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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. I said "oi" out loud the other day. And saying it in my head as if it's normal. I think I'm turning British...I even spell grey with an E.

    1. Marked


      Lol, pretty sure the word oi comes from japanese originally but we say it here too. And spell it grey. And we spell it "color" as opposed to "colour".

  2. Welcome back, broken! Or should I call you Messiah?
  3. This wireless headset is really awesome. Also you can move DIAGONALLY in pokemon x and y!

  4. Yeah, we like torches, but carry no pitchforks. I use smaller torches to light up caves when I go mining. Don't want any creepers blowing me up.
  5. *zelda chest thing* You got wireless headset and Pokemon X!

  6. British stuff is so awesome. Why did I have to be born in the US?

    1. Bigace360


      LotR is done in Australia/New Zealand though

    2. Bob423


      filmed in new zealand, by americans, but the books were written in england.

    3. Bigace360
    4. Show next comments  126 more
  7. There should be a super hero is also a cop, and has ice powers.

    1. Bob423


      Also you sent me a pm titled "DOCTOR WHO" which was actually about the game section. It's kinda weird how, when I really like something, people seem to think im obsessed when really i'm just a huge nerd.

    2. Bob423


      I met a friend of mine while I was "obsessed" with megaman. he continued to think i was obsessed and even made a point of obviously disliking megaman because of this.

    3. Bob423


      I sometimes go through nerdy phases where i seem to be obsessed with something. e.g. Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, Zelda, etc.

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  8. Welcome to RMU! We don't carry pitch forks here. We're like the Canada of RM forums. Please enjoy your stay :D
  9. new thing to do: Ignore a question until someone asks a second question. Then ignore THAT question by answering the first.

    1. Nickz


      now u must assk a third question that u dont want asnwerwed

  10. Why does everything have to be so broken all the time?

    1. Marked


      whats broken :

    2. Bob423


      I was actually thinking about Starbound when I posted that, but I can't upload screenshots for my game in multi page mode.

    3. Marked


      Oh, sorry bout that bobby. I stopped working on it for a while and just decided to spend a bit of my free time relaxing instead. I'll PM you the plan

  11. I haven't laughed at a weeble video like I did with this one in a while

  12. ALWAYS Minecraft. There is no true end to that game. Also, Civilization IV I was playing Portal 2 and Wind Waker the other day And...yeah. Oh, and a little bit of skyrim, but I haven't been playing that much lately.
  13. I see. I'll have to change the link on that topic I made then. My main topic for the game, which is on this site has more info anyway :P I just wanted more people to see it because no one on here seemed to want to play it and/or is too busy :( IT WAS POL'S IDEA! on topic: I wanna try it! :D
  14. There we go, I no longer feel like I have too many points. People need to start doing some stuff like, now.

    1. Polraudio


      Yea like join the contest for starters :P

  15. Hurry up MCP! I want my minecraft mods!

  16. Please don't kill me, but I've sort of been sharing my game with other sites. I hope THEY don't kill me either.

    1. Bob423


      Nice to feel loved. FYI I already hate RMRK and I haven't even gotten a reply to my topic yet

    2. Bob423


      i also linked to this site twice in the thread I made.

    3. Bob423


      Also, there's too much text and everything's sort of the same color, making it harder to navigate. and it looks fugly

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  17. There's a way to get fraps to do it, but I don't know how. Bandicam is a great alternative.
  18. Prinny rule #1: You must include the word "dood" in every line you say!

  19. I think I have an idea for what I want to do. If anyone has a snowy version or similar of the xp woods tileset, they should share
  20. Redid an ending scene and stuff. Enter at own risk. WARNING SPOILERS FOR THE HIDDEN CITY OF ARCATIS ENDING BELOW! BEAT THAT GAME FIRST!
  21. Autom steam sale + $10 = Civ IV :D. So much better than 3. i think I'll get even less sleep than usual now...

    1. zahraa


      I didn't even hear about this game...HEY!!!Don't look at me like that!I'm not stupid :|

    2. Bob423


      Dude. You're missing out. This is funny and pretty much sums up the games

    3. zahraa


      Uh I just read about it on Wikipedia,It says in Civ IV you have an small empire and u should expand it etc.I don't like these kind of games,Surely its fans will like it,So have a lot of fun :D

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  22. Hello, welcome to RMU! First of all, this is the wrong section for this. You want either this http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/forum/15-rpg-maker-xp-requests/ or this http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/forum/22-rpg-maker-vx-ace-requests/ the forum you posted in is for showing off cool stuff you did. Second, there's some important information missing from your post. 1. What kind of "forest autotiles" do you want? 2. What RPG Maker are you using. (XP and VX Ace autotiles are slightly different) and finally, have you checked the resources section? http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources Hope that helps :D *waits for a mod to move the topic*
  23. Have you seen Sithjester's stuff? http://untamed.wild-refuge.net/rmxpresources.php?characters edit: There's these, but they're all small :( http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources/rpg-maker-xp/video-game-series/dragon-ball-z
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