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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Oooh re-developed, does this mean a complete re-do or more of an enhancement? I swear I remember when you two were working on it, or maybe I just remember it being released, anyhow good luck :D
  2. madanchi

    GTA V

    I can't aim for shit with a controller, for shooting at least, it's just got to be mouse and keyboard. I'm looking forward to the game, I thought gta iv was a load of rubbish, the only good thing about it was the PC high res texture mod.
  3. Meh have to sign up to download, should have used Mediafire or something. In any case this game looks very nice and well pollished so I'm signinn up and downloading.
  4. Oh my f**ing god, Youtube will NOT stop recommending bloody videos that I hate and ones that I've even Blocked the user and yet they're still recommended!!! I HATE Youtube!

    1. Bob423


      yea i've seen some really weird recommendations. youtube is broken.

    2. madanchi


      Well I've completely wiped out the entire right side collumn (recommendations) so now it's jsut a big empty space, which isn't what I was after but at least it's stopped it.

  5. What's nu metal all about then? Haven't heard of it before. Also what would you lot class this as? The only thing I dont like about Unter Null is her lust for blood, it really repels me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G93MaBykXBU
  6. I like the stats widget at top but I think the recent gallery images thing can go, simply because I don't feel it's needed.
  7. Black suits her more, maybe black hair and a purple dress. Also her boobs looks too far apart.
  8. Ok so after 4 days of learning Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement, I can play the first part of it :D! Link below to hear it. Not bad if I must say so after 5 days of playing the piano. http://soundcloud.co...ta-1st-movement
  9. I havn't had a single case where pages took longer than normal to load. Maybe I'm special.
  10. Welcome to GDU, have a nice stay :)
  11. Yeah you're correct I just googled it, not sure why I didn't do that earlier :P
  12. Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement... You're now my bitch!

  13. I don't know wht an Oration is, but I've highlighted below in red the mistakes.
  14. Good luck with your game! Story doesn't sound that bad, pretty good infact. Should be nice to see it done in Unity.
  15. Pretty nifty feature, good work :)
  16. Hey Metal, welcome to GDU! Have a nice stay.
  17. Liking the alt logo :D And looking forward to see part 2 of the story.
  18. Brilliant design work! Looks great, really like the colour scheme and details.
  19. Thanks :) I'm learning Song of Healing, Tobuscus' Dramatic Song and Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement.
  20. I hate Synthesia, it's horrible. Just thought I'd say that. It's basically what Moon said. Just imagine a normal piano but being played on the computer.
  21. Just like any other piano keyboard but only works with computers and you use software to get the sounds. I use Pianoteq, one of the best around. I'm having a lot of fun with Korg Wavestation too.
  22. The logo looks good, but the colour scheme is too dark. The colours almost blend together and are too grim. I suggest selecting 1 primary colour for the text and secondary for the sword both with their individual opacity levels where necessary. Also you might want to experiment moving the sub text in different positions. I think "You choose the path you'll take" would look good above the bottom left sub text. Alterations of the text could be: You decide the path that you will take. You decide your own path. The path taken, will be the one you decide. You are the one that decides your own destiny. I really like the HUD design and lighting, pulled off quite nicely :) All the transparent sections of the Window Skin look great but I think the rest is too dense/ bleak. Maybe keep it the same but choose a lighter colour. The HP/ SP colours are very suiting. Font used is good, and I like the gentle hint of blue applied to the HP/ SP/ Lv/ E titles.
  23. My new midi keyboard arrived today, very happy and I've been messing around with it. I've wanted to play the piano for so many years now and I've finally got around to playing. I had about 5 minutes mess around, testing out different notes, combos, tones, pressure etc before I recorded my first propper practice session. Nothing special, it's rough, not perfect but it does have some nice parts in it that have potential. I've uploaded it to my Soundcloud. I'll be composing music and sound effects for Lumis now :D I can finally propperly utilise Wavestation (Korg) and other software that I have. Below is a link to my Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.co...ractice-dawn-of Edit: This is my midi keyboard: Alesis Q49 Midi keyboard http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0038YX3BS/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00
  24. WOOOOOOOOH! My midi keyboard arrived this morning, so happy

    1. ShinGamix


      I want to see a pic!

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