Since these are a couple really easy requests:
Just paste that somewhere AFTER the above main would be fine :D
As for the technique/magic thingy are you referring to within combat or the menu? If within combat, I can work on that with the script I am working on for ya atm.
AND for zeriab's questbook, it will require a little bit of editing but I will walk you through it.
Step 1:
Head over to the script titled "Window_Questbook_Info" and find line 55
Step 2:
Line 55-64 are the only lines you need to look at, they should look like this:
# Sets the text color to yellow
self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
# Only prints the last info if there actually are something to print
if info[-1].is_a?(String)
text = info[-1].dup
text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
# The last line of the info (if any is present) is consider as the
# goal and positioned a bit different, centered and drawn in yellow.
self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1)
end # if
To change the colour to normal colour, either delete or comment out (with # sign) line 56.
Line 56:
self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
so either delete this line or put a # in front of it.
To change the line's alignment, head to line 63:
self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1)
the last parameter (the '1') represents the center alignment, so if you want it left aligned, change that line to:
self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text)
the 1 is omitted as draw_text is defaulted to left aligned and it is not necessary to put anything in there.
Hope this helps :D