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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Nice clean cut with the wings and the sprites are great! Good work.
  2. Delightfulyl surprised with this game, you've done a good job and all the extra features made it nice to play through.
  3. Yeah I could get Watch Dogs for ps3 or pc, probably pc if I were to buy it :P I havn't heard of any art programs just yet, I'll do some reasearch soon, but I know it's one of the controllers features, to be used as a graphics tablet. I wonder if 'Colours!' will consider releasing for the Wii U, I have both for the DS and 3DS and it's really good.
  4. I'm exactly the same when playing Metroid Prime, I adore that game. It has everything I want in a games and has all the stuff I love: nature, atmosphere, space, gorgeous environments, music, exploration, puzzle solving and fighting alien life.
  5. Well I know for certain I'll buy one if either SSB, MEtroid, LoZ, Watch Dogs or a real good exclusive comes out for it. What I'm also really excited about is how art programs will work on it. Say, if Photoshop were released on it, it would be great and act like a graphics tablet with a screen, similar to a Wacom Cintiq.
  6. Water is nice, I should drink more of it, unfortunately we're in a hard water area. There's one drink I really lvoe upon most, that is Latte Macchiato. 1 Shot of coffee, load of steamed milk infused with sugar, thick layer of velvet foam on top and finally a dressing of caramel sauce. Hmmmm super nice. Edit: This is a latte macchiato if anyone is wondering, made it not long ago :
  7. It's got to be Wyzrd, again! no doubt about it.
  8. All depends on location really. I've bullet pointed some ideas down below of the top of my head: Goblins attacked a travelling salesman, the salesman was riding a horse and carrage. The horse it got scared and escaped into the deep forest, it's driver fell off during the escape ultimately losing the horse and carrage. You have to find the horse, bring ti back and earn a reward. Deliver messages to other quest givers. Collect insect wings dropped from killing certain enemies in certain location. Be an undercover thief, locate the treaures and take back to quest giver.
  9. Well I'll give it a whirl for the sake of being curious. I guess 27.
  10. ...Finally,,,, Guild Wars 2 has arrived!

    1. madanchi


      Nice! and I don't mind grind-festing that much, awesome scenery makes up for it. Fraps idle took up 25% cpu.... Don't ask, I have no idea, doesn't normally.

    2. ShinGamix


      anyone want to buy it for me?

      even though i will have massive drag due to my satellite internet delay

    3. Wyzrd


      I still wish I could play it. :(

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  11. Sometimes I feel the same, especially when I'm out of a job and sat at home on my computer. If struggling for inspiration or general ideas, what I tend to do is create random scribbles on paper then try to form it into a figure, building or pattern.
  12. Interesting idea, I might try and evolve that further. Tell me about it.... I've had too many rmxp projects like that, but life and death of a project is a unique angle to look at.
  13. Marked, what's V like? It's not here in the UK.
  14. FPS games for Wii are only horrible if the developers don't bother, CoD 4 for the Wii had surprisingly well made controls but it came out too late in the Wii's life to make much difference
  15. madanchi

    Newbie here

    This thread was made more than half a year ago :P Check the date before posting, I used to do it in the past a few times without realising the date, until I forced myself to check the dates all the time.
  16. Rumours say that GTA V is coming out for Wii U as well, few retail stores lsited it on their websites but shortly took it down. So, hopefully it will be released for it!
  17. I love Sprite, but it gives me a really strange stomach feeling which shortly leads to stomach pains :( Although a great alternative is 7-Up which I like even more and doesn't affect me :D
  18. Hello everyone, I've thought of an interesting personal project for myself, theme is life and death. Might be something to consider doing yourself if stuck for ideas. I'm using this personal project as an art based one, but really it could be anything. At first I didn't really know what to do but once I got going I realised the theme can be so vast and packed choc-o-bloc with interesting ideas that it's crazy to pinpoint where to start. I bet it's a great theme to base a game around too! So what I'm interested in is hearing what ideas everyone else has about this theme. It could be anything from religeous beliefs, to the living dead and even the never ending cycle of life and death within recycled material. Thanks for reading. Mad out!
  19. Hey GDU what is your favourite beverage? I adore Lattes and starting to enjoy Macchiatos. Normally Espresso is too intense for me alone, so I add plenty of sugar and top it with a velvety milk foam :) Oh and I can't forget about Green Tea, lovely. What're your favourites? Boop, my Macchiato
  20. Simple, straight forward and easy to follow. Just one thing, the picture is too small to see :P
  21. Looks like Wyzrd is going to be the only entry then, I've only been back for little more than a week so it's hard for me to nominate when I havn't been here the majority of the month. I do think nominating Wyzrd is a good choice from what I've seen so far, so I nominate him too.
  22. How do I edit the 'About Me' page on my profile? Can't find the button to edit it. I am a little blind when it comes to finding stuff.

    1. Wyzrd
    2. madanchi


      Thank you very much Wyzrd! As I suspected, my eyes missed that section many times.

    3. Wyzrd


      No problem at all.

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