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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Hi Marked glad to see GDU back up online even if it is a temporary server! Best of luck in fixing it all up :) Pages take a long time to load for me too.
  2. Oooooh I've got a chunk of my forest tileset made, just need to add texture because it's one bold colour atm.

  3. An employer cannot legally force you to wrok those hours, you can get them in some serious shit if they did force you to do so. If you did it out of your own kindness, then they still can't allow you to work that much even if you wanted to.
  4. Nooo get propper sleep Shin! You need it to function propperly, like making good coffee for example.
  5. Isn't end of month yet and the two are in tie with the lead.
  6. Well I'll be damned, that 'home' button just refreshes the page!
  7. Thye don't really care, that's the problem. I've known it for years. Telling people that method is very very slack and unprofessional. To approve of that from some random forum member is highly unacceptable, it's like giving a child a sharp knife to cut some paper rather than giving them paper scizzors.
  8. Hahaha I used to get that issue, it showed 3 replies of every single comment. It usually happens after 30 mins but I thought it got fixed.
  9. It's working perfect for me. I'm using FireFox 17.0
  10. Very welcome to GDU Midknights :) You've came to the right place we know a lot about those engines and can help where you need it.
  11. Diag deserves more votes people!
  12. More than a year old isn't too old? But thanks for bump because I'm testing this out right now, I have a feeling it will help me out.
  13. If you havn't done so yet, I'd suggest installing OptiFine to give you better fps because I noticed a little lag going on. Texture pack + mods included are fine and not a bad LP overall. Maybe invest in a better microphone.
  14. Here's my version just for the hell of it.
  15. Liking the GW2 background :)

    1. Marked


      Ohhh so that's what its from! It seriously appeared in my computer one day...

    2. deathmoverz24


      i totally credit the art but its too messy for this forum. i remember my friendster days +.+

  16. That's kind of how I feel Broken, my next demo is a huge improvement. The spawn is fairly large, has 4 worlds to enter each with their unique themed entrance to represent that world. Items you can destroy which release spirit energy that you absorb (currency). It's just taking AGES drawing the graphics (with my busy life) and I want music for when it's released, which is hard to get. I'd like to make the music myself, but hell, I'll never do that, unless it's piano based.
  17. Should go for it, could prove reall interesting to play. I was also thinking about making an 8-bit styled side-scroller in rmxp/ Game Editor.
  18. That moment when your upload to Youtube is minutes away, waiting so eager, it feels like forever.

    1. Polraudio


      then it says it failed. then you realize your router had a stroke. had that happen. 4 hours of uploading and it fails.

    2. madanchi


      Ouch! I too had an upload that took 6 hours then it failed to upload! Also my vid finally uploaded ^^

  19. You seriouse? Can't tell :P
  20. Not sure why it's only started recently, maybe something has been added/ chnaged behind closed curtains. Or your bandwidth is being auto-managed by your provider, VirginMedia does this when you use high bandwidth during peak times, it detects it and then manages your bandwidth for a few days. Pretty shitty but that's that.
  21. Hows the judging coming along? Looking forward to see who wins :)
  22. Yeah similar to that and Mad World in colour :P
  23. It's hard to say because success can come from so many different angles. Advertising for one, hype, and of course the most powerful word of mouth, despite the game truely being good or bad. I think experience does come in handy, but not a necessary in my opinion.
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