So, I have been absent for some time, but for good reason. I have been leaving 2D development, and been venturing into 3D. I have always wanted to learn 3D modeling, but found the learning curve far too steep. Well, I am helping upstart an Indie Game Studio and started off just doing re-texturing and other art, but I was having this extreme need to learn 3D Modeling. I figured, "Hey, I am a bit older now than when I tried before, may as well give it a go."
My first 3D was pretty bad, haha. Some of you may remember it, but here it is:
I used a program called zBrush for that. Pretty stupid of me, lol. Well now, I am back into it, and using Blender. They redid the interface so its much much easier to use. First thing I wanted to make? a human. That seems like it would be everyones first choice. So, here it is, my first official 3D model, a human male:
Next, I decided to make a sword. Who doesnt want to then make something awesome like a sword? theyre pwn, lol. So, here it is, my second model, a sword:
Then, I asked someone if they needed a specific model, and he asked for a fantasy-like mushroom. well, what does that look like? I think it might look like this:
(now, this is also my first texture job for a model as well. it was a lot of fun)
I am getting better and better every time I make something. I am pretty excited to see how good I can actually get. Its always been my dream to be really pro at 3D modeling. Let me know what you think!