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Everything posted by totalsticks

  1. Welcome, Cotton, to the experience. The RMXPUnlimited Experience. I hope you enjoy your stay. What's your favorite salad dressing?
  2. Thanks, that got it working. Now I just need to find a way to make it refresh on its own without having to go into the menu and back. And also a way to turn it off while during events, etc..
  3. Oh noes! Just when I was starting to get to know people! Take care, and come back soon!
  4. First off, thanks for the help. I didnt realize that most of my problem was I was trying to call it in a window as if it was a custom menu system. I'm starting to understand just a little here. So, I have the HUD, to the specific size I want, in the right positioning, but I cant seem to call the variables I want to input for the time and date. I'll attach what I edited from what you sent me. You'll see three lines of comments explaining what I'm trying to do. Again, thanks for the help.
  5. Toast butter-side up, or butter-side down?
  6. I'm sort of the same way, except I dont drink bottled water, or diet drinks. I am a fan of some Double Barrel Gentleman's Jack Daniels and Dr. Pepper or Coke. My favorite drink by far...? AMP or Mtn Dew. :) Cliche no?
  7. I'm trying to create some background and history for each of the kingdoms, that all once stemmed from a larger. Each one of the kingdoms' rulers descended from a general or influential leader of that larger kingdom, continuing their legacy. But, I'll try to simplify it a bit, Im confusing myself right now. :) Right now, I just have the basic ideas for them, but as time goes, I'll start fleshing each of them out one by one. I think that's how I'm going to have to make my maps, start from where the player would and work my way through. @The Hooded Man Yes, I did borrow the property income idea from Fable 2. But that's about the extent that my game will be duplicating it. @Myself I'm going to have to write tutorials in-game for this stuff.. lol.. Or maybe have an item "Handbook" that calls a common event to display the help files.. hmm.. Need to learn how to script better. :)
  8. Who's a sexy beast? You are! Yes, you are a Sexy Beast!

  9. It all started one hot and sunny day in Camp Taji Iraq. Working on the airstrip there, a Warrant Officer had taken temporary command of our operations, and signed his name <First> "Magnum" <Last> on our Risk Assessment paperwork. Well, given the fact he was completely devoid of charisma and obviously not a friend-gathering sort of person, I piped up and said, "You cant give yourself a nickname! Your friends give you a nickname. It's not like I'm going to run around and start calling myself TotalSticks just because I think it sounds cool!" Well the whole crew of guys I worked with thought it was pretty funny, so I decided to one-up the joke, and got a specialized nametag "Totalsticks", my Helicopter Flight Crew Helmet, and showed up to work the next day, donning said helmet and nametag. At first sight, my co-workers about died laughing, and the Warrant Officer? He stopped signing "Magnum" on our paperwork. After that, it just stuck. :alright: PS: "Total Sticks" is an avionics term we used for taking complete control of an aircraft without assistance from the auto-pilot systems.
  10. So, after scouring the web for any way to make what I needed possible, I started looking at all the scripting tutorials that are on this site. Great stuff, but now it seems like I have hit a snag, well a couple of them. 1. I tried to make this clock appear in the upper right corner of the screen and can be viewed at all times without having to call the scene specifically. Like a HUD sort of. But it wont display like a hud, instead more a menu. 2. I am trying to get in-game variables to be called within the clock script that allows it to display/update them on the clock as they change. However, I cant seem to manage to get them to display. I must be doing something wrong, so if anyone could point out to me what it is, I would be grateful. I will attach my first attempt at a script from scratch, and hopefully someone can figure it out. Lines 5-9 are my attempts at turning the game variables into local variables. Meanwhile, Lines 18 and 19 are where I am trying to display them within the window. Again, thanks. I know I'm a pain. :B):
  11. I'm trying to find a script that allows me to call a calendar from an aptly named Calendar item in the inventory. It would be pretty straightforward, 12 months, 31 days per month. I would also need an ability to modify a label of sorts, so I can add in information such as holidays / discovered events. Ie. After discovering such and such place, you can track events that occur there, and when they occur. Anyways, if anyone knows of a calendar system that I could mold/tweak to my uses, it would be great, but if not, I would love someone to try to script something like it. I will forever be in your debt, O Wizard of Scriptly Goodness! :focus:
  12. EDIT: Could I please get this moved to RGSS1.. I goofed big time. So, I need a window that is viewable in the upper right corner of the screen and has enough room to show in default text size: Time: XX:XX Date: XX/XX/XXXX The X's being variables that I have set up. Any help would be great, and I might be able to work with what someone builds and figure out what I'm doing as far as windows go. :) Thanks Again
  13. I am in fact, liking it here very much. Welcome relief to dealing with LEET HAXX forums.. So, anyone check out my post in the Game Development Forum?
  14. Yes, RMXP was a tad stepped back from RM2K3 for sure, but I think XP had the perfect blend of accessibility, features, and customization. I just feel like VX tried to take a step too far towards accessibility, and lost a bit on the features and custom side. But thats me, and other people have made great games using that platform. @AbnormalHairGrowth: Yeah, I myself had the luxury of watching the season finale the other day, and I was mystified. Sure, the new actor looks a bit strange and unfamiliar, but the first minute of him on screen had me laughing and looking forward to the new series. I personally would really love to see Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles brought back, that was my favorite show for a long time. :sigh: I had to move on to other shows since then. As for scripting, I'm sure I can learn, but it definitely has a curve to it that I am not all up for trying to master. There are a few things I'd really like to accomplish with my game that need scripts, and I'll either script it, or I'll pass. Really, I just need to make a solid game, havent done so in about.. 5-6 years. Of course, my game that I made back then was horrible in so many ways, but it was complete. So, what Im thinking is to make my game with what I've got, and figure out what did and did not work, and improve upon the system.
  15. Yes, welcome. I dont have any quirky questions. :yes:
  16. Haha, thats sort of what I was thinking when I first started watching it. Its not too bad, considering its a british television show about a time traveller, but all in all I had a good time watching it. As for me sticking around, I'm sure I'll be doing that since this place is pretty cool. There's even forums about for non-rpg maker stuff as well, so it gives even more reason to not go elsewhere. Anyways, about time I headed off (its 8AM here.. >_<) Aaaand.. Welcome Back.
  17. Well, I could try that too. Good ideas everyone, Im sure this will help much with what I'm trying to do. Thanks.
  18. I must have misinterpreted. Sorry.
  19. Well, right at this moment I'd have to say that I'm really diggin Dr. Who. All these years it's been on, and I hadnt seen it once.
  20. I dunno, I really liked the show when I was younger, and I think the "useless" stuff you say is in the show like powering up, etc.. was a great way to increase tension and get you on the edge of your seat. My personal opinion is, I've seen the series many times over already and I really liked it, but I'd rather have a really good story as opposed to special effects and tons of action. Then again, thats just me. :shok: Ohh, and if you want to watch a funny DBZ remake, look up DBZ Abridged on youtube. Much laughter and floor rolling will occur. :haha:
  21. Alright so first off, lets just say I have an IDEA on what I want the game to be about, but nothing is concrete yet. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can make the story sound a little better or believable, or if even some critiquing, I'm all eyes @_z. So without further ado, here goes: Alright, now for less story, more feature: But yeah, let me know what you think of the plot hook, and please look over my intended features and let me know if this is something you would consider playing, or if the concepts are too over-used. Thats what I'm here for, some creative input. Fire away!
  22. Hey everyone, I'm new around these parts, and I've been reading the forums, trying to soak as much creative inspiration as possible for my new game. I have about Novice to Average RPG Maker experience, all stemming from RM2K and RM2K3. I am now primarily working with RPGXP (VX feels like a step backwards, IMO). Im pretty good with eventing and variables, and I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing with scripts. I'll probably be around for quite a while, as this place seems to be a good place with lots of creativity and activity (#1 for me). I've been looking around for a good place for a while now, and am happily impressed with this site. So, thanks for reading my short greetings, and I look forward to working with all of you. :alright:
  23. I like this idea very much. It would help to have something for me to save my ideas, and planning into that isnt Notepad. I even really like the idea of a faceset import as well as rough map images.
  24. Happy Birthday, and Welcome Back! Glad to see this place isnt inactive after all. :alright:
  25. I appreciate the offer to break down the icons for me, but if its that its gotta get done that way, I'll just do it myself. What do you mean use the grid? As in there's an inbuilt grid that you can overlay onto the image? If so, that should help things some. EDIT: Okay, Polraudio, you rock. It was right in front of my face with the grid feature. I've been using that program for years, but it never occured to me to set up a grid, and use snap to grid for selection tools. Thanks again man.
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