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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. No worries dude :) glad you like it. Although I had a question...because I am unsure how this may affect npcs...did you plan on having npcs with the same style character sets? there may need to be some alterations for the npcs to work properly as well...Try it out and let me know :D (also no need to get on your knees, however I am flattered ;) )
  2. WOW I AM SORRY. My brain must've been set to off, I actually made a couple errors. 1) The logic is off, because the max size of the caterpillar will be always one less the size of the party. so it will update every frame (the caterpillar is the size of the party minus the leader) 2) (1...$game_party.actors.size) should be (1...$game_party.actors.size).each so replace what I put with if $game_map.game_party_actors.size != ($game_party.actors.size - 1) $game_map.game_party_actors.clear (1...$game_party.actors.size).each {|i| $game_map.game_party_actors += [Game_Party_Actor.new(i)] }end can anyone say DERP. Well NOW it should be fine. Try that. EDIT: It shouldn't be any anti-lag systems, because anti-lag systems (as far as I know...I never really looked at one/made one before) work by disposing/not updating any events off-screen. That way, only what is on-screen is being processed at a time.
  3. Okay, I am not 100% sure if this will work (I haven't had a chance to test this, but I believe this will fix this issue for you) go to "class Scene_Map" and under def updatepixel_sc_map_up put if $game_map.game_party_actors.size != $game_party.actors.size $game_map.game_party_actors.clear (1...$game_party.actors.size) {|i| $game_map.game_party_actors += [Game_Party_Actor.new(i)] }end I am pretty sure that will fix it...It seems when the map is setup it creates the caterpillar each time (hence why teleporting will refresh the party) so if you add that to the map's update method it should refresh the list when there aren't the same number of actors on screen as in the party (but it shouldn't mess with the leader at all, simply just refreshing the followers) I have to go to work, but try this out and let me know how it goes.
  4. I am not familiar with that caterpillar script...Maybe if you post a link to it I could help you out. Although I have to go to work soon, so maybe if you post the link someone else may be able to help you out as well! If not I can help once I get home. PS. LOL @ pedobear and I am digging your character sprites the animations look nice and fluid.
  5. Tis' groovy; it was my fault. Plus I learned my lesson anyways. Don't worry, high school will be over soon.
  6. Nice, I bet you can't wait to get it done! I know I couldn't...then I messed up my last year and had to redo it anyways XD
  7. kellessdee


    banned for being banned multiple times in the same thread
  8. Start my job in 2 hours XD Not sure if I am excited or not. Money is good, work sucks. Better than no job I guess :/

    1. kellessdee


      nice, did you enjoy it? (well as much as one can enjoy work) i know its a little early for me but i love meat so it may be too bad.

    2. Marked


      It was pretty cool coz I started the same as other uni students. The work was alright, but during the busy period i had to wake up at 4am... uncool

    3. kellessdee


      ouch 4am? thats br00tal. Luckily I will be in school from 9-3 everyday this term so I won't have to work until 4-4:30 PM.

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  9. hello thar! If you are looking to learn, I am sure you will be able to learn a lot here! And also, there is nothing wrong with being a loser, that's my life story :D Except I only leave the house to party when I can. I cannot/will not play sports XD Are you in high school or college?
  10. I created one and the "Steps" portion / difficulty didn't show up until after originally submitting the tutorial. Perhaps it should be available right off the bat? And I believe you may need an "other" category for "Type" As my tutorial (although it isn't real nor should be followed hehehe) doesn't fit with eventing, rgss, spriting or mapping...Just in case someone wishes to submit a tut that isn't one of these things or for example the tutorial you submitted would probably be engine - non-specific, type - other...or something. Just thought I would let you know :) And ya, about the boxes or bars that have the engine in it (when you first go to the tutorial page) (Non-specific, rmvx, rmxp) simply the style doesn't seem to fit in...however this is definitely a non-issue (functionality is more important than style) EDIT: And it doesn't save extra white space it seems... I originally made mine with paragraphs (one step I just labelled the steps myself) and it all appeared as one block of text, with out the blank lines. EDIT2: DERP. Just realized that was the "Description Box" I will read next time. I just realized how this system works, you put title and description, submit then put the actual tutorial. Maybe you should make it so it can all be done in one shot? EDIT3: It was kind of difficult flipping back from step to step...perhaps once you make a step and save it it brings you back to the original description page so you can easily go onto the next step?
  11. No worries man, I realize now that the directions are kinda confusing! To match up with what you said, use this instead case @character.direction when 1 sy = @ch when 2 sy = 0 when 3 sy = @ch * 5 when 4 sy = @ch * 2 when 6 sy = @ch * 6 when 7 sy = @ch * 3 when 8 sy = @ch * 4 when 9 sy = @ch * 7 end I believe that should be correct... and what I meant for the the move upper_direction_p methods were (I put the first section of the method, just replace the first bit with each corresponding code) def move_lower_left_p unless @direction_fix @direction = 1 end def move_lower_right_p unless @direction_fix @direction = 3 end def move_upper_left_p unless @direction_fix @direction = 7 end def move_upper_right_p unless @direction_fix @direction = 9 end If it's still a little bit confusing or if you have any issues let me know! If you want I can just paste the entire modified script for you to use. It's interesting though, that after doing this it almost seems as if RmXP has been set up with the capability for 8 directional movement and even 8 facing directions (because they have a setting to check for 8 directional input, and the character's direction corresponds with the number on the numpad)...They just chose not to use it.
  12. Oh, well I guess that's why it's not working for me...But in my head It doesn't make much sense, because with rmxp + rmxp games it doesn't make a difference whether you are running 64 bit or 32 bit...I guess it must be the installer?
  13. This is gonna be awesome when it is finished (but obviously your schooling should be top priority, not trying to play mommy but just saying) And you don't mind what I create? Like you REALLY dont mind??? (AT ALL?) I won't do anything obscene or offensive, but it may be completely random. And so far it does look good, other than the fact that the "bars" that display engine type kinda clashes a lil bit with the rest of the site (however it is just looks and doesn't affect functionality) AND technically the changing Icon's tutorial should probably non-engine specific since it would work for any .exe file....which again is a non-issue. Otherwise, looking good so far :alright: now back to your school work :P
  14. It would be pretty easy, however it would involve making the level required constants in a module or make them accessible from within the scene itself. If you need it I can do it, if not I am sure descendant will have an answer when he is online again :)
  15. It works fine on linux? With or without a windows emulator?
  16. Thank you for correcting me! I figured I wasn't exactly right (because laws vary so much per state) although I am kinda surprised it's illegal in utah...Imagine getting caught having a little wank to some porn and getting arrested... "Hey man what are you in for?" "I got caught smuggling some cocaine. What about you?" "I was beating off to illegal porn." I mean I hope the law isn't that harsh but that would be a funny situation, no? EDIT: I bet google is on this page atm, because of the number of people who are googling 'porn' at this very second :)
  17. Weird, I never had to do any funny to get RMXP on my windows 7...Thankfully though, as I would've been quite irritated. EDIT: LOLL that must be some crazy nostalgia! I never even thought to include 95 in the mix. I guess vista technically would be better than 95, but at least 95 would provide nostalgia whereas vista just pisses me off ahha
  18. :o Maybe it's an actual cat that learned how to use the internets and pc from their owner!!!!
  19. Yes agreed. While I know EXACTLY why you are reluctant to switching from XP, Windows 7 imo, is essentially a WORKING version of vista. I don't know where Microsoft went wrong there (maybe it has something to do with releasing an OS before it's actually finished?) but now that I have gone 7, I can't go back to XP. Although I would suggest never getting Vista. I hated that POS. And although win7 is definitely more resource heavy than XP, as long as you get some decent specs it is a non-issue. I guess personal preference, but after going from Windows XP to vista back to XP to 7, I definitely LOVE 7 (well, as much as you can really love anything created by microsoft :sweatdrop: ) So basically Vista<Windows XP<Windows 7. EDIT: actually its more like Vista<Windows 2000<Windows XP<Windows 7 just to emphasize how much I despise vista.
  20. Hmm well from what I gather is that the game isn't being registered correctly in the registry...i could be wrong. But either way I don't think we'd be able to fix it on our side XD
  21. Yea essentially that's what I mean... like how Leon did with his class, except perhaps there could be a sample version for if people get stuck...Like they obviously don't have to do it, but will help reinforce the knowledge. So like a script they are asked to write or an event to make...I guess it would really only work with eventing/scripting, since with mapping, a lot of it is very subjective..I mean most people know a great map when they see one; but It would be kind of difficult to be like "make an awesome cave map" it won't really make a difference...but maybe if any great mappers wanted to provide examples, that could make more sense and perhaps be the reference...kinda like "here's an example of how a cave should be: notice it is very random and sporadically formed but not too irregular. it is filled with various rubble bla bla bla" or something... I dunno, the finished product would need refining and made more effective, but I definitely like your idea of integrating it with the forums, then people can post questions or issues and ANYone with the answer can reply. Makes much more sense that way.
  22. Yup I actually did release a synthesis script :) http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6729-item-crafting-scriptrmxp/ Check it out, and tell me if that's pretty much what you were looking for, if not I can tweak it easily to fit your requirements It works using recipes, so if you are going to be using recipes this will work perfectly. If not I could probably tweak it to work otherwise. And if you send me the item ID #'s that create other thing (and whether it is armor or a weapon) and what they create. If you want to use recipes, send me the ID of the recipe as well. so basically send me Recipe ID (if using recipe), ID's, types, and quantity of ingredients, and the resulted product; I can easily create the module, so that all your recipes will work. And like I said if you need anything reworked I could easily do this. But yea if you just need help from time to time and aren't too hard pressed on time then I could definitely help you with the scripts...just I don't want to promise anyone something that I may not be able to get done on time.
  23. I knew something was fishy....damn I was going for a punny but that didn't work. Cats like fish? nope nope pun fail right there.
  24. Jeez, I was hoping to find some great porn links! Ahaha j/k But I watch porn occasionally, and do not think there is anything wrong with it. I know there is mush debate with younger people learning from it making it wrong, and a lot of people (not specifically here) feel porn is degrading to women blah blah. But 1 all porn starts chose to be a porn star. Whether for money or because they wanted to, they chose to. And on the other hand (although it obviously can't nor will be controlled effectively) technically, you need to be over 18 (Canada) or 21 (US) to watch porn (I could be wrong, I do know canada is 18) so in that sense, just as Kage Kazumi says, it isn't porn's fault it is the parent's fault younger people are learning incorrectly about sex and what not. And to be fair as well, it necessarily isn't the younger people not being taught correctly either. For example, in my case, I smoke, do drugs, drink, have unprotected sex, etc. But it isn't because I don't know those things are dangerous. I'd be flat out lying if I said I didn't know. I know exactly what risks I take, what the consequences may be. But i ignore them, on the philosophy that I only live once (well maybe not, but nothing is certain) and life is too short to NOT do what you want. I refuse to follow some set of socio-political standards, that in the end mean nothing. Yes, I still have morals and ethics, but when it comes to what I choose to do to myself, I think a major issue with our supposed freedom is with the government trying to control what we can and can't do to our own bodies. Sorry got a little off-topic, but no, porn is not immoral, and should not be prohibited. Nothing good comes out of prohibition. Those who support prohibition, support organized crime. And I do enjoy some good porn every once and a while, while I also enjoy sometimes watching REALLY fucked up or ridiculous porn...but not for getting off (I swear :o) But if you wanna see something really funny, google brazilian fart porn. just saying. (NSFW, and I hope I am allowed to mention this, for those of you who have a similar sense of humour will not be disappointed) EDIT: Congrats on the A RK :D ALSO WHATEVER YOU GUYS DO; DO NOT LOOK UP OCTOPUS GIRL, I REPEAT DO NOT VISIT (link removed) JUST DON'T DO IT (unless you can handle shocker sites, then you should do it) BUT DO NOT VISIT IT. SRSLY.
  25. Haha sorry joman I never saw that you had posted here but it sounds like you got it all straightened which is good :) thanks pol!
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