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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for double posting.
  2. This seems to still be a problem...They just don't show up on the list.
  3. imgur is covered in Robin Williams posts. I've never been sad for the death of someone I've never met. I'm not that sad though...cuz I've never met him.

    1. Bigace360


      No offense to anyone, but the only reason I know he exist is because of that one episode of Family Guy.

  4. After thinking about it, the status update I just deleted was probably pointless, not just because there was no good reason for it, but because it wasn't 100% true anyway. Said I was watching something for the first time, but realized I may have already seen it before.

  5. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not banning anyone in you post and being lock happy.
  6. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because it was kiriashi. I said it in the first post of this topic :P
  7. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    banned because I used to be really active in the ban topic. Was more active in the old one and even started this one after the last one got locked. Since I wasn't a mod at the time, this was all I could do.
  8. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned rarely posting anything.
  9. Doing what I did every chance I got when I was younger. Playing Pokemon in the middle of the night, in bed, when I should be sleeping.

    1. Bob423


      "younger" meaning in school. not that much younger. I'm only 19 lol

    2. ShinkuAura


      Oh i understand i get you. I'm also a night owl and i love watching Anime at 4AM for some reason. I also play emulators at night now and then. I used to play pokemon on my phone until i beat them.

  10. I am the one who reports bugs. (that was terrible and I've never even watched Breaking Bad)

    1. ShinkuAura


      Why do you always mention TV series I hate them -_- except for breaking bad it was the only series I've watched.

    2. Bob423


      Why do you hate TV shows?

    3. Marked


      A preconception coz there's good ones. Though i can find reasons to dislike them generally.... like advertising smoking, uncalled for sexual scenes to boost ratings etc. Bb was da shiz tho.

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  11. After watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBMO4I4a7JQ I think Capaldi may end up being my new favorite Doctor.

    1. Bob423


      need to wait till the 23rd to find out, as that's when his first episode airs. In England at least. with the internet though, I don't have to worry about that :P

    2. Bob423


      To specify: I don't know if it will air at the same time in the US.

    3. Polraudio


      I still like Dr. Ned

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  12. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    banned because, from a distance or at an angle, your avatar kinda looks like Xion from Kingdom Hearts
  13. Shows that your location is Mexico :P
  14. Then what's this? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041395040/
  15. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because I have no clue what you guys are talking about. (yea, you're talking about an Anime, but still)
  16. I'm actually managing to get into Marvel and DC without getting so "into it" that my head explodes trying to piece all the different universes and stuff together for either company. It really helps to pretend that the DC animated universe is the main story and everything else is spin-offs. A little backwards I know. As for Marvel, I just watch the more recent movies :P

    1. Bob423


      If there was only 1 Batman, I'd be all over that.

  17. Then why am I not in the background? or does it take a minute to update?
  18. Also I think Mark should make a GDU steam group :P http://steamcommunity.com/actions/GroupCreate
  19. Still doesn't work for mine, but now it just doesn't show up. Or did you expect that?
  20. Tried it out. Either it's broken or I gave the wrong id. I'm pretty sure it's "bob423" but it's showing me offline, which is like...never true. To be more specific: when typing in an id than no one has, (like my log in name for steam) The thing doesn't show up at all. When I type in "bob423" or "Bob423", it shows pretty much exactly what's in your screenshot.
  21. Just watched Europa Report. It was...alright...I can't help but notice that the big alien monster thing looked a bit like the boss of the Lakebed Temple, Morpheel in Twilight Princess. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090513010018/zelda/images/c/ca/Morpheel.png

    1. Bob423


      Sound track was done my Skrillex's pet monkey and the whole thing wasn't nearly as cool as it could've been. Also, if you think your idea for a movie/game/whatever is cool, ask yourself this: "Does everyone die?" if yes, ask: "is it a prequel or about a real event that happened?" if no, then go back and change some things.

    2. drago2308


      But i loved the Morpheel! he was so durpy to kill but so epic at the sane time!

    3. Bob423


      I was making fun of a movie lol. Morpheel is one of my favorite boss fights like...ever

  22. One of the stupidest questions I've ever been asked is "Do you like Reese's?" I dunno, is the Pope Catholic?

    1. Marked


      Is the Pope Catholic though?

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