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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. I might start livestreaming sometime next week, just me designing the artwork for my game + commentary. Could be fun.

  2. Don't worry there are sane people here, mostly ;) Welcome to GDU Comet, have a nice stay.
  3. Interesting, well I got a couple things done but I've been haing early start/ late finishing times this week (and will too next week). And I know what you mean, I can work towards those goals bu it may take some time.
  4. Can't get enough done in one day, but I can't stop myself I need to do more! Talking about my game development, I'm puting all my spare time into it now :)

  5. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Then I missed each one o.o
  6. madanchi

    Your Pics

    The big boss finally reveals himself! I'm curiouse, what design is on that shirt you're wearing? Looks interesting.
  7. I remember a long time back I found some very very nice custom tiles someone was creating, but I cannot remember if they were given away free for use or not. I actually have them saved but I want to stress that you'll need permission before publishing the game, I saved them purely for inspirational and development purposes to my own custom tiles. I could work on making some custom tiles as a side project, may take some time but I'll begin with the basics; trees, grass, rocks etc. If there's anything specific you want making just give me a shout and I'll see what I can do. I'll be following in similair style to the 'Trees Reboot' you linked, as that seems the easiest to get going as well as being a nice style. Tiles: https://www.mediafire.com/?94dwmqi3q20j3bn Edit: Here are some screenshots of the set-
  8. Actually I voted Marked to see what would happen to his -11% vote, turned out it moved to 0.96% :O Anyway good luck to all!
  9. Hey thanks for the input, you make some very good points. I know about layering tiles on different layers to gain even more depth and positioning of objects, I just need to get good at it :p Also, I think I'll narrow down the music telling a story for every single room; basically I'll make only a select few rooms have music that tell a story; boss rooms, significant puzzles and so on. I want to note that I'm moving on from using tilesets and using custom graphics with a different game engine; maybe Unity or something.
  10. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Hahaha I've photobombed some of my friends once when we was in London for the week :D Just ran in the background with big thumbs up, looked funny.
  11. Pretty nice program, I'll try out the plugins at some point too. Currently I use Voxal Voice Changer which is free to use but I used it purely for the demonic effect.
  12. I nominate Metaclaw for being Kind/ Helpful. Been responding to many posts with advice, guidance and general kindness.
  13. madanchi

    My Path

    That's going off if you go solo/ indie, if you decide to go for Game Developer than I think picking the correct University is the most important decision; the right one preferrably should have a good job turnover rater after graduation, the necessary skills being taught are relevant to the current industry standards and as an extra put you in touch with contacts within the industry and maybe offer an actual chance to work in that sector as part of your studies. Within the games industry money seems to vary quite a lot, programmers for example get paid a lot of money compared to a Games Artist and a Concept Artist compared to a Games Designer etc. Personally I think earning even £20k a year is a really nice life, depending on where you're going to live in your country; take Oxford for example in the UK or London, prices there you are sure to need a high paying job, so £20K might just get you by but not be living the sweet life.
  14. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Nice shot, quite pretty if I say so. Looking good :) and just lol at that head poking in on the background!
  15. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Oh wow! That's pretty awesome!
  16. I've also got another idea that I think will really help me get the layout designed and add a creative feel to the level :) It will be a forest inside a type of cave, but it has an open top where you can see the night sky filled with stars (which could psoe for some nice atmosphere and moods). Maical, spooky and enchanting is what I'm going for in this level. Can't sorry, I haven't even cracked the surface yet. However, I am getting through the artwork at a steady pace :) Edit: Each level tells a seperate story through music, I think that's an nice subtle touch for the game so maybe I could weave the level desings to incorporate elemets of the story being told; solve puzzle and open a new area relating to the music, certain areas that are actually part of the story etc.
  17. madanchi

    My Path

    300k, seriously??? Well I and others have been told a big fib then. The head tutor at University said it's not that great of wage, I assumed around the £20k-£30k mark, which even then that's very nice in my opinion. Edit: Just checked your profile Zahraa and if you are truely 15 years of age, then you have LOADS of time to think things through :) It's when you get to around my age (23) and up that you need to start making career choices quick sharpish.
  18. Thank you, those did give me some help as to how I could lay things out :) Hills and heights are always good to go for. I just got an idea that could pose for a really interesting feature for the level, an abandoned rail track with a ghost train. Could be worked on, maybe it takes you to different areas of the level/ game world, hearing a faint distant old steam train whistle echoing through the trees.
  19. madanchi

    My Path

    It really really depends on your current situation and what life currently demands off you. Being a games developer is a bold choice to make, you should be 95% sure that it is your passion and love for it to be a career, the same can be said about being a video games artist/ designer. Also, remember the amount of time it takes to build up your skills and then actually getting a job to build experience in that area. If you already have qualifications to be a dentist then I have to advise going down that route, life is horrible and sometimes you need to put aside your not-so-practical dreams to put food on the table. However all that being said, what's more important in life? A job that gets you nice money but being unhappy or not so much pay but being happy, that's the big question here and only you can answer that. For me personally, my career is of a Video Games Designer and the pay is very low for the amount of time and effort you put into it, the reason being is because it is a labour of love, we games artists do it because it is our life and our only true passion. Keep in mind that it is possible to develop an indie game in your free time whilst being a dentist. This can then develop over many years, from the money you earn/ save from being a dentist could build up to be enough to start your own small independent games company. Heh, who knows :) That's my insight and I hope it gave you some help.
  20. I am in need of a small bit of guidance in regards to level design. I'm trying to get the layout of a forest area of my game, problem is forests are so wide open and it's hard for me to get some sort of structure going on as I don't want the level to be open world. Other levels such as caves, water, sky, temples etc I am perfectly fine with, it's just these forest type levels I have problems with. I'm wondering if anyone could give me examples of top town forest level designs, or pitch some suggestions that I will try out (even drawings could help me). This is also a problem with not having a team to pitch ideas to, I'm always alone so it's even harder to develop the ideas into solid level designs. The level itself is forest mixed with mountains, a small tree-village type area will be included somewhere too, possible within the trees themselves and the mountain (maybe a small canyon-like area with huts built into the canyon and tree overgrowth). Finally, I thinking to either make this forest level equivelant to a Temple or just make a temple seperately, and have the forest as an area to work your way into the temple.
  21. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Do I back away or say thank you. Hahaha just kidding, thanks for the compliment :) Didn't you say that you were going to post a pic of yourself too?
  22. That moment when you realise when you've made all your work on the Background Layer in Photoshop :'(

    1. madanchi


      It's almost as bad as when you forget to save and it crashes. I try to save every few seconds now, too many bad experiences of not saving enough!

    2. Marked


      Lol yeah I hate that...

    3. FleshRenderStudios


      lol I hate that when I do my artwork too :p except I use Paint.NET so I can go back and forward as many times as I like and cut a paste sections I did in future versions on different layers :) adaptive memory is good :p


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  23. madanchi

    Your Pics

    Looking good Rajaat! Also, wow Marked good observation! It was far too long ago when I posted a pic of me, so here's a new one :D
  24. Oh I wasn't going at Marked specifically, I was just giving my idea :p I think introducing Unity is a nice starting point, definately could ease things into place rather than jumping into the deep end.
  25. Congratulations both of you! Nice to see new mods around :)
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