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Everything posted by forcebreaker

  1. Yay!!! Just a few more days till im 22! And i start my job tomarrow!!! this is a good month!!!

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Nice man, cheers! Live it up!

  2. Is there a script so i can make Gun weapons that require ammo to use, for vx ace? I can tfind one. Ok, i finally found a script that i think would work great, but for some reason my computer cant read it.....like i need a program to read after downloading it....any ideas?
  3. Well....probably i would go, but not becuz i wanted to....and id probably be haveing a nervous breakdown all the way to the battle feild. (sigh)...i dont handle conflict well, but i like to hope id be able to pull my weight.
  4. ...Why is my internet conection so stupid?

    1. Bob423


      because internet connections are stupid

  5. Vx ace, I tried exporting it and importing in multiple times without changing anything and it still says eight across.
  6. Wow....so i guess the web wasint around when i was born, by the way im reading this anyway.
  7. forcebreaker

    Weird Frames...

    Can sombody tell me why this file is three frames when i exsported it but when i import it back into my game it says its eight frames across... how do i fix it?
  8. @ Jon Bon - As always, thank you for your input. The color "Blue" is very important in my story, as you might have guessed. Im useing it to relay the emotions of sadness, guilt, and fear, all of which i believe have to do with Judgement. Of course blue can mean other, less somber, things but this is the way ive chosen to use it. Im glad you liked the "sixth sence" thing. I Honestly dont remeber how i came up with it, cept just hours of brain storming. Well, im definitely not going to give up on it yet. So, you really dont mind discussing some of the parts im have trouble fleshing out? I can never have to many people to bounce ideas off of. Anyway, thanks again. Ill keep it updated.
  9. Ok...well, i havent been working on my story as much as id like to. What with my finaly finding a real job, ive been haveing trouble prioritizing what i should be spending my time doing (besides getting everything sorted out with my new job, which by the way they said i should be starting sometime next week!! ) Anyway, heres some characters ive worked on, these arnt nearly all the characters which will appear in the game/story, just the ones im done with as of right now. Also, just FYI, dispite what it may seem, this is a Sience Fiction type story. So...here ya go, tell me what ya think. Characters______________________ Simon Carders- The Dead Man Walking/ Protagonist Time Line- Future, Day of the Blue Judgment Age: 28 Height: 6.9 Weight: 189 lbs Bio: Not much to say yet.... He woke up in a dark alley with no memory of who he was or how he had gotten there. All he knows is that what ever happened, he had been mortally wounded, and only has five minutes left to live and to find out the truth about Mayhark City and who he really is. Fortunately, with the ability to manipulate time which “The Laundry Man” gave him, he is able to make his last five minutes stretch to five days. Further Information: He is dying from three bullet wounds to the chest and abdomen....but the bullets were fired from his gun, and didn’t actually enter his body till several minutes later after they were fired.... Wendy Jander- The “Gifted” Child Time Line- Future, Post Blue Judgement Age: 10 Height: 4.6 Weight: 76 lbs. Bio: Her mother died and was confirmed dead when she was very young, and despite this she insists that her mother is still alive, and will one day come to take her away. The where abouts of her father are unknown, but she claims he also is still alive. When ever the sisters at the orphanage asked how she was so sure, she always said “…I just feel them.” Her apparent sixth sense only became stronger after she turned four. She found she could look into a persons heart and interpret their true intentions. Many were shrouded in a “blue aura” which she called “Guilt”, it made her feel alone and afraid. Soon after, word of her strange powers reached lofty ears, and men covered in the blue aura came and took her far away to an island city. Mayhark, the city of the blue light. Further Information: On the day she first set foot in Mayhark city, she met a man named Serdian. The man kindly welcomed her with an out stretched hand. Timidly, she offered her hand also. And the moment his cold skin connected with hers, a flash of fear washed over her. Fearfully she looked, but only for a brief second, into the cold dark blue shroud that surrounded his heart. He looked like a man, but on the inside he was entirely something else. Lead Raven- The Nightmare of Mayhark Time Line- Present/Future, Post and Day of the Blue Judgement Age: ?? Height: Those who have seen him and lived claim he is definitely 6 feet at least Weight: ?? Bio: Since 2013, a notorious gang called the Raven Hoods has risen from the streets of Mayhark, and is responsible for many deaths and felonies. At the center of the gangs activities is a vile hateful man known only as Lead Raven, who is believed to be the gang leader. His true identity is well hidden, and some investigators question if Lead Raven is truly one person or even really exists at all. Many believe he was merely an invention of the gang to cause fear, an urban legend that keeps children awake at night. Further Information: The Laundry Man claims that the key to discovering who killed Simon, and stopping the city wide gang war in the future, lies in uncovering the true identity of Lead Raven. Really sorry about that, hope thats better.
  10. Ok, ive got a question for those informed enough to answer. Is metaphysics a science? I looked it up, but from what i can tell just from the little bit ive researched, its sort of a gray area with science....

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Meta is a prefix in English that means a concept that is in abstract to another concept. Abstract is way to hard for me to explain in this limited characters. But kell is right it's more a philosophy or observation on what is real, which is not science. Science is fact based on repeat methodical process which is peer reviewed for fact. Meta stuff can lead to scientific discovery, like any other train of thought.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      But something isn't science until you can repeat it without fail.

    3. forcebreaker


      Oh, ok. Well maybe its not such a big problem then. Thanks again.

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  11. O-mi-gosh!!! I made the simple side veiw battle script work!!! my first sucsessful script!....sadly...it was a bit two simple for what im wanting.

  12. Does it matter if thier frankenstined....? Cuz thats about all i can do well..
  13. AHHHHHH!!! CANT DOWNLOAD!!! ....stupid filter...
  14. Could some body help me by makeing me some down sprites of this character? I "NEED" one of him laying on his back, spread eagle like. But one of him laying face down would be nice too. Just thought id ask. This is for a game ive desided to make called DeathPoint. Its got to do with my story im writeing. Anyway, as always, thanks. ....maybe a down sprite template...?
  15. i dont really care much for Xbox....but, i like Minecraft.....so im gonna buy an xbox just so i can play minecraft on it....NOT!!!!

    1. Bigace360


      I was going to say. That would of been the dumbest shit I've heard of if you did.

    2. forcebreaker


      LOL! Im not that stupid, fortunately.

  16. Could somebody please put me on the right path to learning how to script, PLZ? I at least want to learn what all the symbols like "$" do and how to use them. Ive looked for tutorials but i cant find one. Any and all help will be appriciated.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Yeah I thought about poppy seed, but my only reference for it is Seinfeld lol. I am not entirely certain if the trace amounts in the seed register in this day and age, ot if that was an 'old wives tale' plot on the show.

    2. isaacsol


      I think one or two poppy seed cakes or bagels can allow you to test positive.

    3. kellessdee


      Yes, you are right isaac. Drug tests work by testing for certain metabolites in your body (through urine/blood/hair). Since opium comes naturally from poppy seeds, after eating the seeds the same metabolites will show up in your system, resulting in false positive for opiate-type drugs. Nowadays, doctors are more educated and try to tell people not to eat/use certain things prior to a drug test, but who knows. Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) can cause false-positives for cannabis use.

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  18. If a young Elephant grows up, being chained to a post, and does not have the strength to break free from it.....When it grows up it still believes it cant, even though its body is much stronger now then it was then. It gives in to the slightest pull of resistance on the chain. Im not sure where, but somewhere in the world thats how they train elephants. You might argue that there is a big difference between elephants and humans, but my point is that for some people, the habbits and addictions are so deeply woven into who they are, for so long, they believe they need a strength more then themselves or human ability. I believe the Lord, and that he can help those people. But i also believe that even if you do believe in God, and/or go to the AA meetings, but dont really want it, to develop the disapline and self control needed to overcome that chain, then you cant exspect to become free of it....thats just common sence. Well...so....thats my two cents.
  19. DUDE!!! I will give this a try! So, you made this? EDIT: AWWWW SNAP!! >:( Sorry, nevermind, i cant, the stupid filter on my computer blocks me. Is thier another link?
  20. LOL, i just cant get into it anymore. Building stuffs fun....but i usually need something to have a story to get into it. Also, I figure i could be putting exstra effort into my story im writeing with the time id be playing minecraft. Ive got an interveiw tomarrow anyway, so if i get the job, i wouldent have much time to play that anyway.

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    2. Ecowolfsteen
    3. forcebreaker


      Well, i know when my sis worked there, she always told me some of her co-workers were mean to her. And she was pregnant at the time O.O

    4. Bob423


      haha, well good luck :P

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  22. THATS IT!!! I quit minecraft.
  23. Ok, ill just do that then. Thanks Ace.
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