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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Why is she famous? I dont even
  2. In order for you to go commercial, you'll need custom resources, not gathered ones. i wouldnt personally pay for a game with the default rtp graphics.
  3. Those ones are really old, lol. I only have one new one.
  4. This may be a necro and a double post, but my newest entry makes it alright... i think, lol. anyways, heres my newest tablet drawing:
  5. Chief

    Did you know?

    Did you know Jesus wasn't black, he was middle eastern. Sure, darker color skin, but not black.
  6. Yes, I seem to have a billion things at once, and I never finish anything, but I've decided to go small for this project. All I can reveal at this moment is this glimpse of what is to be the best tileset ive ever made: Heavilly a WIP.
  7. If you do step down as admin, or close it down, or whatever, I may have some php Work for you if youre interested. my Indie Burn website is still without a web programmer, and it will remain unfinished until I have one competent enough to make it amazing.
  8. [spoiler=This spoiler has a title] [spoiler=This spoiler has a title] Hey there! [/spoiler] lol fail. Someone needs to make it so you can add a title to the spoilers.
  9. I admit, the design is appealing, but since I could tell straight away that its a premade template, bieng a designer, my interest was lost right away. Try making a custom joomla template.
  10. To me, VX is horrid. The tiles are far too square to look fluid, and the sprites are too small and dis-proportionate. Stick with XP. Also, why is it that so many people have used RPG Maker in school? do schools use it? that is so strange to me.
  11. No, it's something I accidentally started a habit of doing. I went a week without my laptop, and had to use a different keyboard, now I have trouble hitting the apostrophe, and now I sometimes hit the semicolon... lol
  12. Yes, but I asked How, not if you were. so, how qualified are you, would be the dumbed down question. Yes does not answer that.
  13. Uhh... doesn;t happen very often, but you;re inspiring me, lol. I hardly ever feel like playing an RPG maker game, but now I wanna play yours!
  14. ... I asked how competent YOU WERE WITH PHP. not if you liked it or not.
  15. You mgiht wanna reread that question. you didnt answer it correctly, lol
  16. How competent do you feel you are with php?
  17. Finally got around to designing my own site/portfolio, etc. Jeez, take long enough?

  18. No, minecraft was made with twigs and mud.
  19. http://www.teamanti.com/rmxp/tile_sets.htm there might be something here you can use.
  20. I decided that I win, so polls closed. thanks everyone!
  21. actually, the best you could learn is just C, not C++ or C#... just saying, lol. I've been told to start wherever you wanted, as long as youre dedicated.
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