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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. Anyone that I have promised to do something for, PLEASE remind me in PM; I have just realized I have promised more things than I thought, and fear I may have missed some; I do not mean to forget. Sorry if I have!

    1. madanchi


      you promised me that sexual favour remember

    2. kellessdee


      how could I forget :3

      now what was that favour exactly ;) ;)

    3. Bob423


      when you're the only active scripter on the site, i can image how many pms you get.


  3. *SHAKES FIST* Why isn't this finished yet!? hehe j/k can't wait til this is done. IDE? Ruby 1.9.2? YES Are you guys using a different graphics library than rmxp? (like openGl or direct X) (sorry if you already mentioned this) EDIT: XD i meant direct x

  5. Unfortunately I have not much experience with encryption (I don't really encrypt my stuff, The only things i can actually do are sprite edits and scripting...sprite edits I don't really consider enough original work to be worthy encrypting and I like people to be able to look at my scripts and learn from them) but I understand your concerns with intellectual property theft. Sadly it does happen, and people do try to claim as their own. What I can do, however is point you (hopefully) in the right direction: DREAM Music Encryption by Blizzard: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=78.0 that is specifically for encrypting music files (and I believe it works in conjunction with rmxp's encryption) for other forms of encryption, this thread has some ideas/methods tossed around: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6971-encrypting/ I hope this helps! There may be more out there, but this is all I know of. If I knew more about encryption I could probably write my own script, but like I said, I don't know much about it nor have I bothered to learn. good luck :alright:
  6. XD I totally forgot about that, and it's a total derp on my part, I thought I had mentioned in the instructions but I think I forgot. To make items important, it has to be consumable = NO AND occasion = NEVER. So basically items that CANNOT be used at all.
  7. Since these are a couple really easy requests: GOLD MODIFICATION: Just paste that somewhere AFTER the interpreters...so above main would be fine :D As for the technique/magic thingy are you referring to within combat or the menu? If within combat, I can work on that with the script I am working on for ya atm. AND for zeriab's questbook, it will require a little bit of editing but I will walk you through it. Step 1: Head over to the script titled "Window_Questbook_Info" and find line 55 Step 2: Line 55-64 are the only lines you need to look at, they should look like this: # Sets the text color to yellow self.contents.font.color = text_color(6) # Only prints the last info if there actually are something to print if info[-1].is_a?(String) text = info[-1].dup text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] } # The last line of the info (if any is present) is consider as the # goal and positioned a bit different, centered and drawn in yellow. self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1) end # if To change the colour to normal colour, either delete or comment out (with # sign) line 56. Line 56: self.contents.font.color = text_color(6) so either delete this line or put a # in front of it. To change the line's alignment, head to line 63: self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text, 1) the last parameter (the '1') represents the center alignment, so if you want it left aligned, change that line to: self.contents.draw_text(0, info.size*32-22, 440, 32, text) the 1 is omitted as draw_text is defaulted to left aligned and it is not necessary to put anything in there. Hope this helps :D
  8. Hey pol, if you are looking for a spritesheet maker as well, I know where to get one. *cough* http://www.4shared.com/file/126502165/3f5de612/ssm-beta1.html *cough* but it can ONLY put together spritesheets, so with this script and that you can flip between the 2 easily enough
  9. What pol said! I am especially digging the fact that you went out of your way to make a configuration application to let users easily set everything up! *high fives* I have lurked many of your scripts before, and I am glad you're still kicking around. You are my new scripting idol :3 Does the config app just output ruby script to use in rmxp? Well either way, it's genius!
  10. Welcome! I have seen many of your scripts at chaos project, and am glad to see you have posted some here too! Also, I must say I <3 you guys forever for making ARC. can't wait for that :D
  11. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here :D
  12. I had seen this at chaos project, AND IT IS VERY USEFUL much kudos to you for this :D
  13. That sounds like a pretty cool idea! I like being able to alter the universe through means of time travel and what not. Yea, I figured this would be better as a discussion than as a project. Feel free to post a new topic for your project once you have more info ready.
  14. It seems like a good idea and if done correctly it could definitely result in a good game! Also will parallel universes be involved in the story line? I think that would be pretty cool (travelling to parallel dimensions etc) But I think this topic would be better suited for the Game Development Discussion, the project topics have a minimum requirement. See here for more info: Project Topic Minimum Requirements If you are just looking to share your game idea, I will move this thread for you.
  15. 134 downloads

    Mission Select Script for Broken Messiah
  16. :( Why is sleep so hard to catch up on

    1. Polraudio


      Because you cant catch up on sleep :). Learned that in psychology. Yea my bedtime went from 11 to 4am in the past month. Get up at 10 every day.

    2. kellessdee


      I think I am starting to notice that now, but it's becoming bearable. This week has pretty much become a write-off XD. It's time to get into a more regular schedule like you

    3. madanchi


      @Pol 4am and your up at 10 every day??? wow

  17. Just so you know, Game Making support would be a better category for this topic, I will move this for you. As for your question, I am not too familiar with HOW the script works, but possibly within the same event the face graphic isn't getting cleared or something, try putting "\face[] You are trying to make a fire." as the message \face[] should empty the face graphic and not display any face.
  18. kellessdee


    Well they could get them out of the scripts.rxdata, but if you encrypt the game they would have to extract it first from the encrypted files, then get the code and find a way to convert it into a bitmap. I dunno, seems like a lot of work just for some graphics. But then again, I'm really not into the whole encryption of my rmxp games, no matter how encrypted/protected it is, if a skilled programmer/hacker REALLY wants what's in your game, nothing is gonna stop them. But that's just me. Good luck though, that's about the extent I can think of. EDIT: Oh nvm, I just found something that might be exactly what you are looking for: http://rpgcrisis.net/forums/topic/176-utility-rpg-maker-xpvx-encrypter/ it's an external encryption program, that encrypts the data/graphics folder.
  19. Awesome! How were your travels ? Are you taking the game programming in school?
  20. So far I like this, it has a really nice fantasy atmosphere to it. Can't wait to see the story! Do you have any screenshots yet?
  21. I really like that little robot guy marked! I think it would also match the new style pretty well.
  22. kellessdee


    Oh I see! You're more looking for a way to properly encrypt the image files. I will move the topic for you :) As for about encrypting the image files, unfortunately I don't know much about encryption myself :/ 2 things that I can think of though, would be either Blizzards Bitmap2Code (it converts bitmaps into code so you no longer require the original file, just load the code) http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=132.0 However I have never used it before so I dunno how protected it would be. Another Idea could be to simply rename the extension to something that isn't a recognizable image type (.dat or something) Because it isn't actually converted it should still be loaded properly by rmxp/vx, but it wouldn't be "truly" encrypted as anyone could easily rename it to it's correct type and view it. Good luck :alright:
  23. kellessdee


    Are you looking for a script for custom rmxp encryption or are you looking for help in making one? If you are just looking for help, the Game Making Support forum would be a better category for this. If you are looking for a script, I actually know where you can find one: Blizzard's DREAM (double random encryption algorithm module) http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=76.0
  24. Been inactive for a while, sorry guys not enough sleep + started new term at school. Will be back to being productive tomorrow.

    1. Calamity


      Just wondering if you got my message? :D

  25. Laundry, then preparation for the rave and Toronto Freedom Festival!

    1. ShinyToyGuns


      sounds fun...enjoy :)

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