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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. you should make a character that is really annoying, and does not contribute to anything. you should use civilian-11 or something. he/she should also talk weird.
  2. you should give a semi serious story, but everything is weird, and no one is actually serious. kinda like in the Mario RPGs and stuff.
  3. cool. they look like you just put two different sprites together though. nice job anyway! :alright: you did a LOT better than I could do. Of course, I'm not a spriter.
  4. Bob423


    Chat? what chat? so... cafe forum... what thread are we taking about? this one? I'm confused :huh: please respond
  5. after using rmxp for a while, I tryed rmvx and xp is a lot better, but that's probably because I'm used to XP.

    1. Bob423


      what do you mean by "it makes XP's tasks a lot easier?"

    2. Crym


      It simplifies the things RGSS2 for example which is RMVX's scripting is much more simplified version of RGSS that RMXP uses. RMVX also has horrible sound quality in comparison as well as horible graphic's handling. VX is easier to use but your game will suffer because of it, I think of VX as a beginners RM while XP is more of an advanced intermediate.

    3. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      BLASHEMPY!!! RMVX has better graphics, better gui, the only real downfall is mapping and screen demensions. RMVX is harder to master than rmxp due to the wierd mapping.

    4. Show next comments  411 more
  6. also, my real name is Ben. I just have this weird thing with the name Bob. I'm not sure why. Edit: I decided to post this thread after seeing your introduction, the first introduction I've seen on here. I don't look around a whole lot.
  7. I've been on rmxpu fro a couple days now and I haven't properly introduced myself. my biggest reason for signing up was to request resources and scripts. read my "abou me" page for some more info. now to the topic... Hi! :bye:
  8. Bob423

    Kaduki Battlers

    he has a point... also, there are TONS of places to find sprites. And what's Kaduki?
  9. ma birthday's on Friday

  10. can't wait for Christmas Vacation

  11. This is almost exactly what I wanted to say, but I'm pretty bad at explaining things.
  12. I would NEVER start a game without finishing it. I WILL however, take a long break because I got bored and decided to do something else for a while, like restarting my file on The Legend of Zelda Majora's mask on the collector's edition, and the original OoT, especially since I found a bunch of really cool glitches.
  13. I've seen some pretty crappy pokemon games, so I hope yours is worth playing. here's some insperation: "make a pokemon game that people will enjoy, unlike the other amateur pokemon games on the internet."
  14. Bob423

    Sprite Request?

    i think I've seen that on a sprite before, try this. Edit: are you making a Naruto game?
  15. There are tons of tilesets here and some others here at rmxp unlimited. hope that helps :alright:
  16. I think he means animations. he probably doesn't like the ones already there. There are plenty of things like that, just google "rmxp animations" I have found a ton of stuff like that, but it was never what I was looking for.
  17. I have absolutely NO ideas for my "water dungeon" in FFXP6.

  18. Bob423

    Synthesize Script

    I have one problem, I don't think that will work since I'm looking for one that is compatible with all the scripts I'm using, and the script I had is not compatible with "other" Menu systems Here's a list of my scripts: Blizzard's Tons of Add-ons Blizzard's Chaos Project Debug system Blizzard's Stormstronics CMS - Hybrid edition Blizzard's Easy party switcher Cyclope's Name input system If that's not possible, then oh well, I have a LOT of stuff to get rid of.
  19. Bob423

    Zelda Sprites

    The Sprites I REALLY need are: Zora, King Zora, Goron, and Darunia. I'm also using those for another game.
  20. Bob423

    Script help

    thanks, I fixed it.
  21. Bob423

    Script help

    COOL IT WORKED! thanks lots! :biggrin_002: here's the title screen for the game I want to use that in.
  22. I have a near perfect dog!

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