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Everything posted by forcebreaker

  1. I already know that if you use resources you didint make in makeing a game that you should give proper credit to those people....but, like, what if your makeing a remake of a resident evil game. Do you have to show all the people involved in the production of the original game in the credits or can you just credit capcom and it be just as good? Ive worked on and off on a resident evil remake, just for fun, and i was just wondering if im going to have to do some searching for a list of the original creators names, for when ive finished it.
  2. hmmm....Do you think that FF14 would work with game fly?...Cuz its an mmorpg. Ill look into it, but im not sure how it would. Thank yous to all.
  3. .....well, thanks anyway. And i didint mean to offend by saying the game sucked, thats just the impression i got from the reviews i read. Ive never played a mmo before, and i just didint want to spend money on a subscription to play a game that wasnt any fun. Any who, looks like i dont need to worry about that though. I did what you said and went to system requirements and found out that i can NOT! run FF 14 on my present graphics card.... thats the only "minimum" requirement im missing right now, but even then im no where near the recomended requirements. On the plus side, my computers top notch to play Sim 3....if i was into that.
  4. Im thinking about getting Final Fantasy 14.....has anybody played it? Is it worth it? Cuz ive read, back when it first came out, that it "SUCKED"! But since then, squares changed the staff and updated the game. So is it any better? I dont want to waste my money if its not. Im not even sure yet if my computer can handle it, might not have a good enough processor, which is Intel Pentium CPU B960 @ 2.20 GHz.
  5. Ok! WHAT THE HECK IS UP!!!??? Ive tried twice to reply to a post and every time i get half way through a word, something weird happens and my message ends up getting sent!!! And before i notice it ive got a buch of jiberish posted several times!!! What the HECK!!!

    1. kellessdee
    2. kellessdee


      or, do you have a cat? My cat likes to jump on my keyboard while I'm trying to type and inputs a bunch of gibberish

    3. Polraudio


      If you ever need to remove a post you didnt mean to make just report it and we will take care of it.

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  6. Oh cool, thanks for the link isaacsol.
  7. ehhhhhhh....well, that would be really hard....im a story teller at heart. I play minecraft alot, and i like thebuilding aspect of it. I mean, that what its about in the first place, right. But havent you ever looked at an Enderman and wonderd..."weird, i wonder how that thing came to be?" ? Anyway, i just thought makeing a minecraft fan game, and exspounding on the things within the minecraft world which are left for mystery, would be fun. So, Lets say should i make the game, how would i include the abbility to build things? Cuz i cant think for the life of me how i'de do that. Now, about the "Child". Steve is the child. See, if you have ever beaten the ender dragon, after you enter the homeward portal, you are treated with a "SERIOULY" creepy and confuseing monologue.....The (what i can interpret as two characters) start talking about you, and your adventure and at a few parts claim that you are asleep, and must wake up. Thats really the only story within the game i can find. Anyway, moveing on. So, in the plot line of my story idea, Steve has fallen asleep and appeard in the minecraft world. But the truth is he is actually in a coma. He was put into this state becuase of an acident that he was involved in the real world. The acident in question was something involveing a bully or a rival who he was afraid of. And the voice he hears at the begining is the voice of his mother, begging him to wake up. When Steve fell into his coma, in his subconcious, he did so to reatreat from a force that presented an over welming oposition for him. However the Ender Dragon, which manifested this fear he had of the "Bully", came into the world. The only way he can "Wake up" is to journey to Ender, and face his fear. But the true antagonists of the story are the Aethens. See, they dont want Steve to wake up, becuase the moment he does, the world will disappear. The truth is, the Aethens seald the dragon away to keep the Steve from getting to it. Oh, and im sure you already got this, but i just wanted to say it more plainly. The Enderman, are the Aethens.
  8. . well, i was thinking something along the lines of what the minecraft world already implys. Your character Named "Steve" has "fallen into a strange sleep". He's a young man, maybe 13 to 17 years of age. As for the mythology in the fan game....well...here it is. Once apon a time there was a shineing land that resided in the heart of a child. The Land was buildt with the childs own imagination, and was enhabited by people and creatures of verying shapes and sizes. The Eldest and and most powerful of these people were the Aethens, beings made of pure light and knowleage. With thier power, they assured the ballance of the world was undesturbed. And so, for what seemed like thousands of years, the Land was rich with pressious ores, and dungeons full of danger and adventure. Good always triumphed over evil.... ...Until one day.... Suddenly out of nowhere, a shadow from within the very heart of that child appeard like a ravenous, roaring dragon. It swooped down from the air and ravaged the Land, spreading fear throughout. Finally the dragons onslaught reached The Aether, the home world of the Aethens. The battle raged on for days, but in the end not even all the Athens power could slay the evil Dragon. But at the most hopeless moment, with the last of their power, with the very light of their essence, they sealed it far away, in another dimension know as Ender. Peace atlast returned to the Land, though no one ever heard from the Aethens again. Although, everyonce in awhile, in a dark corner, one may occasionally see a dark slinder figure, similar to that of the Aethens...but dont look it in the eyes. Years latter, A young man named Steve awakes to the sound of an urgent but distant voice. "Wake up....Oh please, wake up!", the voice said. The young mans eyes open slowly to the light of the Shineing Land....and the adventure begins. LOL, i hope that'll tide you over for now. Its a little sloppy right now, but with a little help, it could be awesome!!!! TTYL
  9. I like class systems!!! Ogre Battle 64 and FF5 are two that i think did it right. However, i do like the other one where i can compleatly customize my characters, better.
  10. Im thinking about makeing a minecraft RPG fan game. Do any of you know if it Is posible to use the sounds and music from the MC jar file in the RPG VXACE engine?
  11. ....ok...so, noob that i am. Whats "Indie" game development?......is that suposed to be independant game development.

    1. Bigace360


      It's a game engine like RPG Maker

    2. forcebreaker


      oh, ill check that out then.

    3. Marked


      Its basically like independent game development. Or should I say its game development not done by a company? (someone may correct me here). While you see it in that staff topic, it won't be used along with GDU.

  12. Huh? Ive got a game pad around here somewhere, maybe ill try it out on my game. Just didint think about it, its kind of an old one.
  13. Ive wanted something like this too. Id like to make games that people dont have to play useing the arrow keys and such.

    1. Bob423


      oh i get it, your avatar's colors are inverted

    2. forcebreaker


      LOL, yeah. Ive been looking at my avartar pic for a while and thinking, "man, I that lion would look cool with the colors inverted." So i finally did it.

    3. Bob423
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    1. Bob423
    2. forcebreaker


      Thier ripping me off is what thier doing! Ive only had this internet for three months now, i payed the first month and the instalation fee, then last months, and "THIS" months thier chargeing me for TWO, and they even have the nerve to threaten to report me if i dont pay!!! D-:{ They are not going to screw me like this "AGAIN"!

  16. LOL, thank you JonBon for your input. I havent forgot to include women, and also many of the "criminals" arnt necessarily bad people, and are reformed. Just normal people who made a few mistakes in the past and are wanting a new start for them selves and thier children. They merely have a history of criminal activity, which range from vandalism, arson, to more extream cases like drug dealing, and varying degrees Manslaughter. But....there are still those who are not actually reformed, and were also invited. Now, when i get the time and the energy to write down an organized summery of the story as i have it in my head (which is pretty unorganized), ill post it here. Sorry for not giveing enough information. Thanks also to you Moonpearl, and Heretic.
  17. @ Moonearl- Yeah, your right....ill just have to find some time give more details...
  18. I think it would be cool if somebody made a fan rpg of minecraft. The graphics would'nt be hard to make, and theres so little back story in the actual game (stuff like how "you" the player got to the world in minecraft, and what all the mines and fortreses were about) you could really take alot of creative privleges. Id love to work on soem graphics for it. Might even try to make start making a fan based one sometime. What do yall think? PS- I messed up on the tital...so sorry.
  19. i have an idea for a story which i may or may not use in a game, but there is a part im haveing trouble working out. The story takes place (in modern day earth) on a fictional island in the middle of the atlantic ocean where a city had recently been built, and thus is curently scarcely populated. The builders want to poulate the city, so they offer sertain select individuals an invitation to this city where they will have garenteed Career advancemet, houseing, and basically a new start in life. Now, im sure there are several problems with this setting, but the one im focusing on is this. In the story, one of the main characters discovers (well into the story) that many (infact, most) of the people of invited to the island have a criminal history, and the only inhabitants who dont are young children and a handful of women. I know that this is kinda weird, but trust me, there's a shadowy reason in the plot, as to why these people where invited to the island. My question is, if such a large amassment of ex-criminals where to congregate to one area like they do in my story, logically, wouldent somebody notice that right away, think it suspicious and try to stop it?..... Anyway, just tell me what you think. I didint want to say to much about the plot yet, but if anything isint clear enough just ask me to clearify. And please be nice....im haveing writers block
  20. I want to ask a question about an idea i have for a story. Where would i post that....cuz im not sure.

    1. Marked


      "Game Development General Discussion" - I've been working on a little restructure. It could also go in stories and literature, but that's more of a showcase.

  21. IM WATCHING E3!!!! PAPER MARIO 3DS!!!!!!!

  22. @ Jon Bon - Ok, i aint promiseing anything yet, but ill look around and posibly try to make something, and then ill pass it to you to see if you think it'll work. Im getting better at makeing graphics :)
  23. Ok, ive figgured out how to give an eqipable item "Ability sets", and "abilitys". But how do you make it to where the character your equiping it to can only use the abilitys appropriate for thier level? Like for example, The Bracelet equipable item adds The Heal ability set which contains Cure at LV1, Esuna at LV2, Poisona at LV 3, but the character is only at level 1 so he can only use Cure. Is it posible to do that in Vx Ace? Anybody know how?
  24. OMGosh!!!!!!! OH SOB, OH CRY!!!! I DROPED MY 3DS ON THE GRAVLE!!!!!.......oh good, it still works. For a moment there, i felt deep scathing wound in my debit card.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Wrist strap?

    2. forcebreaker


      nope.....front shirt pocket, while trying to kill a spider on the ground and get out of the car at the same time. O.o

    3. Bigace360


      People are too clumsy with their tech. I see broken Iphones and tables all over the place. That is why I buy cases.

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