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Everything posted by Kevin.ds

  1. Sup bob , I really like the story for this game and Iam looking forward to seeing more of it :D btw I was bored and made this in like 10min
  2. I evented my step sound thingie by making use of terrain tags , if you would like to know how let me know.
  3. Another new video showing a new cutscene =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzgA4LTCu_A
  4. Me playing the beta of the best looking rpg vx game iv ever seen -

    1. rgangsta


      :D yours looks way better. :P

    2. Kevin.ds


      not by a long shot lol

  5. EPICNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you don't mind i took the liberty to record / uppload me playing your awesome game and here is the first part still recording :D ps: ( if you want me to remove the video /'s let me know ) :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Awesomeness to 100% that's what this game is !! keep up the good work !!
  6. I have to say iv been skeptic to this whole "new forum thing" since i love it the way it is , but when i saw this it made me change my mind completly i vote 5x yes for that theme right there :alright:
  7. after listening to the intro song from "RAGE" it gave me an awesome intro idea for my game !

    1. Kiriashi


      I wish I had money so bad.

  8. found this awesome script that makes use of diffrent particles , freakin awesome ! just check out this mist i was able to do with it http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/4010/dasdasdasd.png

    1. Bob423


      looks great :)

    2. Kevin.ds


      yea to bad it laggs like hell :P

  9. I know what you mean about the text , but in game you can read it clearly so there is no need to change the color :P , and thanks for the feedback. Cant say its coming along that good atm though haha been very busy lately =(
  10. new video =) WITH sound :drool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ios1QvSBn2s
  11. Homework in swedish politics... HATE IT!!! ( not at all intressted in politics wich explains my frustration )

    1. Dragon324


      Good Luck :D, I'm having fun with Organized Crime class

  12. I appriciate every help i can get =)
  13. almost time for a demo .. I think

  14. sure np , i just need to know how they lvl up
  15. :rofl: cutest thing ever
  16. Hmm i am pretty sure this could be done with a common event. With conditional braches that changes the spell to another when it levels. I could try to make it for you if you tell me how you want the spell to level up
  17. Hey kyle glad to have you here ! :clap:
  18. well when i was 7 i played final fantasy 7 for the first time (And loved it / understood it) and now 13 years later iam still skinny as a stick and love video gaming. Although maybe spending TO much time in front of the tv or pc isn't that great but I loved it then and I still do. So my thoughts on it is , Let him play ! :D ( he will tire eventually and spend more time with friends ) :jay:
  19. Maybe not what you had in mind but ,hope you like it. ps: In case you don't like it or simply wanted something else , let me know how you do want it and ill make something else :alright:
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