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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Bob423

    Wii PS3 or 360?

    I don't think the Wii has anything like that. if it does, then I've never heard of it. but discs get stuck in my Wii sometimes.
  2. These are my favorite RPGs (in no particular order) Pokemon Red Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Platinum Super Mario RPG Disgaea 2 Final Fantasy FF7 FFX Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts BBS
  3. cause 'm not sure if it's REALLY illegal.
  4. usually, a 404 error is broken link. Or, a road that leads to a brick wall.
  5. woah... I didn't expect this to turn into a debate about what "in" really means :blink:
  6. clothes, electronics, cars, anything. oh crap... I did it again didn't I? MY INTERNET IS SLOW!!!! :angry:
  7. SHHH!!! Ma brain iz sleepin'. lol

    1. joman195


      Hey, brain. WAAAKKEE UUPPP!!!!

  8. Bob423

    Wii PS3 or 360?

    Good idea, I changed it.
  9. Marked as a point... it's probably a joke. I thought it was funny.
  10. cool :alright: I also just realized that that is actually the way I always do things like that. But I still don't see how the switches didn't work. :huh:
  11. OH! I have an idea. how about instead of using switches, add a "change graphic" to the move route. remember to put it at the beginning. or create a separate "move route" before the other one and put wait for moves completion. that way, you will only need one page for May. or either way, May's event will be blank oh crap, did I seriously post two replies? :sweatdrop: oops
  12. OH! I have an idea. how about instead of using switches, add a "change graphic" to the move route. remember to put it at the beginning. or create a separate "move route" before the other one and put wait for moves completion. that way, you will only need one page for May. or either way, May's event will be blank
  13. :huh: well...um... I don't know how to help you then. sorry
  14. not sure about food, but I like apple juice.
  15. I was wondering how many people bought rmxp from the official site. (like me) so I made a poll.
  16. what are the post requirements for each member title?

    1. Marked
    2. Crym


      Ah the dreaded post count, though in reality it's not about the number of posts but, rather how useful your posts are. As for a member title that really doesn't concern me either. Though I would say my title would have to be, 'Demon Lord Quaziseptum, devourer of cake.' It's just the way my mind works.

  17. event 1 graphics: any event stuff: text and choices. if the player picks yes, then turn switch 1 on. give item. Then set move route for event 2 and text. trigger: action button Event 2 page 1 graphics: none Event stuff: none trigger: action button page 2 Switch condition: "switch 1" Graphics: NPC trigger: action button does that make sense?
  18. I've had the same problem, It's not the connection, the site just "messed up" some sites will do that. it's not always something that can be fixed though.
  19. here's how I would do it. (it's pretty similar though. maybe even the exact same) Step 1 Step 2 step 3 hope that helps :biggrin_002:
  20. I am sixteen as of 4:00 am

    1. laansolo
    2. Bob423


      you posted this at 4:42 am. pacific standard time. just thought I'd mention that.

    3. ProjectTrinity


      Well happy birthday~

  21. My brother just got a new laptop. which means, I GET HIS OLD ONE!! XD

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