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Everything posted by forcebreaker

  1. ....rm2k3 was my first rpg maker.....illegaly of course.....it would be nice to own it legit. But...its been said already...what can it do that XP or VXACE, can not? The only thing i can think of is the easier side veiw battal system (i may be wrong about it being easier, ive never tried to make one in the other systems, with scripts), but even that was a little annoying to me. Anyway, just to have it in legal english, i think i would vote just the same. Then again....for me it would also depend on how much it will cost. I wouldent pay over $25 for that, no matter what.
  2. OHHHHHHH, ok. I think i get it know. Parallax maps sure look ALOT more accommodating when it comes to creativity.....i didint know you could do that. So you need a script for it to work though, right?
  3. Could someone kindly exsplain to me what "parallax Mapping" is?
  4. HA! Thank you jon bon, i finally got it!
  5. I shall try it sometime. I think it would be worth it.
  6. OOOOHHH.....ok, i get it now. ^.^ Thank you!!!
  7. yeah, i dont know if VXA tiles can get any bigger than 32x32......it would take some really creative thinking to make a sprite twice as big work with 32x32 tiles.
  8. THAT IS PERFECT!....but, how did you do that. You couldent have just pasted it over the sprite cuz then it would have just coverd it, eraseing the sprite. What program did you use, Photo Shop?
  9. Yeah, i think i see what you mean now about the "boxyness". But i still like VXA, its been pretty easy to use, im a novice anyway, and VXA offers the ability to make (or edit) your own resources, which is all really wanted anyway. I dont know....i just had a hard time with XP.
  10. Well....im pretty sure you could use the XP sprites in VXA....i dont see any reason why you cant, it can suport an image of that size. Also, i agree....it is really annoying how you cant put Whats on "b" on "C".....but i think ive fixed that by useing an event. Like if i want to put a cup on a table, and the way the tiles sets are set up wont let me, what i do is just use an event. :) .....
  11. Does anybody know if theres a way in gimp or another image editing program to, like say, make a image of a crystal so you can place a sprite inside. Sort of like in the image i attached. Ive been messing around with gimp, trying to figgure out an easy way to do it (if there is one). Anyway, thanks. Hope thats not too confuseing.
  12. -_- Hmm....perhaps we are. But no matter, i still like VXace and all its boxy-ness, and chibi sprits ^.^ ....
  13. ...Both...pretty much look "boxy" to me....

    1. Marked


      'thx god, i owe u 1 lol' - forcebreaker

  15. @bigace- Oh? How is the mapping differint? I dont see anything.
  16. Well..."I" think its just Perfect for "me". :P (lol)

  18. COOL! I like them alot! This guy named Malick is the one who made um right, thats who i credit?
  19. Anybody know of any indepth tile set creation tutorials for VX/VXA? Posibly for use with gimp :) ? I wanna try makeing my own custom tileset, but im not very good at making things appear "shiney" for example.
  20. Alright yall! Any body know a safe and easy way to make your computer faster? I like to play minecraft (its my shameful addiction) and its gotten slow for some reason, and i cant get it to speed up. But i dont want to break my computer, so nothing that involves over clocking, plz. Thank you :->

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      You said, it that "it's gotten slower"? does that imply it was an acceptable speed at one point? If so than that means there may be something you can do to improve speed quality. You need to figure out when and why it slowed down if so, and then determine if you can eliminate that factor from the equation.

    2. Marked


      If you need feedback for anything, you need to make a topic. States are for your personal comments and quick & easy advertising.

    3. forcebreaker


      Sure thing marked, ill make a topic from now on :)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. Ummmmm.....i had a little incident. I had to delete my RMVXA from my computer.....has anyone ever had to uninstall there RM before? Can you download it again for free....? Or do you (gulp) have to pay again?

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I am failry certain you just use your activation code again, same as the first time. They should have emailed it to you with a purchase confirmation number.

  22. @bigace- lol, im not smokeing anything. Also.....i really dont know what i was thinking when i stated that. Reading it now, i feel kinda silly. But stilI, I kinda like apple, particularly my Ipod touch, and the games i can play on it....TO A POINT. For everything else, i like my shiny new toshiba :) . Suits me just fine.
  23. Can sombody hook me up with a good modern city tileset? Actually....i dont guess it has to be a "dark" city....i think i can manage to tweek it myself. But anyway, plz help. If you can, plz also provide me with the proper credits so i dont end up copy righting. :) thanks.
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