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Everything posted by Kevin.ds

  1. lol my mom wants to send me to new zealand =(

    1. Marked


      its my bedroom *winks at kevin*, but maybe it would be an office block if you posted more :>

    2. Kiriashi


      What about the U.S branch?

    3. Kevin.ds


      lol :P i have a bunch of relatives over there that iv never even met , so the thought of being sent over there to live with a bunch of strangers didnt sound that tempting. Although i like nz , iv only been there once though :D and if i ever go there ill be sure to look you up marked =)

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  2. Update: showing 2 new videos , 1: a little bike mini-game iam working on and the second just showing the main title screen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=679fYoeSimk&feature=channel_video_title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_1VhrgLcEw&feature=channel_video_title
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=679fYoeSimk (My little bike mini game, not finnished yet but this is how it will look like)
    1. Kevin.ds


      @bob it's the cursor lol :P

      @pol Thanks :D

    2. Bob423


      no, the thing covering part of the menu

    3. Kevin.ds


      ah , lol that was a misplaced shadow :P its all good now :D

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  4. looks good , exept for the little hill :P looks a little wierd thats all :D but overall very nice =)
  5. Looking for an expiranced photoshop person to help me make a menu layout :P

    1. ShinyToyGuns


      PM me the details and I'll see what I can do

  6. glad ur feeling better =) and as for the project , sounds intressting can't wait to see more of it :D
  7. Lol that's not even my map :P i just used it when taking screenshots for the characters
  8. Scripted :P it's "Ar tonelico battle system by Kread-EX" and slightly modified by me
  9. Katekyo:Hitman reborn !! one of the best anime's iv ever watched
  10. Update:2 short videos , 1 showing a skill in progress and 1 showing a short cutscene with little gameplay enjoy --Cutscene-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF5dEFRpHO4 --Skill-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBDRaL1qUwE
  11. Epic 30 hit skill for my game [slightly overpowered atm :P] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBDRaL1qUwE

    1. joman195


      I think it would be a good last skill if the damaged was nerfed alot.

  12. welcome Robin ! Iam sure you will like it here , let us know if there is anything we can do for you =) Can't wait to see some of your work
    1. Polraudio


      wish there was an english version :(

    2. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      Why do I the eerie feeling that whoever made that was thinking about Rebirth, the manwha(aka the insperation for my Rebirth game, which I no longer have...)

      Ha it even has vampire, so does the manwha

    3. kellessdee


      is this rpg maker O.o Battles have too much panning, makes me kinda sea sick...BUT I REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY DID THE LIGHTING SYSTEM ;__;

  13. update: Battle system intoduced [in the "SYSTEM" part] Video
  14. I'll be happy to help =) I am on pretty much all the time :P. Iam pretty good with everything exept spriting so let me know what I can do :alright:
  15. surprisingly not that much .. as i usually have lol
  16. if iam not misstaken , i think i saw marked mention that the "mods" that had not been online for a long time got the title
  17. why arent you in chat? explain yourself!

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