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Everything posted by ShinGamix

  1. try paint.net or gimp. They are both free. I use gimp even though I have photo-shop and other programs I paid for.
  2. One more day until SuperNatural!!! I will be in chat afterwords!!
  3. Marked I answered honestly as I could. I really wanted to just give the site all the best scores but I felt that wouldn't be very beneficial to the site in any real way. If you need any specific response to the certain questions, I would be more than happy to answer. and good choice on skipping the "test" phase and going straight into "open doors" phase. I couldn't be more pleased with the great job you did. (*pats Marked on the back "Good Job")
  4. sorry I voted for the fluffy kittens! -Edit haha It is a tie within yourself Wyzrd!!
  5. I have all of the first six seasons right here on my pc! Season 7 was one hell of a let down. Can you believe you only have to wait a few days while I have been waiting since july/Aug for the show to come back. Season one/two are still my fav. The yellowed eyed demon was still the best bad guy the show EVER had!
  6. YOu need to finish it before wednesday. You do have the channel dont you?
  7. Had a real bad day. The worst I have in a long long time.

    1. Bob423
    2. Marked


      That sucks shin, hope u cheer up tomorrow

    3. madanchi


      :'( I hate those days, I had far too many during my second year at Uni and the end result, I suffered an anxiety attack for 3 weeks solid.

  8. crap I had a lot of problems trying to post it. Sorry. It was the best of the funny moments video. Now just click on the SuperNatural Pic below to see it Madanchi
  9. This topic will serve as a reminder? I believe you might have just linked it wrong. I think you link it to cancel post instead of preview would be my opinion. Couldn't you just change the button real fast?
  10. I knew there was an VX version (It even says it in the topic) but I was asking about an Ace version which the VX version WILL NOT work with Ace.
  11. I was editing a message and I used the full editor option and when I hit preview it posted the reply or canceled it because it didn't save my edit. I tried this three times and all three times it did the same thing.
  12. They better do this shit right this time. Play Kansas at the very beginning of the season! Have "the road so far" back Drive the Impala again! Rock music Need a good parental figure since they have killed every other one off.. maybe bring back their Mom this time. Need a really badass badguy again. The yellow eyed demon was the best. Need a comical side episode after every three of the serios ones like they used to do. Let me write and episode or at a season. I have a "Long Road Out of Hell" Season Idea. I always wanted to see the boys walk into hell and kick ass there. This is what makes the show so good. Bring this shit back. Well guess I don't know how to post a video here..sorrry. http://youtube.com/v...bSM
  13. Well Wyzrd as the month of September draws to a close I would like to congrat you ..or the other Wyzrd!
  14. It should do good with NintendoTV, ability to control the tv and lights from the handheld controller screen, but How many times has Ninendo had a launch without a good Zelda Title. None that caught my attention. There were a few but many Nintendo-fans just follow Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. These three titles sell Nintendo more than any third party game.
  15. Wow this topic was only made in March of this year and it is this bad. A mod or admin needs to fix it and all the pics seem to be dying too. Oh that is the pic for "download attachment" that needs to be fixed badly Marked. Now a question-Is anyone going to translate this to Ace? No tactical ones for ace like this yetz.
  16. Well since there area vast number of topics that are several years old I think some necro posting could and should be allowed. @BigAce Is there two games being made called warriors? It is kinda confusing at some times.
  17. So where do I start MoonPearl? -and my light still has come on..maybe I should just shove this screwdriver into the light socket? Then maybe the light would come on?
  18. If you guys don't want to teach then that's all I needed to hear. The reverse enginnering approach doesn't work for me as I been messing up scripts that way for a while now. So just keep playing with electricity until the light shines up?
  19. It seems like the cars are the focus off the map and the rest of the intersection is just to plain besides being all dark and gray-scale. Also the gif of the flashing lights is annoying to me. Latly, I see the puddles of blood. Where are the drips, splatter, and trail of how the blood got there?
  20. It stars Wednesday! Yep they moved it to Wednesday night!! Well Wyzrd doesn't know what happened at the end of 7 yet so SHHHHHHHHHHH!
  21. I am very eager to learn to script for one of the three major rpg makers. I have been wanting to learn for a while now. Moonpearl I am ready to commit to a scripting teacher! -teach me my master.
  22. Where are all the NIntendo games like Zelda and Metroid??? -Line uo sucks ass! Nintendo isnt trying to be Nintendo with this line up.
  23. Well goodnight I have to work Saturday. See you guys around.

    1. madanchi


      When I had a job, I used to work weekends full stop :/ and usually had monday/ tuesday off.

  24. dam i dont know them by number what is the episode about?
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