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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. Leave my 12 yo humor alone that's how I get through life hehehe jk (well not kidding about my 12 yo humor, that's true, but you can make fun of it all you want :D) yea and I guess there's only so much one can do working with a 2d environment. I guess making a real-time "dynamic" lighting script in rmxp would be just as effective & possibly less efficient...considering really the most one could to make something "real-time" would be either drawing transparent pixels/rectangles to seem like light...
  2. No problem man, I was trying to mess around but I cannot find a way to get the players to their old positions...just changing the x + y didn't do anything. I would probably have to mess with the constructor of the actual Game_Player_Actor (or whatever its called) which could cause some erratic behaviour as well. But if you don't mind how it works now then cool stuff :D
  3. I may check this out later if I am bored, live streams are always fun :D
  4. You beat me to it, I was gonna say something about living in Canada
  5. Cool thanks man! It *shouldn't* cause any issues, however just because it works in my little test project doesn't mean it will do the same for teddysharons. I think the only issue that may arise however is the fact that my code will reset the caterpillar...so every time he/she changes the party, the followers will all show up underneath the leader...I think this may be able to be solved by saving the x + y values for each follower than setting the new followers x + y values to the same... which depending on how the caterpillar itself works may cause erratic behaviour *goes to test theory*
  6. toonami?? *googles* Hehe I love google. I am glad it isn't something right out of toonami (i see the resemblance though) But I actually based it off that "eye"con (that's what the website i got it from calls them) i posted earlier, except I gave it a body and made it look like it wasn't flying on psychedelics.
  7. oooh I am definitely digging the RGSS tags. And this project I think will be awesome once complete. Adding actual tutorials would be pretty cool now, however I kinda spammed it up a little...but it would probably be easy to differentiate which tutorials need to be deleted and which wouldn't. :alright: looking good
  8. Chocobos are cute too :D And I know my ms paint drawing is kinda bad...but i think a good graphic artist could get the concept and create something awesome I call it the RMAlien from Planet XP-VX-Unlimited [/loser] EDIT: LOL HE HAS NO NECK heehee he/she/it probably should have some kind of neck
  9. kellessdee


    banned for having a good point, and for emphasizing it with a picture, and because I now have used three reasons to ban you in one post.
  10. I like them too, there are a bunch; they are kinda like mascot's for this group that was created to promote safe drug use in Toronto (it may be elsewhere in the world too, but I think it's canadian-based anyways) there is one for each type of drug. My art skillz aren't the greatest (I more dabble in the abstract) but maybe I will try and do a quick ms painting of what I was thinking...It wouldn't be so tripped out and probably have a body and stuffz so it would look more like a little cute alien than anything.
  11. LAST 2 EXAMS TODAY WOOT. Then, back to galaga. If people would be so kind to post some ideas for enemy patterns in the thread I would be so happeez http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6740-mini-games-pack/ (I am running out of inspiration for patterns, and don't wanna bump my own thread more than I already have =0)

  12. Sometimes boredom is the best motivator! Wow, already feels much nicer to use! :D I like the buttons along the top. Next suggestion though, maybe allow use of bbcode? (i think that's what its called) well at least for code tags! I dunno why i put that in code tags but it seemed fun. It may be good for the rgss tutorials that give syntax examples or something? I just find it really hard to read any code that doesn't use a fixed-width font. or can you do that and i just messed the tags up without realizing :/ it looked like I spelt code + /code right.. EDIT: Oh yea, now I see you can switch between published and un-published...which is cool, if you notice a mistake after you can un-publish the tutorial and fix it :D
  13. That actually makes perfect sense...it's marked, its the all-seeing-techno-rmxpu-eye. Although maybe we should make a cuter version, I imagine the rmxunlimited mascot being cute. maybe something like this but with legs and arms? (and less drug-inspired...unless you guys are down with that)
  14. Yea I think that will be the best way to go! Especially since everyone is used to that on the forums maybe it will be almost instinct on using this system. Wow, I can't believe this never really sunk in. Now the whole create tutorial, save then work on the rest totally just made perfect sense to me. That's right, when you first create it, it is unpublished but saved. Which now makes it even more awesome because it would be like a blog, (well I guess the only thing similar is the publishing/draft part...XD) so you can easily work on it, view it, fix it until it is time to release it. I forgot to check, but is there a preview option?
  15. Hmm well I found something that works. The only downside is that when you change the actors, the caterpillar "resets" for all players to be positioned under the leader. Is this fine? I am trying to see if there may be a practical way to get the sprites to reposition themselves, without messing up the way the caterpillar functions. I will experiment and see if I have any luck. but anyways, here's a quick fix...it works but like I said, the followers reset themselves. go to your pixelmovement/caterpillar script, press ctrl-f (for find) and type in class Spriteset_Map then scroll down to "def update" (its approx. line 4023 in my editor, should be the same for you) and put this code right below "def update" if $game_party.actors.size != $game_map.game_party_actors.size $game_map.game_party_actors.clear (1..$game_party.actors.size).each {|i| $game_map.game_party_actors += [Game_Party_Actor.new(i)] } @game_party_actors_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.dispose} @game_party_actors_sprites.clear (0..$game_map.game_party_actors.length - 1).each {|i| sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.game_party_actors[i]) sprite.z -= 1 @game_party_actors_sprites.push(sprite) } end My mistake was that I was updating the actual data for the followers, but not their corresponding sprites. EDIT: Also, I don't mind helping out where I can. It's not a complicated fix, I just wasn't looking at the issue correctly. And sometimes it can be difficult to modify other's scripts, depending how they are written. This one isn't too bad, however I am not a big fan of SDK.
  16. kellessdee


    banned for finding out what pi is to like a million decimal places
  17. Darn...really? Well I am going to do what I should've done from the start. C & P this script into a project and mess with it. Do you NEED the SDK to use this?
  18. ! I tried to come up with a bob pun..but I am not very good with puns XD also is ben franklin your full name?? If so, you should start trying to assume some authority!
  19. the ? icons sound like a great idea. And as for the method of editing/creating steps, I am not sure...it seems more accessible for tutorial writers if you have both, kinda like how the forums have a quick reply or full editor, and would probably depend on the person's preference. Like me personally, I would like just having the quick edit (because my brain often gets ahead of itself and I find I have to go back and make sure I didn't skip something or repeat something), so for me I would probably just use the quick edits so I can double check the steps easily or if I am writing one step and realize I forgot something in another step I and quickly fix that before I forget again. however it would probably be a better idea to create the tutorial offline first (so it can be proofread or something) then just copy-pasted into this system...So I guess it really depends on how people will use this. Will they be writing the tutorials right in the system? or will they create the tutorial and copy/paste the appropriate steps and put in the media after? I think people will probably do both. So maybe having both options is the best, as long as it isn't more work than it's worth it. I trust you can figure it out though! And I figured it was that simple to change those little things; just didn't want to assume too much about something I don't know much about.
  20. ZOMFG YES mascot's RULE. I think a cat, like the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland. is he protected by copyright laws? Actually the disney one is probably copyrighted but doesn't he look so insanely friendly yet oddly helpful :3 Although I kinda like the twin-tiki mascot...If you could get someone to make cool tiki people it would be pretty awesome. I will post more ideas as the come to me
  21. I hope this isn't supposed to be a punny thread...because if so i just broke it and failed :(
  22. kellessdee


    banned because pi ~= 3.14
  23. hehe No problem I had fun making my ridiculous tutorial :P I figured the types/categories were in no way final (plus probably easy to change anyways...well to be honest I don't really know anything about CSS and very little about html) and the design really is a non-issue. I am sure by the time you finish you'll have something that matches better (or even if not, does it truly matter?) And now what you have right now makes more sense (I didn't upload media, but now I see how it works) if it isn't too difficult, maybe when you add a step it creates a little title/text box to put the step right in the create tutorial page? So you can type your steps right from that page, and also add media there? Even if not though, if there were instructions on how to post the tutorials it would be fine... Although technically, the reason I failed at doing steps properly was because I failed to read what each text box was called and assumed I was typing up the tutorial in the description box :/ So I guess instructions helping would really depend on how lazy the writer is as well. (whether they read them or not) But i think when this gets finished it will be awesome! The tutorials will be very organized and concise; and since they will all be similar formats I think it will be much easier to transition and connect the concepts taught in each tutorial.
  24. I hate to just repeat what everyone says, but they are right, clean, simple and effective. Also I just realized rmvx has a way to blur bitmaps argh!! Why not rmxp :( (I had to use a screenshot script to get this to work which involves taking a temp screenie, overlaying it and reducing opacity...rmvx has a FREAKING METHOD TO DO THIS) Sorry for the side track. Nice menu though :alright:
  25. Hey no worries man! It makes more sense now, it just seemed weird that rmxp/rmxp games would run the same on 64/32 bit windows...but see it makes more sense now that it is in the encryption that made it an issue. Glad to hear that there's a fix on its way! (At least you guys know what the issue is :D)
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