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Everything posted by laansolo

  1. december half-over. My name isn't under member of the month for november yet. ;( Oh well. It'll get done. Also... at school.. It is -9 degrees outside. Oh Noes!

    1. Marked


      Sorry, the topic has to be in the archive forum for it to show up. Fixed now :)

  2. I want... WORLD PEACE!!! :jay: ... and of course, my OWN 3rd world country! It will be called Castlevania! As you can obviously see, the name is origional. I also wouldn't mind an x-box 360, wii, ps3, psp, all Halo games, a pet monkey, super powers, some clothes, 2,000 dollars to donate to charity, no school for the next... 3 days, and a cookie :clap: .
  3. Have a buncha tests today. Hope I pass.

  4. Make a common name. Name the first character MALE and the second FEMALE. RPGVX is inteeligent enough that it recognizes the actor ID, not the name. If they rename the characterr, the event would still be called for the gender. Hope this helped :) .
  5. Quite frankly, I don't care what the look like. I've just been looking for them in order to make a game. I found a site a long time ago that had them, but I forgot what it was, exactly. :sweatdrop: Oh, well. Thanks for helping.
  6. Hey. Welcome to RMXP unlimited. Need anything, just ask.
  7. I was wondering if anyone knew where a dressphere-like system (The one from final fantasy 10-2) for either RPG XP or VX. I would like to get one, if at all possible. If it could, can it change your abilities, equipment, and look, or is that possible using eventing?
  8. I scrapped a game I was working on that I posted on this site. It was Dragon Soul. To many confusing things with it. I started a new one and it is for VX. Hoping to upload it soon.
  9. laansolo

    Script help

    You forgot the ] at the end of the first spoiler. Just pointing that out. :sweatdrop:
  10. I only just realized that I won member of ther month. Thank you everyone of the 4 people who voted for me. I still plan on helping out as best I can. And thank you, Marked, for nominationg me.

    1. Marked


      No problem :) You deserve it.

    2. Kiriashi


      Great job.


      When I make my return, I'll be back in charge once again. >:P

    3. Bigace360
  11. I only just now realized that I won MOTM! Oh my god! I'd like to thank the academy xD. Thank you everyone for voting for me!

  12. The link actually already has the ORGIONAL authors name (or if no author was given, I put the poster) Also, feel free to add links to any scripts that arent already here in a post. I'll add them later. They do have to be from this site, though. And thank you. I'm glad youm like it. :)
  13. Try editing out the pictures. Also, you may have to grab the script, copy it and any instructions into a word document ot note pad. I get that problem too. Don't know why it happens, though.
  14. laansolo

    Script help

    Try Moving Audio.bgm_stop Audio.bgm_play(TLOZ file select, 100, 100) Around. Because how can you stop music that isn't playing? Or just get rid of Audio.bgm_stop. That may be causing the problem. But I'm not a scripter. Soooo, ya.
  15. http://www.snapfiles.com/get/stickfigure.html Heres a little link for ya, Polraudio. Try it and tell me what you think.
  16. There is a thing called Pivot Stick Figure animator that I enjoy and I create random crap using it. I also watch things that other people made. I was wondering who uses this. Also, here is one of mine: Put it in spoilers to make you're computers dont lag-izzle.
  17. Nice look. You should hook that as a link to the MOTM on the home-page. Also, I agree with Kage Kazumi.
  18. Alright, everybody! This has enough done that it is now open to posting comments in. Tell me what you think about this! The Creator, -Laansolo
  19. I'm not quite done with it yet, though. Also, I do plan on making a VX version. Nd thank you for the compliment. Thought that I would actually contribute something to the site that people will actually use. :)
  20. First off, sorry for posting on a long-dead topic, but it appears that the current link is a litle glitchy. If someone could upload this script to the site...? (if is not already here)
  21. Well, ya, but the user submitted scripts that have not been uploaded to the site. By that I mean that the scripts that arent in the download manager. Besides, this (http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5969-member-made-xp-script-database/) is what I am talking about. P.S., how do you like how it looks so far?
  22. Yo. Wlecome, withinsin. By author, do you mean, like, an actual writer or just fan fictions and stuff. I tried to be a author. Still trying, but so far, havent been able to finish a single book. Got kinda far in one though.
  23. Thank you, both of you. You made this job a whole lot easier.
  24. I am currently working on organizing the scripts that people have posted on this site. To make things easier, I am using spoilers. However. I currently do not know how to create them :sweatdrop: . If one person could tell me, I would be thankful.
  25. MAKE SURE TO CHECK WHEN THE LAST POST WAS!!! ONE OF THE MOST CONFUSING THINGS YOU CAN DO IS NECROPOST! MAKE SURE TO ASK A MOD TO POST BEFORE YOU DO SO! RULES (yes, there are some!) 1. You see any problems (eg. link wrong, script in wrong classification, missing classification. PM ME! DO NOT POST IT ___IN HERE! 2. Only post here if I am missing a script. Only reason to post, after the original few that are here already. THAT IS ALL. THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING THOSE TWO SIMPLE RULES ENJOY YOUR SCRIPTS! Character & Party Customization [1 script is a tutorial not script, the rest are good to go] Shop Customization [These scripts are good to go] Equipment Related [3 scripts work, 2 are crossed out] Creation Systems [These scripts are good to go] Journal Scripts [1 link works, 2 are dead links, one is a request thread] Map/Movement Related Systems [1 Link gives a sql server error, the others work] Message Systems [3 are working, 2 dead links] Menu/HUD Systems [1 Link leads to the main page, every thing else is good to go.] Event Related Systems [2 scripts work, 4 are crossed out] Battle Affecting Systems [One link is a request and the other is dead, the rest of the scripts work fine] Random Enhancements [All But 7 links work, those 7 are either dead links or something else] Music Related [One script works other is a dead link] Kits [both Links don't work, waste your time here] ENCRYPTION SYSTEM HAR RM Susano'o (New Encryption System for RMXP) Whew, finally finished.
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