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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. There's really not much to tell lol. I tried to use Bob because I couldn't think of anything, but it was taken so I added "423" and I've used that username everywhere it was available ever since. If it's not available, I use Bobgdu or something.
  2. I'm a huge nerd with "high-functioning" Asperger's. I do this kinda stuff. Sorry :P NAO BACK TO DA TOPIC
  3. As a huge nerd, I think it's important to note that originally, Red and Blue didn't have names. They were just whatever the player named them (although the games suggested names, including Red, Blue, and Ash*). It wasn't until Gen 2 (Gold, Silver, and Crystal) that they were given "official" names. In those, Blue was a gym leader and Red was a secret ending bonus boss type guy. *Ash was only suggested in Yellow (I think) because that game was actually based on the anime
  4. I didn't really lol. It's the Kajiit one.
  5. Yeah... kids! *hides the meme he posted*
  6. We don't judge here. You could like Justin Beiber for all I care. (although his fans are all really annoying 13-year old girls)
  7. Well I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately, so...
  8. Funny how Canada and Australia have someone else's queen on their money.

    1. Bob423


      I mean...it makes sense why, but I still think it's funny.

    2. Marked


      Lol bro, there's a decent reason for it. The Monarchy of these colonies, including NZ, is the Queen. She actually has theoretical legal powers. She's on our money too.

  9. I need a new dog so I get in shape...

    1. zahraa


      oh get a Husky they're very lovely *_*

    2. Polraudio


      get a cat and chase it around the house.

    3. Kitsuki


      get a fish, sit in one spot for a few hours, and watch it swim around in its tank.

  10. For future reference, this site has 2 moderators that see everything Marked doesn't, including PMs that are sent to them. If it's something a mod can do, send it to one of us.
  11. lol, welcome to GDU. Marked has "ignored" my PMs too. I think I remember him saying he's just busy and doesn't always see PMs. He usually responds to topics in this forum though (especially ones with a title like that) We don't hate you, we were just annoyed when you first got here.
  12. The average time is uh...between when you posted it to 5 seconds ago. :P
  13. The reason Little John is called "little" even though he's not little, isn't for irony, it's becaus of his little john.

    1. Polraudio


      his little john is small. I had to use the little john earlier XD(The John = toilet here).

    2. Bob423


      Same here, but if you put "son" at the end, it has a completely different meaning. I really don't want to explain this joke lol

    3. Kitsuki


      childhood ruined and thrown out the window, thank you Bob :P

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  14. Pikachu don't have rodent teeth, they have fangs. Pikachu is a carniverous mouse that can shoot lightning from it's cheeks.

  15. Empires are always evil. Why can't we have empires that only want to rule part of the world?

    1. Polraudio


      not just empires want to rule the world lol. every race wants to rule the world but we just dont admit it.

  16. Jesus actually came back a while ago and has saved the world multiple times, we just never noticed.

    1. Polraudio


      He is breaking the biggest rule of all. Ascended beings are not allowed to interfere at all with us lower life forms.

    2. Bob423


      But he's like... a Demigod, so he feels like he should help us since he feels like he's one of us.

      ...I would watch this movie.

    3. Bob423


      And he's actually trying to fix a lot of the problems we've been having, but there's only so much he can do when some of his powers have been taken away for interfering too much.

  17. I always get annoyed by people freaking out about snakes, but if I ever met one, I'd probably be too afraid to touch it.

    1. Kitsuki


      I gotta saw they're cute... I've been wanting to keep one as a pet.

    2. Marked


      Learn to speak snake, like Harry.

    3. Bob423



  18. Or maybe I just knew how to find it on google. It's "Quagmire arm gif" if you're interested.
  19. Dude, my project is huge. The longer I have to wait to be able to actually work on it, the bigger it gets. I'm working on something smaller first, but my main project is huge for where I am in life lol. At least 5 full-length RPGs are gonna come from all this lore I'm writing. It'll start with a game that takes place pretty much in the middle, then some sequels taking place 1500 years later, then a prequel taking place 9000 years before that, then a finale or 2 taking place about 1500 years after the sequels. All of the stories are tied together, but could probably be played in almost any order. And it's both sci-fi and fantasy with magic that has rules I've made to pretty much turn it into just a different kind of science.
  20. Thinking of starting an even smaller project than that platformer I want to make...smaller as in, made in RPG Maker. Will take place in the same universe as Arcatis and have a similar story to what was originally going to be Final Fantasy Ace. I just want to get something done really...

    1. Polraudio


      Just dont rush it. Like i say "Do it right or don't do it at all"

  21. My Gamecube is thin and white and just happens to be able to play Wii games.

  22. If the mapping system in VX Ace was the same as XP's, I'd consider learning rgss3 and making Arcatis using that.

    1. Bob423


      And to be honest, I'm considering it anyway... Even with all the limits it has

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