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Everything posted by Chief

  1. marked, when I get this site movin, We should totally work together on something.
  2. Lol, I actually just used a random screenshot from google. When the time comes, you will be able to set the banner for your project page.
  3. Well, Mine is for all Indie games, not just from RPG maker. Also, if you notice the navigation, its also for app development... I shall say no more! lol
  4. So, Ive been mesmerized by this website that I'm developing, its the one Ive been looking for a PHP Developer for. I've lined up a couple, so I can finally start really getting into it. I wanted to keep it a super secret, but to make up for having a big delay on Session 2, I've decided to give you a small preview of what is to come. http://indieburn-project.co.cc/demo/index.html No, I will not answer questions about it. No, I will not explain what the site is for, and what it does. This is a small preview. Please, keep this on RMXPU, I would rather this not come into the eyes of the public yet.
  5. I really dont like the way to type your posts, with page breaks every statement. Its pretty annoying. I know its spam, but really, just though I should tell you. Please type like a human being, lol
  6. Alright awesome. Session 2 is being delayed until Tomorrow, the 4th. Sorry, I'm just in the middle of some huge website I'm building, and I can't stop now, I'm on a roll, lol
  7. You guys obviously didnt notice the giant necro by skypegod. This topic is dead, the project is most likely as well.
  8. I want you to either use notepad, or make room for aptana. If you dont have enough space, you should be making room anyways, its not good for your harddrive to be so full. Pagebreeze is fairly sucky, I don't want you to use it for this class.
  9. Chief


    I think, using a second event, and using a switch?
  10. Sure. New Rule, if you have dreamweaver, use it. If not, use Aptana. If you cant download things, use Notepad, but let me know that you are, so I can make things a little simpler for you.
  11. Yeah, and I'm more familiar with dreamweaver, so I can help you through specific problems, if they come across.
  12. Go into notepad, copy the code from the main post, then save the document as "index.html" Its essentially the same thing, I just prefer having a program. If you need further assistance, let me know.
  13. If anyone is having trouble with Aptana, let me know. I will give instruction in my lessons on what to do in notepad. Messier, but just as effective.
  14. First things first. I want us all to be using the same environment for this class, so I am going to have you download and install a program called Aptana. http://www.aptana.com/products/studio2/download I don't want you to get the Studio 3 Beta, as I am unsure how stable it is, and we want a fully functioning program. Alright, here we go, diving right in. Step 1:Install Aptana. Step 2: Run the program. Step 3: Once on the beginning screen, there will be a "Create New" caption. Underneath that, is a "Create New File..." - Click on that, and choose Untitle HTML File (or go to File > New > Untitled HTML File) Alright, now, you should have a page that looks like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> What you see there is the very backbone of any website. You can't have a website without any of that. What is it? Its really just a blank page, but what its doing, is telling the web browser that this is indeed an HTML Webpage. "Doctype"Now, first line of the code, the tidbit about the Doctype, well thats really just pointing out that its an HTML document, and then provides a link to the HTML4 Standards. HTML4 ? Yeah, The internet people, lol, decided to update how websites work, every now and then. The newest version is actually HTML5, but is not supported fully by ever browser yet. I will be teaching kind of in between 4 & 5. Think of this as HTML 4.5, lol. "HTML"the <html> tag, is the start of the webpage. Anything under that is subject to being rendered as HTML. There is also a </html> Tag at the very end. In Newer HTML standards, HTML is actually called xHTML. What this means is just that every tag must have an ending tag to it. What if the tag is just a single tag item? Well, in example, the line break tag (<br>) turns into <br /> Its fairly simple. "HEAD"Inside of the <head> tag, there will be more complex, important things, but for now, we will leave it alone. We will touch base on it starting Session 2. "BODY"This is where things get exciting. Inside of the <body> tag, anything can happen. This is where your visible webpage starts. You can type plain text in there, set up information tables, display an image, or much much better. The body of the page, is what your viewers will be seeing. Lesson 1: Basic HTML Now, how do we make them see what we want them to see? With HTML Tags. What is an HTML Tag?Well, youve seen then above, in the code box. an HTML tag Starts with a "<" and ends with a ">" In closing tags, it starts with "</" and ends with a ">" In example, go to Aptana, and your blank HTML document. Type this: <img src="http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/7357/defrocklogo.png" /> Now, the "image" tag, is a single tag item, so you must provide the "/" within the single set of tags. This is how your HTML document should look now: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <img src="http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/7357/defrocklogo.png" /> </body> </html> Now, we are ready to test our first HTML! Go to File > Save As name it "index" and use the dropdown menu to choose ".html" (its just personal preference to me). Save it to your desktop (or anywhere you wish, right now it doesnt mattter) Now, go to where you saved your document, right click it, and chose "open with" Then chose the browser that you wish to open it with. What should you see? A white page with a picture of a rocket. Alright, very very short lesson, but I have my actual classes to attend to, I have a test to do right now. I would like feedback, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. Later on in the lessons, is there anything in particular that you would like to learn or spend more time on exactly? Let me know! I expect you to have read this and be done with session 1 before Wednesday. Session 2 will be on Thursday, Feb 3rd.
  15. I am all three, yet none at the same time. I am a huge nerd when it comes to computer stuff, but when I get off, I'm playin the drums. So, I'm a huge nerd half the time, and not at all the other half... ? I am what I am.
  16. Still the 30th here, but I added you.
  17. Lion cubs donet have manes...
  18. Lol Marked, amybe another time. I am a total noob at JS, even the simplest stuff. When I get a grasp of it, which should be quick, web stuff just comes naturally to me, but yeah. After I learn it, I'll teach it. For now, its just HTML/CSS.
  19. Javascript? eh... lol, I'll play with it later sometime, I dont expect to use it ever.
  20. I think the coolest part is the aiming with the motion sensor. On the path to next-gen virtual reality? Yup!
  21. Opera, surprisingly, is far behind other browsers when it comes to new Web Standards. I have no idea what the engine for this game maker is coded in. HTML5 perhaps? I have no idea.
  22. Self taught? You're pretty good at English actually. Great job, and Welcome!
  23. So, I was on pixeljoint, and This was in an add. It, of course, was intriguing, so I clicked on it. Looks to be programmed in Java? Anyways, here it is, I dunno anything about it, just saw it, and thought it might interest someone: http://www.mmorpg-maker.com/
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