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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Nintendo needs to start porting games to PC.

    1. Bob423


      Obviously not all of their games would work on PC because of their weird controls, but some would be awesome.

    2. Marked


      That doesn't make sense though right... they'd go broke coz no one would use their consoles?

  2. So my mom bought some pancake mix and the box said it makes 6...it made 4 SMALL pancakes.

  3. So the other day, my mom got invinited by someone from her work to a thing at Wilcox Farm, which I learned is like 45min from my house. My dad, brother, and me, went there for food and my mom just went to see Hans Zeiger. As we were leaving...like right after eating, and thinking "no one will see us leave" Mr. freaking Wilcox himself was there to ask why we were leaving. Literally the worst possible scenario XD

    1. Bob423


      For those who don't know: Wilcox Farms is a company and Hans Zeiger is a politician. We went to the actual Wilcox Farm, in Roy, Washington.

    2. Marked


      World famous in Washington.

    3. Bob423


      Only in Washington probably...is it at least funny?

  4. I just realized that today (9/11) is like the polar opposite of the 4th of July.

    1. Kitsuki


      What movie we talkin' about here, Mark? O.o *readies pen to add movie to list*

    2. Bob423


      "Independence Day" It's about an alien invasion and has Will Smith in it.

    3. Marked


      Woah Bob, you have wisdom beyond your years.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  5. My biggest issue with the newer RPG Makers is that the chibi sprites are just too silly for me to make anything even a little bit serious with them.

    1. Polraudio


      can always import all XP's graphics.

  6. Mapping is better, battle system is better, and scripts are in JS? Too bad Unity is free and I don't like the chibi graphics, because I'd be sold otherwise.
  7. I remember the first time I played FF7...I was apparently the only person in the world who didn't know that Aerith dies, so I used her as my healer...which I guess is what everyone did.

    1. Bob423


      But did you play it after everyone else in the entire freaking world had already found out like it was another "Vader is Luke's Father" thing, like me? Because my brother knew and had never played it either :\

    2. Polraudio


      yea i played it after everyone else lol. I just didn't have good internet at the time and didnt really know how to use it.

    3. kaboth


      I was like, really. realllllllllly she died.....

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  8. Wait, you just said you won't do any of the things ardi mentioned... Well whatever, here's some of the things he said. Let's start with this: - Teamspeak Server...? - A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete) - Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar - Either remove the blog section entirely or add it to the recent posts thing and make it easier to find - Reduce the size of youtube videos in chat - The ability to delete or edit your own quotes (maybe...?) And for moderators: - The ability to edit and not just delete quotes - Mod powers in chat (kick, ban...?) - For deleting quotes to redirect to the quotes page instead of that...doll...thing. Now that I think about it...there really isn't that much. At least nothing that I can think of off the top of my head. I wonder how a "Stuff we want" topic would go. People post suggestions, which are added to the OP and removed or crossed out when done.
  9. There's no doubt that what Marked has done is impressive. I feel like the main issue here is the fact that everyone willing to help can't and Marked probably wouldn't accept the help anyway. And then people(me included) get annoyed when Marked isn't fixing the tiny issues with the site that annoy me every other day...but in reality we're just being unreasonable. Ardi's kinda new, so he's allowed to be a little annoyed, but I should know better :\ I somehow completely forgot that Marked has talked about this kind of thing before...and I was there...making almost the exact same complaints.
  10. Got 15 of 72 character sprites done. Half of them are just minor variations of the other half, so it's a lot less than it sounds...Plus it's mostly recolors and putting heads on different bodies.

    1. Bob423


      By minor variations, I mean like...the color of something or hood vs. no hood. I guess I could do hair colors, but that would require about 5x more sprites. A little less since some of the variations I have are alternate hair colors

  11. I literally just removed part of the cape...Didn't do much else. Go ahead and do what you want with it lol
  12. So first of all, some history: For the few people who might be reading this and probably don't know, Xenosaga is a trilogy of turn-based RPGs created by Monolith Soft and spiritual successor (and technically prequel) to Square's Xenogears. Xenoblade is Xenosaga's spiritual successor and, as far as I know, is unrelated in terms of story. Due to some...complications, the series was pretty much ruined, possibly worse than Firefly. (at least the 1 season we got was really good...) Episode 1 is great, but it's clear that it's unfinished. Episode 2 changed too much and in all the wrong ways...it was so bad that almost everyone working on it was fired and they had to bring in a new group for Episode 3 and, as a result, Episode 3 had a completely different battle system, albeit with a few similar mechanics. As a whole, the series is great, but it has...problems. One problem is how god damn complicated the lore (if you can call it that) is. You think Kingdom Hearts is complicated? Try reading the Xenosaga wiki and explain to me, in your own words, who chaos, Nephilim, Mary Magdalene, and Wilhelm are in very simple terms. The main story of Xenosaga at least can be understood pretty well, but there's a kind of...layer...of philosophy and complicated ideas and things based on Judaism and Christianity that just makes my brain hurt. And I can understand 90% of Kingdom Hearts perfectly. It's only the stupid, convoluted, and just weird time travel "logic" in DDD that I don't get. Is religious symbolism really symbolism when Jesus Christ himself has his own page on the wiki? ...Anywho...another thing I wanted to talk about was the similarities between Xenosaga and Evangelion. #1 is possibly the most obvious: Giant mechs. Xenosaga has A.G.W.S (Anti-Gnosis Weapon System)'s, A.M.W.S (Assault Maneuver Weapon System)'s, E.S. (Ein Sof)'s, and various robots. Evangelion has the Evas, which is short for Evangelion. #2 is religious symbolism. Xenosaga’s, however, actually makes sense, while Evangelion’s seems to have been thrown in just for fun. #3 An "emotionless" female character. While yes, this isn't very rare in anime, Rei and KOS-MOS both have very good reasons for not having emotions. KOS-MOS's reason is obvious...she's an android. While Rei... #4 The existence of mechs that can only be piloted by special people/non-humans. In Xenosaga, the E.S.'s can't be piloted by ordinary humans. Realians(artificial human), URTV's(artifcial clones of some crazy guy), androids, and chaos all make good E.S pilots. (chaos is the name of a character. His name is never capitalized) In Evangelion, the Eva's seem to require emotionally unstable teenagers as pilots... So yeah... That's all, dood!
  13. I'm probably the only person in the world who wants to make a parody of the Evangelion opening using clips from Xenosaga...unfortunately I'm not exactly a video editor. And I bet no one here understands how perfect it would be...

  14. Everything you said is basically what I was trying to say, but couldn't find the right words. Not sure how Marked doesn't get this. :\ I've never not felt like there was something wrong with this site, but I've been too lazy to really care. Some of the issues are fixed when mentioned, but some seem to be completely ignored. A web developer who doesn't fix bugs when they're reported seems unprofessional to me, regardless of all the other awesome stuff he's done. I'm going to college soon for software development, but I seriously considered web development for multiple reasons, one being to help fix the parts of the site that Marked is too busy to. Unfortunately, web development isn't what I want to do for a living, what I want to learn it for won't make me money anyway, and it'll be difficult for me, personally, to do both, if not impossible. I would gladly donate my time and/or money to fixing this site if either of those things were possible for me (I have all the time in the world, but no skills or money). I think I'll be doing work study in college, so I'll make a little money and might be able to donate a few bucks here and there if you'll let me. About the "explore the world" thing: I would probably use a lore page for my game. There's lots of stuff in my series that I want to put on a game page, but most people don't really care about.
  15. I'm not good enough at pixel art to make that look halfway decent lol
  16. I stopped because I'm not sure I can do the side sprites. Also, the way it's tied in the back of yours looks strange to me and doesn't fit what I'm going for. This is more what I had in mind. I want to put in a little easter egg/reference to Disgaea, but if I can't make it look good, it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to make a character that looks exactly like Laharl though, so he won't be shirtless...and he'll have a natural hair color...and eye color.
  17. I was disappointed to find that none of the RTP sprites have scarves, but I noticed that part of Monster 11's cape kinda looks like a scarf. After humanizing monster 11 and making it look like Polraudio dressed as his avatar (for my super secret project), I started trying to turn the cape into a scarf, which I want to put on a different sprite...I didn't get far. By the way, feel free to use this one: The purple part of the top one is actually slightly darker than the RTP. I was hoping someone would give it a try and see what they can do with it.
  18. Much better response, thank you. I understand :)
  19. If enough people want something and you have the time, why not make it? Why can't we be "the awesome game dev forum" instead of "the site where the owner only cares about views and getting more traffic" like every other site on the entire internet? Yes, that's important, but fixing bugs and adding cool things CAN in fact, increase traffic (or do I just not know how the human mind works?). You seem to have the mindset of "If it doesn't fix the problem completely, it's not worth doing at all" which seems like a pretty crappy mindset to me :\ As for the things that don't increase traffic and never will... I still don't see why you'll never work on them. Why not make things for convenience sake? I would accept a "I'm too busy and have other priorities" response to be honest. I just don't want to hear that you don't want to or that you don't think it's important enough to even consider. I for one think an easy way to donate to you is a great idea, seeing as there are literally no ads on this site and you're the only one doing any coding for it.
  20. So I was thinking just now "Hey, my avatar could be a loading icon." Then I realized it IS the loading icon for the PS3 Disgaea games.

    1. Bob423


      Not sure how I forgot that...

  21. I can actually answer a couple of these... And provide an example of when to use the quote button. I'm not sure about subscribers, but I know legends are people who helped a lot with the site when it was still brand new, but aren't mods or admins. Not sure if they have any special powers though. Because the quotes section is so far down Mark's list of priorities that it exists on a second page that he keeps in a drawer somewhere that he never opens. I'd really like to be able to at least edit them, so I don't have to re-submit ones that other people added and have them appear under my name. Some of the ones under "Marked" at the bottom, are from the original topic for quotes and all added as soon as the quotes system was created. We mods have no powers in the games section. I think this needs fixing... I think there is one, but it's not used anymore. Explain? There's help text when your cursor hovers over one the buttons, but here ya go anyway: This site and 99.9% of forums use something called bbcode for topic posts. Google it. 1: toggle WYSIWYG. "What you see is what you get." When off, the text editor displays bbcode tags instead of exactly what your post will look like. 2. Remove formatting and reset highlighted text to plain text 3. Add a bbcode tag that doesn't have it's own button 4. Font Type 5. Font size 6. Font color 7. Emojis :youcandoit: 8. Access media uploaded to the site by you. 9. Find text 10. Replace text 11. Undo/Redo 12,13,14,15. Copy, Paste, Paste as plain text, Paste from word 16. Extra options. There are currently 2 17. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike through, Subscript, Superscript 18. Lists (I didn't use that feature to make this list, but I probably should have) 19. Add Link/Remove Link 20. Add image 21. Add code. The text inside the code box will be displayed as text regardless of what it says, so you can write bbcode and it will do nothing. 22. Add a quote 23. Increase/decrease indent...of like half the freaking post apparently, wtf. 24. Horizontal text alignment...of like half freaking post apparently, wtf Luckily I could use the light switch in the top left to fix the last two... A spoiler tag inside of a code tag: [spoiler] Vader is Luke's father [/spoiler] I know you didn't really need ALL of them explained, but I did anyway lol. Hm...I guess Pol, Mark, or I could write a guide/faq and shove it up your- I mean, put it in the bug report section and pin it...I'd need help with FAQ stuff. Edit: Cake is not pastry. It's cake.
  22. Why is every Nintendo game $60 and NOT worth it?

    1. Kitsuki


      What? SIXTY DOLLARS? I bought Phoenix Weight games for 20 apiece and even I would not pay a penny more :P I wouldn't buy any game for $60, screw that.

    2. Bob423


      Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8, which are the only 2 Nintendo games that are out that I care about at all, are both $60. Just seems like every Nintendo game I want is super expensive now, and none of them are ever worth it. MK8, maybe 30. Mario Maker? 15 MAX...but 60 is just stupid.

    3. Kitsuki


      I wouldn't buy any single form of entertainment for $60, period. P: (By single form I mean like singular DVDs and games and stuff. I'll buy consoles and stuff.)

  23. Okay let me rephrase that... I'm making a tactical RPG and was hoping to find a scarf in the RTP because I want a character to wear one as a reference to a certain game I like. People who have talked to me in chat might be able to guess correctly who the scarf is in reference to.

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