facts: The following program is intended for Mature Audiences. Pictures: Hate them, look good in them though. THEYRE STEALING MY SOUL! Do you drink? Not since a long story ago. Do you smoke? Like a chimney, unfortunately. Did you ever skip class? All the time, for good reason. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Sleep is a crutch, I run on Dew and Adrenaline. Have you ever been on an airplane? Ever flown one? have you ever broken a bone? Enough to know that I dont heal fast enough anymore. Do you wear jewelry? No thank you. How do you dress? James Dean How many keys are on your keyring? 7, and three are just for my car. What time do you go to bed? When I cant keep my eyes open anymore. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Depends on the day, anywhere from 0-16 What are your goals/dreams in life? Live life, not survive it. Who do you admire? The Underdogs of life. Are you into sports? Only when I can be in the game, not watch it. What is your dream job? Astronaut, Video Game Design, Author What was your first screenname? TyesVaMPhuNT Do you have any piercings? Noooo Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Right handed. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, see former question about tattoos. What is your favorite website? The only one that's bookmarked.. this one! Do you play computer games? If it can run on this P.O.S. Do you play video game consoles? Played and owned one of each console at one point in time. Are you married or planing to get married? Not anytime soon.
  9. Hey there, just checking in to see if any progress had been made, cant wait to use this for all sorts of things. :)
  10. Really nice script, but I have one question; Is it possible to make your screen tone black, and have only areas that are lit by scripted lights, visible as normal? I've tried to no avail so far, black screen tone obfuscates all graphics except for the lights themselves. I just think it would be a really nice touch for some of those darker/scary scenes.
  11. Haha, if I were you, I'd save my money for July before I go buying cards. That's when the new 2012 Core set is released, and from what I understand, its gonna be pretty interesting. Another card you might like, is Darksteel Juggernaut, a */* creature with power and toughness equal to the number of artifacts you control. Oh, and did I mention it's indestructible? Goblins, goblins.. yeah, there have been a number of them throughout Magic, and most of them have the same abilities just with different names. But that's just the times, as Magic had to reprint cards, or shorten the rules text of some cards into things like "Battle Cry" or "Trample". I dunno, I think I've seen too many goblins as of late, and way too much infect, which is the new mechanic that I feel essentially breaks the game.
  12. Elves are popular choices indeed, and can have some fun combos to run with. I often find myself trying to build "out of the box" decks that dont really have a specific theme to them. I'll have to check out your RM project some time, Ragnyrok, as I've seen it on the forum and looks good. Is anyone familiar with Jace the Mind Sculptor? If so, I'd like to hear what you think about the possibility of him not returning in Core or next year's "Shake" block. For anyone else, what would you like to see more of in Magic, or maybe even less of? And for what reason?
  13. The game is amazing! I will say, that granted, it has mining, it has building and it has baddies, but thats where the similarities split. There are many, many, many monsters, tons of items to be found, MAGIC, guns, an implemented PvP system, currency, NPCs.. All in all, a very well polished game, and very much worth the $10 on Steam.
  14. My Birthday =/= Judgement Day

  15. Haha, thanks! The party scene just aint my thing these days, but I'll still be kickin it with some good friends. And my special birthday gift to the world; I put in a good word with the guy in the big house, this whole Judgement day thing, yea, water under the bridge. :) NOT on my birthday!
  16. Artifact decks are cool, if you can get em working quick enough. I hate you and your unsummon! I answer that with Doom Blade! A good combo right now for sac'ing a creature is Bloodthrone Vampire and Reassembling Skeleton. Darksteel Golem is awesome, but the new Blightsteel Colossus is an 11/11 Trample, Infect and Indestructible.. essentially a game-winner. Generals ehh, you might be thinking of EDH or Elder Dragon Highlander, where the rules are similar but at the same time, very different from regular play. Never played one of those, but it sounds really fun.
  17. I had a problem with something like this in one of my games, not sure if it'll help much, but it could be part of the Tileset you're using where it treats the character as invisible. Ie.. making bottom 1/3, 1/2 or all 100% of the character obscured, like when you walk through tall grass. Like I said, dunno if it will help, but maybe it will. Good luck.
  18. I dunno either way, I mean, I would prefer NOT to know when the end of the world was, otherwise I'd have that impending doom/gloom hanging about my head. As for the May 21, 2011 bit, I seriously hope not, would be one horrible birthday for myself.
  19. Amazing! I had never wanted to dare moving into the realm of Zelda games, as it is very very complex, but you just made it simple and easy enough for me to try dipping my hands into it. :alright:
  20. So, I noticed some people have some MTG signatures in their profiles, and figured we could spark up a little bit of game-theory or just general discussion about this game. I myself have been playing off and on for about 10 years now, and thoroughly enjoy it as a social outlet. So, here's a few things to get this discussion kick-started. 1. What's your favorite Mono-color to play with. 2. What combination color decks do you prefer? (ie. White/Blue/Green, etc.) 3. Any favorite card combinations? 4. Do you prefer Standard Type 2, Legacy or any other forms of tournament play? 5. Favorite card of all time, and why? 6. When/how did you discover MTG, and during which block? 7. Out of all the blocks, which are your favorites? And here's my answers. 1. I prefer to play with Black as my mono-color since it's got so many nifty abilities, and some mainstays throughout MTG. 2. I usually prefer Black/Blue (my Bruiser), though right now I'm thoroughly enjoying my Black/White/Blue exile deck. 3. I like the idea of - Triskelion + Blade of the Bloodchief + Basilisk Collar, though not the amount of time/mana it takes to get going. 4. I like Standard Type 2, but occasionally will drop into some Draft Tourneys or Two Headed Giants. 5. Squee's Toy, hands down. That little artifact was the best, and cutest. :biggrin_002: 6. I discovered it years ago, probably in 2nd grade, but didnt really get into it until I was 15 or so, and entered into my favorite block, Tempest. 7. Tempest, Zendikar and Ice Age. Look forward to seeing some other MTG players respond here.
  21. Used to :wub: DBZ, but have kind of grown away from it. I still geek out watching Gohan go SSJ2 though, so I'm still a partial fanboy. What was supposed to be a series about Gohan growing up and taking his father's place as Earth's protector sort of evolved into the status quo series; Bad guy shows up, bad guy beats everyone up, everyone trains or has mystical powers added, everyone still gets their butt kicked except Goku, who ends up beating the bad guy with some new power, or dramatically overpowered same power. I still have my old E-RPG of DBZ out there on Maxpages if anyone wants to take a look. EDIT: It is a sad day, my very first webpage has gone down. It was an awesome page, with music, graphics, and a well thought out system. Oh well, time moves on ehh? I mean, it was only about.. 14 years ago I made the page.
  22. My Top Three are: 1. Final Fantasy VII & IX (tied) 2. Final Fantasy VI The reason I left the others out is because while I did enjoy them, they just werent my favorites. The above three games had everything I wanted, a rich storyline, great character development, new advances with kickbacks to the older games, and a great degree of freedom. I'd have to say the FF games I dont like the most are: 1. FF XIII 2. FF XII 3. FF VIII These three, I feel, had a lot of the "adventure" aspect of the game waylaid to further new game mechanics, plot holes, and graphics, at the expense of losing some of what made Final Fantasy a great series. For me, a good FF game doesnt rely on graphics, voice acting or an innovative new battle system, but the character's imagination and a degree of challenge that allows you to play casually, or hardcore, if that's your preference. There's more but that's a whole new post if anyone's interested.
  23. Wow, where was this when I was lurking about a year ago, piecing different scripts together to achieve what just this ONE does? You've been very active recently, hope to see more of ya :)
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