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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. I don't like Google, they messed Youtube up completely ever since they bought it and started to edit an already great system. Now we have bad design, limitations, subs not working, views not propperly counting, more big only brands trending...
  2. I agree with everything Marked said 100%, the part I can't stress enough is limiting choices, too many choices just lead to disaster. I've seen it myself a couple of times especially the big one in rmxpu which completely vanished without thought. I am interested, always am in these type of things but I won't join in because I will vanish and focus on my own stuff, it's hard enough already to keep focused on one game alone (Lumis), my day-to-day life just seems to pre-occupy me more, that and gaming.
  3. It's okay to feel bad about someone's death without acting like they personally knew the guy. Maybe someone is to blame, depends what angle to look at it from. I wouldn't wholely blame it on his parent, but I do think that they should have picked up on something this bad (autism), being his parents and all, but then we don't know their relation, actions or awareness. Maybe they where in denial and denied anything wrong with the boy. This is going to sound, and will be, very harsh with current standards but naturally if something living has a great enough defficiency then that living thing would die off so it doesn't pass on to offspring and so a healthy chain in is kept in the race. So with that and what I said in the first paragraph, maybe the end result would have been the same disaster.
  4. I'm never one forwriting stories, but I can easily read them. Is the end location going to be named Endsville by any chance too? Startsville should be ren-named to Buttville from EWJ :D
  5. Bloody nice colouring you got here! I presume you vectored over an image of this robot? Great job.
  6. I heard about this, very sad... I found out from this guy:
  7. Ahh that makes more sense then Shin, there's one thing that's been bugging me. Will we see any other monster encounter apart from Leviathan and Vampire? This is bloody Purgatory not a vamp/ leviathan nest, I want to see other monsters in their true form rather than Human form!
  8. Yeah I noticed too, pretty good feature, I can see it encouraging a lot more people to join.
  9. Making good progress on my tileset :)

    1. ShinGamix


      When can we see?

    2. madanchi


      Should have one area fully done in about a week.

  10. I'd love to enter mine, just it's going to take time finishing a demo. I'm making good progress so far, but there's no urgent rush as you said which is a relief :)
  11. madanchi

    Tileset Menu Help

    I'm wondering about something, if it's possible or not because it would help me quite a lot. The tileset menu to the left, where you select what tiles to place on the map, the background colour is default white. Is there any way to change this to another colour?
  12. I thought the same, loved it! I really enjoying these flashbacks of Purgatory and Sams life, also I never knew Leviathans could fly in the air, transform into people wearing clothes (without a host like in S7) and stop angels from teleporting magically...
  13. Well as you can guess from the title I'm releasing an incredibly early demo for Lumis. It's more of a taster rather than demo, I hope you enjoy and sorry that the text at the beginning is slow, I wanted it a little faster but choosing the next speed would be far too fast, trust me. Anyways feel free to give me your opinion, keep in mind it really is an early demo. I wanted to show aspects of what I can achieve and the feelings I can bring up. I don't want to show images jsut quite yet because it would destroy all the surprise, once a few of you have played then I will. Tip: Hold on until the very end ;) The magic is beginning :) Download: http://www.mediafire...ac5t2qbibjtk0yj
  14. that case to me is as uglly as anything, harldy any design has gone into it. That's how I see it :P So yeah two different angles that we're looking from. I think the design of the G10 is superb in every sense.
  15. Demons check underneath their bed at night... To make sure Dean Winchester isn't underneath.
  16. Everyone else dresses up as zombies or ghosts for Halloween, I go dressed as Dean Winchester. The scariest monster that ever lived.
  17. I thought this when you first posted it a while back, absolutely brilliant! Amazing work, very inspirational and quality is superb. Very good work.
  18. Ahhh just sat here on my comfy chair, waiting for my mini barista machine to bru then finally ready for the coffee :)

  19. madanchi


    Not my style of music, I'm more into this below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-WcNNGJ9cA&feature=relmfu
  20. madanchi

    Contest help

    This screams like a spam bot post Albert, just saying. You didn't put any description about anything really.
  21. Anyone read Bleach manga? 514 was a WTF! moment.

    1. vincestick


      I used to read it...I think I stopped after the final arc with Aizen. Bleach was really jumping the shark for me...or at least it was dragging on like Tite never had a general endpoint in mind.

  22. Don't like the background it's too chaotic too look at. Forum sections looks very nice, love the transparent with a slight grey tint. The text is good but the tabs at the top under the banner appear to be too fine-ite and look too sharp. Overall nicely done.
  23. By the time mine comes out I have watch it on Thursday.
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