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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Just hit over 7000 profile views :D

  2. Hahaha yeah it seems to be empty everytime I enter, but to be honest I think the main issue comes down to people leaving straight away if it's empty, rather than sticking around for more to join. Though I have to admit I havn't been in chat for ages now.
  3. What type of music do you compose? I'm looking for some creepy/ dark atmospheric music.
  4. Welcome to GDU Dave! Get stuck in and stick around for a while :)
  5. Good luck everyone! I've cast my vote, can't wait to see results.
  6. Personal taste here but the logos are huge and I think there's too many forums, maybe add categories into a forum, for example: Game Egnines: -RPG Maker XP -RPG Maker VX/Ace -Express Game Meker -Other Engines
  7. I don't like the Remix at all sorry, I just don't feel happy remixing another persons game but I LOVE the Retro part, I have some nice ideas coming already. So a Retro contest with Set Title would be my personal choice.
  8. Well if you think you'll have the time to be a judge Rail then by all means do so and I also think a good ideas is, as already mentioned, that GDU staff/ reputable members could also be judges.to help. Just to note: Now that light has been shone on the matter it is far better to not limit to using default rtp graphics especially since multiple engines are allowed to be used.
  9. Clicking the link you gave it looks like you've done a nice job visually, but I won't fully appreciate it until I actually know what a jQuery Filter is.
  10. Good luck with that :P Remember to send us the link.
  11. That's good to know, just thought I'd mention it if it was unseen.
  12. Hmm okay then I'll give it a shot. Engine Catacombs Cataclysmic Engine Room Galactic Engine List Hall of Spoken Game Engines Game Engine Awakening List
  13. AHHHH NOOOOO! I can't hear anything almost in my right ear. I can't believe how annoying it is.

  14. What program are you using? Then I'll begin work.
  15. The image itslef is large, the bottom half is full of white space. I too am curious to if you got any further with the tileset Force, love seeing custom tilesets.
  16. Wordpress can be very good and free with what you can do. SonicRetro has their entire website+forum on a wordpress and we all know about that website. Reminds me of my old wordpress blog where I started to put up artwork, but sadly I stopped it. I'd definately check it out Albertibay, here's a couple helpfull links below. Links: Website: http://en.wordpress.com/ Starting Up: http://en.support.wordpress.com/ Creating: https://signup.wordpress.com/signup/
  17. I just found out about Proteus! a couple days back, any other unusual/ un-heard of games that people have heard of? I'm going on a hunt for unknown games that have some value to them.
  18. I t hought the size of the picture was fine, as it auto resizes :o I didn't think it was alet down at all, I remember being hyped by the trailers and was pleased with the film. Also it was confirmed it isn't a prequal which was a bit of both worlds, dissapointing but also a relief.
  19. Yeah do anything with anything but just use all default stuff. Maybe it's a bit too strict though, a custom title screen for example isn't such a massive adavntage over others, same can go to message box graphics, fonts and maybe even sprites now I think about it.
  20. Hahaha it's not that bad, happened to me once however, just to test out if I could actually post but then forgetting I was testing and made a rather large post.
  21. Agreed, I think this was suggested in the first page? I can't remember, I'll have to check back soon. How about using only default everything including music, paralex, sprites etc too.
  22. Looks like I'm having a chippy for tea tonight!

  23. Ah again I was sure I clicked Post when I was writing my reply to yours, guess i didn't. Anyway, I didn't think much if any of it was boring, I liked the tense atmosphere building up to seing the aliens. Although there was one part that I really didn't like, the part where that guy got mutated or something and started attacking everyone, I thought it was kind of crap and unnecessary.
  24. When topics are locked, a message says that I can post when it should say I cannot. Message as follows: "Be aware that this topic is locked. You have permission to reply to locked topics."
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