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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Everyone needs to stop playing GTAV. It's making me want it and I have no money.

    1. Bob423


      And I don't even think I could run it...maybe on all low graphics settings.

  2. The best kind of HDMI cable is a free one.

    1. Marked


      Couldn't agree more, bobbletoph.

  3. LIZZIE/LEON WINS. We can all go home because I don't freaking know how anyone who doesn't already know him/her in person can figure that out. Edit: Oh, and I think Mark's lie is pretty good too. I suck at lying, I'll like...be a judge or something. Pol's can't be true because he has too many grammar mistakes :P And Black Mage is too smart for a bot...? O.o unless he had a bot post that...in which case, it's true because a bot posted it.
  4. Rather than say what my favorite Pokemon generation is, I'll say my least favorite. 5 (Newest is 6 for those who don't care)

  5. I'm just gonna play civ5 for a few minutes-aaand it's like 7 hours later.

    1. Tigurus


      That's the magic of Strategy Games

  6. I went to Applebee's today and they had this trivia game thing. One of the questions was something like...what day was D-day on? I had no idea so I guessed Tuesday just cuz that seemed like a silly answer...it was right.

    1. Bob423


      I didn't even expect them to be days of the week. I said "on a Tuesday" and my dad pressed it before I even realized that was a choice.

    2. Marked


      What did you win?

    3. Bob423


      It was on a little uh...electronic thingy that was at each table. You could order desert and appetizers with it and pay with a card and it apparently had a couple games, but that was it. Was just a game lol.

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  7. Been sick all day and took a nap, not because I was tired, but because my nausea made it hard to want to do anything. My family seems to like taking turns getting sick and I seem to be the last one for this particular bug...like always.

  8. If you want MY opinion (or even if you don't, cuz you're getting it anyway) my top 10, in no particular order because that would be way too hard to do, are... Skyrim, Xenosaga Episode I, Minecraft, Disgaea 4, Civilization V, Super Smash Bros. (all of them), Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts II, The Legend of Zelda (all of them), and Pokemon(most of the main series) I wonder if this is an opinion sharing topic...I made one once and no one got what I was trying to do or just didn't care. Fun fact: my avatar is the Disgaea 4 loading icon.
  9. So Civ5 looks awesome on this laptop like everything else, even without changing graphics settings (besides resolution of course). Still not getting great FPS (20), but loading and startup times are 10x shorter :D

  10. I just saw a youtube comment that said, "Someone invoked the wrath of a twelve year old." The Youtube comments section, where invoking the wrath of 12 year olds is a daily occurance and a real problem.

  11. So members can have negative points. Tested it on a spammer.

  12. Started playing Skyrim again and it's cutting into my youtube time because I'm not constantly bored anymore. Instead I'm playing Skyrim 24/7

    1. Marked


      As a mere concerned citizen, I implore you to stop that at once and do something productive. Danke. Do you love gaming or hate real life?

  13. I feel like I just got new eyes O.o

    1. Bob423


      Been testing my new laptop. So far Arkham City is the only game not running well.

    2. Marked


      That's good for a laptop. You should get a desktop :D

    3. Bob423


      Figured out I can't actually run some games in 1080p without really low fps

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  14. Got my new laptop early :D

  15. After like 5 years this is still probably my favorite YT video.

  16. got my hard drive back :D

    1. Polraudio


      You just got the back? XD

    2. Marked


      What's the use in that

    3. Bob423


      Not a lot, but I have it in an enclosure and can at least get the files as I need them.

  17. Good news at bad news: bad news is I have to get a new computer. good news is I might be able to get one that's better in every way without losing any files.

    1. Bob423


      The bad news isn't that I'm getting a new one, it's that I don't have a choice lol

    2. Marked


      sounds like ur obligation to this site. No choice.

    3. Polraudio


      ^ Same. im actually a slave living in marks basement. I get fed once a week if i make posting quota XD.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  18. Just 1 more week and I get my laptop back...probably.

    1. Polraudio


      RealTime = FixerEstimate*4

  19. Ability to moderate games section please. Maybe even require games to be approved?

  20. I sometimes get ideas from just talking to people about it and after getting to a point I'm relatively happy with, I'm taking a break for now, but thanks anyway :D
  21. "Please Wait" an autobiography by me.

    1. Moonpearl


      Of course it does, Bob. That was the point, I was referring to the "autobiography by me".

    2. Bob423


      I said that because, if I had just said "an autobiography" it could've been anyone's. Just because I mentioned it, doesn't mean it's mine.

    3. Moonpearl


      Hence why I asked whose it was then.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  22. Thanks guys :D It's easier for me to use steam, so sorry Zahraa, I might not pm you :\
  23. My game is very story driven, so since I haven't been able to work on the game itself, I've been doing a lot of work on the story. I've run into a problem, however. I've been finding it difficult to advance the plot without adding plot coupons like keys hidden in dungeons or objects required to upgrade a sword to its full power. I tend to add things in just to make the story longer. Filler in a way I guess... I think I haven't been spending enough time on the characters and have been telling myself I'll just work on character development later... Part of what I want is for someone to tell me what's wrong with my story. Not their opinion, but what I need work on to make it better. I definitely don't want someone to nitpick at every little thing they think is cliche. I need someone who I can bounce ideas off of too instead of what I usually get with my friends, which is just giving them a link to a story summary or something and asking "what do you think?" To which they respond "awesome" or something along those lines. I've tried to look up guides and things about writing stories, but everything is made to help people writing novels, which doesn't help at all 90% of the time.
  24. Posting an ad about getting a pro to make your website for you seems like a subtle insult toward the creator of the site it's posted on.

    1. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      well, as far as web design goes this website is loaded, if anything its got too much going on lol. everytime i come here i get lost

  25. 1. I don't think you know what OCD means...unless you do and you're making fun of people who don't. That's fine I guess. 2. Combos are part of the game. If someone complains that you're using combos and kicking ass, that's their problem :P Although in some games, like the Soul Caliber series, there are a lot of really cheap characters and combos. Anyone can use those and beat someone who's actually good at the game if they keep spamming things. I'm not very good at SC5, but I can be really cheap with Ezio. It's unfair lol. In Super Smash bros., it's really difficult to be cheap without items and combos are sometimes hard to pull off. I think that's one reason I like it better than most fighting games. It's rarely ever frustrating when I can't beat a human in a fighting game. When the AI is practically cheating though, then I start feeling like throwing the controller... I think, as long as you're not spamming the same moves over and over, you're not being cheap and you're definitely not cheating.
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