I was a little bit inactive recently because I had a sudden urge to finish this menu :biggrin_002:
so without further adieu
XMB Style Menu System!!! WOOO
aka psp/ps3 style menu...
Hopefully that was clear enough for anyone who would like to use this menu system.
Basically, put script above main, put files in correct folders (needs menu icons + backgrounds)
Menu Script + Files
VIDEO:(sorry, it's not very centered XD)
Nifty (however pointless) features:
-Up to 10 save slots
-Changed Title Screen
-Changed Load Menu from title screen (and save menu from event call)
-Party Rearranging!
-Player can use their own backgrounds, script reads from Graphics/Pictures/back/ folder...however, do not let them delete the default background! (this will cause errors in trying to start up the game)
Please let me know if you have any issues or find any bugs! This is technically beta unless it is bug-free.
-Any other full custom menu scripts
-Possibly caterpillar scripts (depending on the script, rearranging the party MAY cause it to work funny)
-SDK (it may work, it may not. it was not designed to work with SDK, so I do not expect it to)
-Possibly any scripts that heavily modify pre-existing classes
-Title Screen Scripts (if you are using a different title screen script, or wish to use the default, go to the end of the script and delete the entire "class Scene_Title" section)
-Let me know if you run into any compatibility issues.
I would like to thank broken messiah for the idea :D It turned out to be a pretty intuitive (imo) rpg menu design
EDIT2: Here is the psp style font I forgot to include XD
just install, and to use go the the script editor, open the main script right after "begin" type:
Font.default_name = 'Square721 BT'
Font.default_bold = true
It deosn't HAVE to be bold, but that is what I did to get the look in the screenshots/video