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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. you love monster hunter Hive Totem One of favourite prime music pieces http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89iW8BRd42I from DK64, Mad Jack! This boss was crazy hard and i LOVE the music to it ;D so nostalgic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtrziJDBj_U Emperor ING from Prime 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NjZpDqBzT4&feature=related
  2. what the hell!! I never replied in this thread in 2010????? http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6095-happy-birthday-madanchi/page__hl__madanchi__fromsearch__1 I remember doing it, sometimes my posts don't go though :/ Think i click preview by accident and think it's been posted. I feel bad now

    1. madanchi


      i didn't mean Marked specifically, i meant in general

    2. kellessdee


      :( Well, I <3 u.

      So, if it makes you feel better, I think you're just being paranoid :)

    3. Marked


      Agreed with Kell. You know I was kidding right? I guess i shoulda put a lol at the end of it :P I certainly don't having off feelings toward u, at least not in a negative way ;)

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  3. ooooh i see, sorry I misunderstood you I might start propperly using it soon, atm i'm about to test out Torque 2D (demo like, but still)
  4. sorry forgot to reply Click 'sound' in the 'Game Centre', then click in the dotted rectangle that reads 'click here to import a sound file', choose your sound file wherever it's located. Give this a name udner 'properties'. That's your music imported and ready to use, do to add music to your level (scene), you need to add a new behaviour. 'Create New' tab under 'scene behaviour' should open up a window, make sure the tab is 'Behaviour' and nothing else. Then you'll see some orange tab like icons, the top one saying 'when created', this is where you add you music. On the right side, click the 'sound' tab, here is all your sound/ music options and stuff. Under 'playback' drag the red tab accross into 'when created'. Choose 'loop' if you want the music to loop, now finally click 'choose sound' and you'll be able to select whatever you named your music. edit: just this second found a forum post with loads of help! Havn't watched any yet though, might be helpfull http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?topic=1233.0
  5. yeah they look fine, you're correct in making it that tad bit different to one another also, the file is a .png now I notice
  6. it probably won't happen and even if it does, everyone will just use private
  7. try the Foliage map, it's pretty sweet
  8. Is this classed as a video game? Anyway, Liquid Paint is an interesting little thing, you should give it a try. You draw different things but with many different effects added, raindow colours, shapes, effects, it's not bad! http://rydia.net/udd...g/lp/index.html
  9. I hope today makes a difference!

  10. There was a game on here a while back that combined those two battle systems (side and first person views). I just can't remember what it was called
  11. wow that's looking pretty great marked! Can't wait untill the big move over
  12. never used it sorry, but I'll downlaod it now and try it out
  13. sounds good to me and ok, I'll remember to grief the bird ..er.. I mean, yeah, sure, i'll leave it We could make the town hall a floating island with a castle on it - but then that's a bit difficult if i'm honest, legit at least. The island could be hollow to save hours of work. could have water flowing down, ivy, mini floating rocks surrounding it, nearby windmill on a floating island with bridges linking each other. ... and there I go again, thinking BIG - It's no wonder why I don't get stuff ifnished, they take too dam long
  14. yeess!!!! got my canvasses today!!! At last, I can FINALLY begin my artwork again :3

    1. Calvinchun


      I am happy for you!! XD

  15. It was a town hall, but now i think about it, is it big/ grand enough? I think it might do better as a shop or something, I picture the town hall much taller and bigger - but then again I simply cannot help myself with gigantic builds :P and thanks! I'm hoping i can get it complete before the 30th!
  16. oh and if anyone's wondering, I havn't just ignored Pol We we're on the server together talking @pol sorry I havn't been on the last 2 days, been really busy with stuff. I should be on soon, but then again i'm also spending time for their new Spawn Contest in sp
  17. welcome to the internet
  18. I feel really bad for buying stuff that's probably or has been manufactured in those or similar conditions. It's bad because we need to buy certain items to keep on living, like laptops, computer hardware, stationary, phones etc and most of them have probably been built in similar conditions without us even knowing. no matter how bad something is, who's going to do something about it? There's a lot of people who would like to but can't for whatever reason and the worlds been like that for a long time
  19. the entire human society in general is a filthy disgusting mess, and it's only going to get worse. that's probably the only pesimistic belief I have in my life
  20. This caught my eye over at TigSource, a very interesting concept which appears to be very successful. 100 random people live each hold a laser pointer that points on a projector screen and have to work together to complete the challenges. Forum: http://forums.tigsou...p?topic=23748.0 Website: http://wallfour.co.uk/projects/ Videos: http://vimeo.com/31617927 http://vimeo.com/32082054 http://vimeo.com/32085451
  21. http://www.pouet.net/index.php yes! Kell got it correct They are all demos within the Demoscene. Demos reached their peak in popularity during the years of Amiga and Accommodore. Demos aimed to push the boundaires of current hardware and show off what the team could pull off in real time. There has been some outstanding demos released, some of which whent further than what was thought possible. This is also when chiptunes where at a high! Today demoscene isn't as popular, but still active with some spectacular releases broadening peoples imagination and huge inspirations. It is an art form, as you may notice in the video below and even back in the days amazing pixel art was drawn. Just watch the videos and hopefully you too will see the ebauty they hold. This below is by called The Butterfly Effect by ASD, one of my favourite groups. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF-eVnqq-bw&list=FL7UPdpeGZIsYCafQvc3KtTQ&index=4&feature=plpp_video Download: http://www.pouet.net...php?which=57350 This is isnane... Using atoms and points they make an entire fully 3D world. Much better detail than polygons don't you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON4N0yGz4n8 Download: http://www.pouet.net...php?which=54603 Another one by them, love the music It kills many many computers...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grqb1aIa_4s Download: http://www.pouet.net...php?which=55558 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8cygiOJWKk Download: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=57608 Download: http://www.pouet.net...php?which=56859 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjGt2JlkUJk Download: http://www.pouet.net...php?which=25774 Here is a great website with many demos on there, have a look at the top 10! http://www.pouet.net/index.php Remember these ar ALL done in real time, so keep in mind if you try to run these, be sure you have a powerfull computer otherwise some won't even load
  22. oh wow, a desert island! that's pretty sweet. I'll try and find it soon, also it's probably easier if you told me the coords
  23. So thought I'd share what what happened on Minecraft Mondays server yesterday night Kind of interesting I just started on their, i've now got builder rights so I'm going to start building soon! Anyone else play on there?
  24. No on yet? Good guesses though, logically speaking. hmmm, well I think I'll just say the answer soon yeah I left the title in on purpose to see if anyone would find it, so you can put your answer Kell ;D
  25. oh god no not that song!!! i remember when every single dam Crysis video had that playing XD haha good song but everyone used it, it was funny. Then came everyone crysis video with 'Die mfer, die mfer, die!' all-in-all it was a pretty sweet amv, better than the average and the song whent well with it
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