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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. *suddenly has a song from a game he hasn't played in months stuck in his head*

  2. I probably should have said, although I didn't expect it, that people would be more excited when it actually comes out and saw it for themselves outside of screenshots. I told you it was awesome marked :P
  3. I was making Miis of famous people and fictional characters on my 3DS. One of them was Matt Smith. He looked terrible no matter what I did to his eyebrows so I took them off. Now it's uncanny.

  4. Very few people finish RPG Maker games and part of that may be due to the fact that people often do it alone and try to make a bigger game than they can. I managed to finish The Hidden City of Arcatis, but I got lazy and part of what kept me going was how excited I was to work on the sequel and get the first game out of the way. When I finally finished it, I prematurely released it without much testing and had to reupload it several times. I haven't gotten a single review of any kind so far. Not even "it was fun." The lack of feedback on this game led me to recording a playthrough and uploading it to youtube as well as writing a summary of the story. I was desperate and just wanted people to not be confused when they played the second game. It also led me to believe that no one has beaten my game. When I ask someone to play my game, and they do, I expect them to do at least one of the following: 1. Beat the game 2. Tell me what they thought of the whole thing. 3. Tell me they don't like it and can't finish it because it sucks. 4. Tell me they can't finish it because of a mistake I made with switches and when and where they had the problem. What I don't like is when people start to play it, get to around the end of the mountain part and then stop, never playing it again and, when I mention it, they say they've been busy or something Seriously, if you don't like it, tell me. Feedback is very important. I need feedback or I will assume everyone hates it. I may get discouraged and give up. I need to know what I did right and what I did wrong. I'm different though, since I will continue making my three games because I like coming up with story ideas and making cutscenes and stuff. It seems as though only pros, large teams, and people with crazy talent who don't even need rpg maker get recognized when the programs, to me, seem like tools for people with very little game development knowledge or skill who want to learn. I would think, that RPG Maker forums would be there to help people learn and the members would give feedback on even terrible games and help the creator get better. Maybe it used to be like that, but the internet in general has a lot of idiots on it, so I guess it will never be perfect. Nice forums don't seem to attract many members or give much feedback. The forums that give feedback seem to not care about teaching people and instead basically shun newbs and praise pros. I can't be the only one who thinks this.
  5. "Hey this game looks kinda cool" *Plays for a few minutes and then never talks to me about it ever again and keeps saying "I'll get to it later" or "I'm busy"*

  6. Don't worry too much about THCoA, Anything having to do with it is a pain and I honestly feel like I've broken it. Just more learning I guess. Also spoilers don't seem to open. At least not in multi-page mode
  7. A few problems. 1. Some of the screenshots I added to The Hidden City of Arcatis are broken now and I can't delete them 2. There is no way to see games people have made unless you know the url 3. I cannot edit Arcatis II 4. The heading picture thing for the game editor is massive. You're probably aware of a few of these though. Also if I could have an option to disabled looping of the cover image and instead have it stretch, that would be awesome.
  8. It's a little early, I know, but I just saw this and I love it.

    1. CrimsonInferno
    2. Marked


      D: So he's a racist???? That was funneh.

    3. Bob423


      Dalek = Evil Space Nazis that everyone loves, ironically.

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  9. Mark, do you even notice when someone PMs you?

    1. Marked


      Oh, u sent me a PM. Dood I will read it eventually. Tomorrow is xmas eve and I'm jumping on a plane in like 50 hours and I'm trying to get something done for the games section before I leave so people actually come here :

    2. Bob423
  10. The world ended a year ago today by the way.

  11. Well it finally snowed here.

  12. Can being a grammar nazi please be socially acceptable?

    1. Bob423


      Y'know...for teaching people who don't English good.

    2. Polraudio


      wut ya tlkin bout? ma englich es perfekt ya kno!

  13. Silly bigace needs rest. His brain is betraying him

  14. Bob423

    Airships and Boats

    This is where I repeat myself. I'm sorry if the following seems rude, but I get annoyed when people don't read everything I type and then misunderstand what I want. I do not need a vehicle system. -The player will get on the ship and be transported to a map where the ship is sailing -The first time this is done, the ship will be attacked by pirates (maybe?) I seem to have forgotten to mention that the boat is not controllable and goes to only one place. Although I did say "-After the airship is unlocked it will no longer be needed since it is only for one thing" -The player gets a special item that, when used at a savepoint will teleport them to the airship. -From the airship, the player can access a world map where the player's graphic becomes a hand cursor "I already know how I want to do all this with events" "to have the player walk on the ship while it is sailing/in flight." "I already have the destination selection system planned out and everything" "tileset" "something I can use to make the ship look like an actual airship" "airship and boat that the player can explore and use, similar to how the airship in FFX works" "tileset" "i plan to have the player walk on the ship while it is sailing/in flight." If I wanted a vehicle system I would have already been using Pol's evented one. Thank you for trying to help, but I do not need the help you are giving me. At no point do I mention needing a script. Everything will be done with events. My problem is the lack of good tilesets. Not to mention if I wanted a script I would have posted in script requests and mentioned a need, or possible need for a script unless the script you gave me can make panoramas move.
  15. Let's put an "=" at the end of the names of every programing language, computer program, game, book, tv show, movie, and car just to show the world how EQUAL WE F**KING ARE! YAY EQUALITY!!!!!!11111ONEONEONE Ahem...sorry, lost my temper a bit. Oh, and the idea for the language itself is pretty silly too. We can have better programing without going all feminist on it. It's not like computers have genders. after reading through more of it im starting to think this may be a joke. I hope it's a joke, because it's taking the extreme, non-feminist side of feminism, which is, essentially, women wanting to rule everything. Feminism is supposed to be actual equality for both genders, making binary more feminist than this C+='s o and 0 thing. This part is so silly that I really don't think this is serious. I didn't bother to read all of it, since it seems stupid anyway.
  16. Steam got us a new XP user! I wonder if he saw Pol's post about us.

    1. Bob423


      Or she, I ain't judgin'

  17. 1. Yes, that has been done, but it can cause lag if transferring the player to a map if it's tileset is too large plus it's a pain to set up big tilesets. I usually just add things to tilesets when I need them so they're easier to manage. Two great programs for editing tilesets and sprites are: Graphics Gale: http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/ An awesome pixel art program that also lets you make custom grids and set the cursor to snap to those grids for aligning sprites and tilesets. Yes, it's in English. There's an orange-ish "download" button there to get the free version. The only version you need. If you buy it you can edit gifs I think, but that can be done with... Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/ Basically a free, open source, photoshop that isn't better or worse. It depends on your preference and the size of your wallet. 2. There's a script for that: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=116.0 I'm just happy to have someone I can help. Most newbs aren't actually newbs and/or don't post. Or they ask questions that only master scripters would be able to answer.
  18. Crap, I need to work on this more. I've been too busy with Arcatis II, Skyrim, and procrastinating...Also getting like no sleep. Could probably finish in the next couple days though.
  19. Welcome to RMU! After reading tutorials, if when you're still having problems, just post a topic with a specific question and someone will be able to help...usually. We have some great tuts here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials To be more specific, here are a few you should check out: Mapping These 3 by kiriashi http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/member/2908/kiriashi Scripting By me (for people who are bad textbook learning, like me): http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/beginner-039-s-guide-to-learning-rgss-by-an-experienced-beginner-wip By Lizzie/Leon the Legend: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/leons-rgss-scripting-tutorials-lesson-1-introduction-to-rgss Eventing By marked: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-event-editor
  20. I just remembered today that I've been 19 for like a week.

    1. Marked


      happy bday for last week!

  21. I've already made a boat using the ship tileset, which was a huge pain to do. The problem is, I need both an airship and boat that the player can explore and use, similar to how the airship in FFX works. I already have the destination selection system planned out and everything, but I can't seem to get the ship itself right and I can't find an open sail for the ship tileset, which would be very helpful as i plan to have the player walk on the ship while it is sailing/in flight. If someone has something I can use to make the ship look like an actual airship instead of just a weird flying boat, that would be great. It seems like these are things that people would want, but I can't seem to find anything besides crappy looking airship sprites. If that's confusing: This is how the airship system will work: -The player gets a special item that, when used at a savepoint will teleport them to the airship. -From the airship, the player can access a world map where the player's graphic becomes a hand cursor -Locations the ship can land are marked with blue orbs. The location that the player needs to go to in order to progress through the story is marked with a red orb. Locations that have not been unlocked yet are marked with grey orbs. I already know how I want to do all this with events Here's the problem: I need an exterior airship tileset This is how the boat will work: -The boat can be used to sail to one island before the airship is unlocked. -The player will get on the ship and be transported to a map where the ship is sailing -The first time this is done, the ship will be attacked by pirates (maybe?) -After the airship is unlocked it will no longer be needed since it is only for one thing Here's the problem: - I don't know how I'm going to do the pirate thing although I have an idea sort of... - I need a tileset where the ship's sail is open. Also, is it possible to make panoramas scroll automatically? (to make the airship look like it's flying)
  22. Foxkit gave me a simple HP bar and now I'm making bars for all my stats. Gonna add to my tutorial once I've figured everything out and finished my status menu. It's gonna be awesome.

  23. this doesn't work on steam. what about here? ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้

    1. Bob423


      google "ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็"

    2. vincestick


      ...Is this the evolved form of raise your dongers?

    3. Bob423


      It seems to be something like that, from what I've seen.

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  24. So there was this thing a while back about fish swimming away from you in video games which apparently has been done before...at least not in COD so it really isn't a big deal. Was it serious though? I mean, I'm pretty sure it's been done before.

  25. rmxp is on steam now. I wonder what that will do.

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